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It's a Wonderful Life 1946

It was the most beautiful and emotional movie I have ever seen, I recommend it to everyone. This movie was there when I needed it the most, it shows how much one man can make a difference in the world, no matter what he does, and how we sometimes don't even realize what impact our very own existence can have on other people's lives.

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Took me three years to watch this, but each time I fail to get around to it. Now I finally do and feel like I want to cry for hours. A film that's so depressing and yet jolly. Showing how everyone is relevant in the darkness of times.

Also, James Stewart is one handsome son of a bitch.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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8.8/10. An incredible, life-affirming movie that has enough of a dark heart to earn the amazingly heart-warming sequence at the film's climax. Some of the angel stuff gets a little silly at points, but it's still just a stellar look at the advantages and pitfalls of the road not traveled, what doing and being good takes from you, and the invisible but strong connections within a community that form when a noble man takes the world on his shoulders when he has to. Stewart gives the performance of a lifetime, selling the nobility but vulnerability of George Bailey with perfection, the highs and lows and joys and anger and despondency and glee of the character with unparalleled commitment, charm, and pathos. This one's a classic for a reason.

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Strap yourself in for some weeping at the end :blush:

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This is one of my all time favorite films and the recent re-watch did not move me from this conviction. The character of George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart at the height of his abilities, is so easy to relate to and a wonderful human being. He's not always a great guy...he has an anger management issue and is sometimes consumed with revenge, but you can't help pulling for him. Lionel Barrymore's Mr. Potter is a treat to watch and Henry Travers as Clarence enters the film just when it is darkest to buoy it to a lighter tone. This is a classic for a reason! 10/10

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Finally I have managed to watch this film. I really enjoyed it, it felt like it went on a little bit too long.....but the message was beautiful!

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A true classic - I can't believe I've never seen it before. Watched it with the kids, and they were slow to get into it, but were fully engrossed as soon as Clarence jumped in the water!. Of course, we had to watch the colorized version - they wouldn't even attempt the black and white version.

Although the rate of inflation really is evident in this one, the story and the meaning still hold up extremely well. It did spur on a discussion about inflation, though, which the kids were fascinated by. Adjusted for inflation, $8,000.00 in 1946 is equal to $108,362.20 in 2018. Whoa!

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I've been watching this movie every Christmas for awhile and it wasn't until this time that I realized....that jerk George STILL puts coconut on Mary's ice cream! Even after calling her brainless for saying she didn't like coconut! Hahah, man what a dick move, George. I will say that over the past few years I've taken more and more issue with how George treats Mary. And its not just the coconut fiasco, but how he wasn't happy with her for buying the house and how he treats her when they finally hook up. He's dismissive, then comes back to get his hat and is a jerk and like shakes her and stuff. Still a great movie even if George isn't the perfect saint I thought he was growing up.

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This is cinema at its best. A classic in every sense of the word. "No man is a failure who has friends"

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2021-09-28T17:02:42Z— updated 2023-02-09T20:30:04Z

That's a nice, innocuous, heart-warming, charming, optimistic movie. The right mixture of comedy, drama, American history (Those cars! Those phones! Those Italians and their goat!), drama, capitalism criticism, love story and family movie with some very dark undertones of shattered dreams and an almost shattered American Dream. That angel plot is maybe a bit silly but this way poor Bailey gets the happy ending every viewer wished for.

  • Gosh, Stewart is tall. He's almost twice the size of everyone else.
  • I envy uncle Bill: he has a pet raven and a pet squirrel. That's awesome.
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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’:

  1. Took me long enough, but I’ve finally watched it. On Christmas Eve no less. So full of heart and hope. I get it now.

  2. There was a lot more humor than I expected. Some solid chuckles to be had.

  3. I was surprised to see the angel intervene so close to the end of the film. There were definitely happy tears, but I can only imagine how stronger the emotional impact would’ve been if we spent more time in George’s alternate nightmare reality.

Bonus Thought: I’m officially smitten with James Stewart.

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It's a Wonderful Life is a beautiful film and a true classic. It's often considered one of the best films ever made, and I am inclined to agree.

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Really stands the test of time. James Stewart is fantastic. Sends a great message.

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Shout by Deleted

Hudnall family classic.

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Honestly incredibly boring. I struggle to see why this is so highly rated, it was an absolute chore to get through.

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Shout by Braydon Guglielmi
BlockedParent2022-12-11T08:23:55Z— updated 2023-03-21T06:36:45Z

Having never watched It's a Beautiful Life, I watched it without really knowing what to expect. I was surprised to find out that despite the year this film was released it still immediately connected with me almost 70 years later. The message is exactly what the title says, Life is beautiful and sometimes we take it for granted, but there's always a reason to keep living. Awesome movie with a meaningful message.


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“Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings.” It’s A Wonderful Life is a beloved Christmas classic, but like most great films, it took some time for it to be appreciated. It has become Frank Capra’s signature film, and epitomizes his populist film style. Jimmy Stewart once again teams up with Capra and gives a career performance as the small town hero George Bailey, who in a moment of despair contemplates suicide, but a visit from an angle who shows him what the world would’ve been like without him changes his mind. The story starts in a strikingly dark place (for a Christmas film), which has the effect of making the climatic ending all the more powerful and heartwarming. While It’s A Wonderful Life has been retold many times in many ways, nothing beats the original.

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Lovely film.

'It’s a Wonderful Life' is enjoyable, hearty and well crafted. It takes longer than I would've predicted to get to 'the event', but it's very much worth seeing the journey that comes before - as we see the arc of James Stewart's George. It all crescendos with an ending that you can't help but smile at.

Stewart is excellent in the lead role, you really do see every single emotion that his character goes through. He is, by far, the standout performer, but there are of course good performances from the likes of Donna Reed (Mary), Lionel Barrymore (Henry) and Henry Travers (Clarence).

I did notice a few weird cuts in there, not that I hold that against it or did it affect my enjoyment - it's just noticeable. I see, via other reviewers, that there's a colour version - Channel 4 showed the black-and-white version over here in the UK. I can't say I felt the need for colour, which is always a good sign.

Wholesome. Not that it, evidently given the average rating, needs to be said by someone like me, but: I'd certainly recommend this.

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My Fav All Time X-mas film!

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Took me three years to watch this, but each time I fail to get around to it. Now I finally do and feel like I want to cry for hours. A film that's so depressing and yet jolly. Showing how everyone is relevant in the darkness of times.

Also, James Stewart is one handsome son of a b**ch.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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A spectacular film. Definitely one of the most classic movies ever. I watched this for the first time this year and I want to start watching this every year for Christmas movie rotation. It sends a great message and all together is a masterpiece. Overall it’s one of the best Christmas movies and best movies ever.

(9 out of 10)

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An absolute masterpiece. I can't believe that I waited 40 years to watch it. It's now in our yearly Christmas rotation.

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Well old or cheesy as this may seem to nowadays public, still this is one of the reasons why movie making exist. Period.

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The OG christmas movie. Not really my thing but I can see the appeal.

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You really can't go wrong with this movie for Christmas.

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Favorite of all time :fire:

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Call me a grinch, but I hate this movie. I love Jimmy Stewart, but this is all "gosh darn it" and lacks the depth of characterization that you see even in something similarly didactic like "Mr. Smith..." We get it, he doesn't have boundaries and is ground down from his selflessness. The framing device of angels talking/narrating is particularly cringe, and...I could go on, but it's enough to say that the movie's charms just aren't for me.

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Ine of my favorite movies of all time... I enjoy it every time I watch it :hearts:

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What an amazing and pure movie. Didn’t think I would like it as much I did. While you follow George’s life, you can’t help but think about your own. Timeless and powerful message.

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A friend demanded yesterday that this classic Christmas movie is actually not a Christmas movie at all. Her argument was that setting the first and last scenes during Christmas isn’t enough to make a movie a Christmas movie if the rest of it isn’t set during Christmas. However, I argue in return that the theme of :asterisk_symbol:It’s A Wonderful Life:asterisk_symbol: is a wholly Christmas theme. God (or his angel) coming down to earth in the form of a human to save a human and show him his inherent worth is exactly what Christmas is. Snow and presents are ancillary. I would argue that there is no better Christmas movie—at least (or especially) when it comes to theme.

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This is probably the best movie i have seen. The movie and La vita è bella (1997) changed me a lot.

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A parable about friends giving us wings. A bit retro, but it still works. ;)

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One of the best films I’ve ever seen, and ever will.
You’re stone if it doesn’t touch you.

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Frank Capra thank you from the bottom of my heart for this film. Such a wonderful masterpiece

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Jimmy Stewart is awesome do de do de do.
What more can I say, this is the movie of a lifetime my favorite of all time.

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An awesome movie, just go for it.
Merry Christmas

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A classic ageless gem that should be watched at least once a year.

Frank Capra regarded this film as his own personal favorite and it was also James Stewart's favorite.

This is one of the few movies that I can easily give a perfect 10 for all the emotions it brought forward.

If someone asks me for a classic to watch I will blindly tell them "It's a Wonderful Life"

  • Storytelling and flow like no other
  • Drama and some comedy make the movie fun all over
  • Superb cast and directing

Awesome quote from the movie:
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

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Shout by Deleted

Not only one of the best Christmas movies ever but one of the best films period. Its a Wonderful Life is the ultimate feel good movie. George Bailey is one of the most well crafted characters to ever grace the screen and the audience can still relate to him nearly 70 years after the films release. The films message is timeless.

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This is the reason why I like cinema.

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The film's pacing of the plot was not what I expected at all. I thought the whole film was George feeling down about his life so I guess it was a surprise (a good one? Maybe I was just a little indifferent). What I did see was a lovely story though and I thoroughly enjoyed George's character. The depth of his character was excellent which always boosts a film in my eyes. The ending even though I knew what happened really resonated with me which always means a recommend from me!

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Shout by Deleted

I watch this movie every year on christmas, I feel most people should do the same. The first 2 acts of the movie set up a good persons life and the final act shows the significance of the first two acts. It's a beautiful rendition of the impact of an individual. James Stewart gives a lovable performance and the movie revolves around it. Everything seems to go right for this movie. I give this movie 10/10, it's a movie you could base your life around and has the power to prove it. If for any reason you haven't seen this movie I recommend you watch it.

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this movie is in my top 3 favorite films

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Possibly the best film I have ever seen in my life.

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Beautiful beautiful movie. Recommend to everyone. You cannont watch it and don't think in your life.. I recommend it to everyone.

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Shout by Ben

Finally seen this 65years old stripe and it is pretty solid.
Didn't enjoy the first 90minutes that much, but the rest was great.

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