Flat movie, everything happened so fast, i mean started all from one phone call. Didn't enjoy it, full of cliches and weak plot and on some parts it was just idiotic

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The first one was better but honestly Cobie Smulders made this movie better and gave it some depth. I really liked her role in the movie. Perfect type of entertaining action with little to no thought needed for comprehension. Simple and Entertaining.

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Shoulda been called Jack Reacher: Never go back on my watchlist again

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So...what to say about this one...

Ok...first of all...Tom Cruise seems old and tired these days. My not so solid prediction is that we won't see Tom Cruise in these kinds of all out action roles very much longer. This fact also shines through in the movie. There's something stiff about the whole act. He once again does a passable Jack Reacher, though...he's not the best actor in this one. Cobie Smulders really impressed me and has now shown she has what it takes to shine with the best.

The movie in itself is not the best. The story is somewhat incoherent, and there is something lost between the book and the movie. The action and twists are good, but oh so predictable. I was actually somewhat bored in some places. Not a good thing for an action thriller...

JR: Never Go Back is not as good as the first one, but passable as an evenings entertainment.

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I see lot of people call this boring because they are used to usual fight - shoot - drive like maniac types of action movies. But I quite enjoyed this one as it didn't have so much fighting and shooting just for fun of it, so it felt more about story.

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Good movie. I liked the first one more, but this one is pretty good. Gave it a solid 7 out of 10.

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Shout by Jaybee289
BlockedParent2022-11-19T12:25:53Z— updated 2022-11-21T09:46:30Z

If you can separate this from the jack reacher book expectations, this is an enjoyable action-packed popcorn film.

7/10 - Good film, one that I'll happily watch again

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This is another solid Tom Cruise action movie. Cobie Smulders is a nice addition and most of the time it seemed like her Major Turner was in charge and Reacher was the muscle/meat. The addition of a 15-year old girl to the story added emotional impact, especially after her relationship with Reacher had been established. Honestly though, having to see a rebellious 15-year old was a negative overall. Watching a cocky teenager who thinks she knows everything is not entertaining. I found it refreshing to see respect given to Military service and its disciplines.

The primary baddie known simply as "The Hunter" was written as an extremely ruthless character but lacked convincing reasons as to why he seems to want to kill everybody. He doesn't seem to show any loyalty to his employer and doesn't have sufficient backstory to justify his hatred for everyone.

The character of Jack Reacher is small time compared to Cruise's other action hero icon, Ethan Hunt. The Reacher flicks don't carry the big event tag like the Mission Impossible series does.

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8.5/10 - I really enjoyed this one, much more than I expected :) I cannot believe that I didn't watch/notice this earlier.

It was a nice mix of action, badass moments, a bit of fun, and some quite heartwarming moments. The ending could've been a bit sweeter but then again it was at least more realistic that way :D

It's not a perfect movie but it was very enjoyable for what it is.

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Nothing new here, but typical Reacher fun. Don't go in expecting anything groundbreaking. It's a pretty decent action flick. Worth a watch.

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full of cliches, weak plot and it was just idiotic with Tom Cruise God mod activated

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Not an improvement on the original. Actually it is quite inferior.

The smartness of the first is all gone. He's not really solving a crime here, it's more that he's trying to compete against his nemesis clone. And he's suddenly not as smart as he was in the first - by a long way.

The problem is the dynamic between the cast. It is mure humorous but that's at the cost of the sharpness of the action and plot.

The supporting cast do well. Its just nowhere near as tense as the first.

If the first one didn't exist, this is okay and on par with his Mummy film. But in light of the original, it's a poor follow up.


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Found myself watching Tom Cruise watching a girl while he was being watched by somebody else. Tense! :D

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2012 adaptation was better. This one is bad 2/3.

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Tom Cruise returns in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, an action-packed crime thriller. Based on Lee Child’s bestselling novel, the story follows former Army investigator Jack Reacher as he stumbles upon a plot to frame a contact of his for murder and espionage. Cobie Smulder co-stars and delivers a strong performance, and Robert Knepper makes for a captivating villain (as usual). Additionally, the fight choreography is especially good, providing a number of really intense action scenes. But the story is a little convoluted and clichéd at times. Also, Reacher isn’t that sympathetic a character. Yet while it has its problems and is kind of generic, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is an incredibly exciting and entertaining action film.

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I only have one Jack Reacher novel on my bookshelf and its this one. I can only hope the book is better because this movie 'franchise' has quickly become tired after the decent first film. Perhaps they should have chosen another book to adapt, or maybe they should never have gone back at all.

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The biggest problem with this movie was that it was no longer believeable. Cruise is supposed to be the big, bad spy who is better than everyone but he just doesn't seem quite as uo to the task anymore. The fighting was also overly dramatic and unrealistic. At one point he breaks the guys leg, you even hear the snap, yet the guy just gets back up and keeps fighting. And above all of that, the character just wasn't very likeable. In all the down time he was pretty much a chauvinist jerk, a bit creepy with how he kept calling a girl that is more than half his age.

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This entertaining, but is inferior in style to the first and the teenager is a pain in the ass. The bad was interesting

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A suitably entertaining sequel, even if it is a downgrade on the very good original.

'Jack Reacher: Never Go Back' sees a whole new cast, with one obvious exception, and that does affect my enjoyment - not a fan of major cast changes, myself. Still, the newcomers all add a decent amount with their performances. The premise, meanwhile, is less interesting than that of 'Jack Reacher', but it still makes for solid action.

Tom Cruise (Jack) is, as you'd predict, the clear best part of this follow-up. That man does a lot of productions in this genre, in that regard his performance doesn't feel majorly different from his other work but the film is at its highest point when he is onscreen. Cruise is joined by the pleasing Cobie Smulders (Turner) and satisfactory Danika Yarosh (Samantha). Elsewhere, you have the underused duo of Aldis Hodge (Espin) and Robert Knepper (James).

In conclusion, this may not match 2012's effort but there is still fun to be had.

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Tension is conveyed at times but it's terrible overall

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So...I fell a sleep watching this. Like how?

A film so bland and forgettable even Tom Cruise can't save it or make it worth the watch.

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Do yourself a favor and read the book(s) instead. The first Jack Reacher movie was much better than this one - and the story was as well.

However, if you're looking for a mindless action-adventure, this one is worth a watch. Cobie stole the show, and turned this from a 7 to an 8 in my book.

Favorite 'trivia' was the Lee Child cameo gag about the inadequacies of Tom Cruise.

I read somewhere that there will be no more Reacher movies, but instead it will turn into a TV show. If that's the case - I'm there!

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never go back was a meh movie... i had a better expectation but it didn't deliver ... i missed everything in this movie.. the thrill the tension the suspense from previous movie..hell i also missed the main title theme from the first one...i thought that will be played in this .. but nope..it was just an average action movie with a story hard to follow but easy to understand ...there is also no mystery in this movie.. i already knew what is gonna happen.. and somehow it felt like Tom doesn't want to be in this film

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The story for the first one was better than this one but Cobie Smulders was a much better performance than Rosamund Pike, who was just awful.

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Argumento muy trillado y desarrollado de forma vulgar. No hay apenas escenas de acción destacables

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Shout by bqz

I actually quite liked it. Full of cliches, predictable plot and corny dialog - exactly why I wanted to watch it in the first place! And it has some of the most brutal fighting I've seen in a while. It very much exceeded my expectations.

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Dated and desperate to please.

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Shout by ltcomdata

Jack Reacher returns to the military installation wherefrom he comes, just in time to have to solve a mystery in which a phone pal of his is being framed. He breaks her out of prison and solves the mystery, involving much shooting and super-competent black ops moves. The movie really is quite forgettable: it feels like an average action movie, which is not what a film about the mythical Jack Reacher (as described within the movie) is supposed to feel like.

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Just more Jack Reacher and Tom Cruise shenanigans, so if you enjoy that, you should have a good enough time with this. It's not as good as the first one, but it does have some cool moments. I liked it enough.

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Shout by Deleted

Boring!! Jack Reacher is a true badass not a little guy like Cruise, that is a big part of the books. This movie sucks.

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I enjoyed this sequel more than the first. Cobie Smulders (The Avengers) running in tight shirts probably helped lol. Besides that the movie is funner.
The first was about how little Tom Cruise is a tough guy who can beat up many guys at once. Reacher is supposed to be tall and muscular. So the only buying Cruise as a unstoppable tough guy. Is probably the producer... Tom Cruise.
Without the entire movie just being about how cool and tough Reacher is, I liked this movie more. Danika Yarosh as a teenager Reacher is protecting for a good reason; can be annoying though.

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Really not that good of a movie. Writing was very cheesy and too American for my taste.

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Don't expect much, it's not even close to the same level of the first movie.
This movie is one big cliche, dull and very very predictable. And why must the damn teenagers always be so irritating and why oh why bring up the old it's because I'm a woman argument???

Come on the first movie had better characters, male and female and the story was well paced with a good amount of suspense.

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The first Jack Reacher movie set the bar high and this one doesn't even come close. Fun to watch but plot is so vanilla that you find yourself looking for the plot holes (how did the girl get his name for the paternity suit?). Cobie Smulders did a great job. My goodness, Cruise is getting old. Pretty saggy in his old age.

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I like Tom Cruise as an actor and, despite his age, he can still pull off the main role in a decent action movie.

This one, however, is not one of those decent action movies. Never Go Back is a very simple-minded, predictable, and straightforward story where what you see is what you get. And what you get is a movie with way less action than the first movie had. This movie didn't even have a car chase in it. The prequel's Chevelle SS scenes certainly were distinctive enough to warrant some car action in the sequel, right?

Every actor in this movie was let down by a script that - in the age of John Wick movies - cannot afford to be as bland as it is. This is one of the most boring Tom Cruise movies I've ever watched.

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Wasn't bad. Except for maybe the Captain Kirk vs. the Gorn fight scene at the end.

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Not has good as the first, I thought they was less action but it wasn't bad. I feel tom cruise is coming to the end of his work, but not close thought by playing similar in all his films in the last few he's been in. He's got a good support thought. I feel the ending of this should of been different, an opposite ending.

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Movie was pretty bad, and the plot didn't make any sense!

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Shout by Mounir

i didn't like this one, the first was a bit fair but not like this one, there was some parts in it that actually were good, but in the first movie they introduced Jack Reacher as this mysterious guy who never stays and never leave a trail. so i don't know why they felt like it need a sequel, probably because well it is Tom Cruise and they know it will bring them money so that's why and don't misunderstand me i love TOM but this movie wasn't necessary!

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Without watching the previous movie or reading the books, and purely judging the movie as far as action movies go, I would say it was ok.

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Shout by Deleted

The story doesn't work as a movie, could pass for a TV Show. This movie was so bad i got bored while watching it.

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Was okay but if this proves anything it's that Cobie Smulders is not lead material in a movie. Just doesn't work. It was so obvious I suspect it will be her last big movie gig for a while. She's fine as a side character but she can't carry a movie, sorry. Anyway, the daughter storyline gave this some depth that the first Jack Reacher lacked. I'd give this a 6/10. Watchable if nothing else is on.

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Better than the first one, but the first one was awful. This one was merely bad. Reacher's taken a strong, addictive, entertaining 21-book series and created (so far) two boring, turgid, formulaic, dull films from them. Please, Tom, find another franchise to ruin.

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Fairly generic, but overall very entertaining and worth the time

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So much running, running, running.

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