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Insidious: Chapter 3 2015

With some mild scares and a bit of intrigue, Insidious: Chapter 3 is a mediocre horror film. In this prequel retired psychic Elise Rainier is sought out by a teenage girl named Quinn who’s trying to contact her dead mother, but unbeknownst to Quinn her efforts have drawn the attention of a dark entity that’s seeking to possess her. Stefanie Scott does a fairly good job, but doesn’t quite have the gravitas for this type of role. Also, the script is problematic and goes out of its way to tie things together in order to create an origin story. Yet despite its weaknesses, at the end of the day Insidious: Chapter 3 delivers the series’ usual brand of horror that’s creepy and chilling.

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Definitely not as good in all matters as the first one. It felt kind of cheap, but it was great to have some more background for Elise. Also nice upgrade in "Insidious" theme instrumentation.

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James Wan's first two were superior to this one for sure. The second half finally started to have some nice chill atmosphere. It's nice to see another part of the story and eventhough

I fear it is going down as Paranormal Activity was, this was one still enjoyable. I didn't particulary liked the story around the girl and how kinda long it was dragged in the beginning.

As usual, the soundtrack shows the power of string instruments - 5/10

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I have just recently gone through the Insidious trilogy since part 3 was nominated for a Saturn Award in horror. I have really, really enjoyed them. This specific entry reminded me of the terror I had as a kid when I first saw Dreamscape (and to a lesser extent Nightmare on Elm Street 3). Lin Shaye plays the Dennis Quaid role incredibly in this film. Jumping in to save a young girl from the monsters, not too unlike Dennis Quaid's jumping in to save a young boy in Dreamscape. Despite all the jump scares that really try their hardest to cheapen this film, it eventually succeeds if you stick through it for the first several. I will head to the theatre if there is a next instalment to see this.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2023-06-27T01:41:11Z— updated 2023-07-01T03:55:41Z

Forget the MCU, the DCEU... Elise Rainier is in town!

"Into the Further we go."

Insidious: Chapter 3 looks good overall and does a decent job at keeping James Wan's cinematography and techniques to match with the previous two movies but you can tell something's missing in quality. On top of that there's no Patrick Wilson or Rose Byrne to give some good performances. Although, thank god Lin Shaye is back in the role of Elise Rainier! Whenever she's on-screen the movie comes to life, she has such a presence. The new characters are kinda awful. Quinn (Stefani Scott) simply doesn't do the job, she makes me cringe and roll my eyes in some scenes. Nice to see some familiar faces appear: Specs, Tucker (with his new haircut) and Carl. The jumpscares are pretty good but none of them even came close to what 1 and 2 had. The car hit still gets me every time though and the entity looks creepy. The coming together of the trio at the end is heartwarming. The last jumpscare is trash.

Elise saying "Come on, bitch!" to a ghost is hands down the best moment in the franchise!

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I enjoyed this, but it wasn’t as good as the first two; which were creepier and scarier.

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This movie is everything that is wrong with the horror movies that are put up in cinemas for easy cash grabs.
I always found the first one to be quite stupid (that fucking drawing of the little boy as superman in the astral world that is actually just made up of DEAD FUCKING PEOPLE) but the second one actually upped my opinion of it. Needles to say that this turd crushed any further expectations.
I guess it's still positive reception probably comes down to people finding Darth Maul to be scary (or sorry, "Spooky").

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The Chapter 3 is really "needed" to understand the history of the medium lady(Elise). The end was really scary such as the whole film. That part in the theather was awesome! If you saw Chapter 1 & 2 - you can't loose this one! Waiting for chapter 4 ;-)

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Not as good as the first 2 but still helps bring the storyline along, and I love how the Insidious films all link in and manage to fill in the previous ones' backstories.

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Not terrible but not exactly great either. Far too reliant on jump scares to the detriment of the atmosphere. Every time the tension would start to build it would get cut far too short by one of the jump scares. Less would have been so much more in this particular case. Still, not a bad rental if you're up to some Insidious brand fun.

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Much BETTER than Chapter 2. I'd recommend any fan to watch this. Def lives up to the hype.

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This was definitely the worst of all the Insidious movies. I liked that they kind of explained how "everything" started out but the story itself was quite bad and too much of everything jumbled together…

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Insidious keeps getting worse with each movie.

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A pretty bad and basic horror movie that lures fans of the series into watching it with a few story tidbits that are admittedly quite nice to see.

Everything else though isn't worth your time. All the scares except for one are simple jump scares without any of the mood building somewhat present in the first and even the second movie. The first movie is still the best one and even with the missing story bits, the second movie is superior to this one. Too bad.

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Shout by Condemned
BlockedParent2015-09-22T14:07:34Z— updated 2021-09-24T16:07:43Z

Seems like I've been watching the same movie for the past 3 chapters. Always the same story, a family is being haunted and Elise goes to their house to purge the entity. Just another pale horror movie.

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Essentially a prequel of sorts which focuses on a completely different family being haunted, it also attempts to show the backstory to Lin Shaye's character and lead in to the first film. Unfortunately, despite Shaye's good performance (she was after all the strongest character from the previous films) this means we get lots of knowing nods to the original - its almost as if the filmmakers can't resist nodding and winking to the audience at their own cleverness at setting up events we know are going to form part of the story - and most of it is completely unnecessary. That said, the parts of the film that deal with a different family being haunted are nicely done as there seems to be a deliberate attempt to build up a sense of atmosphere and dread, rather than just use loud music and noise to create jump moments - the scares when they come feel earned and not just cheap shock moments. In essence a stronger film than the last entry, but there seems to be little point in continuing ön.

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I kind of liked the backstory on Elise but overall it was typical of an Insidious movie.

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I’m really enjoying these insidious movies. At least when it comes to good jump scare scenes, they do a pretty good job across the board.

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Genius move to make the dialog so quiet that you have to turn up the volume so the shitty jumpscares will pop your head like a balloon. Just awesome.

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Fair enough
Not as thrilling as
Chapter 1 and
Chapter 2
At this point we should
see shit going down
in the most Epic
of fashion but this
Chapter seemed to
dail it back not crank it
up to an 11.
you can tell
Specs has done
the directing this
time around instead
of James the master of
Horror for the past
that being said
It was the right choice
having a new family
front and centre
and I felt and enjoyed
Most of the Horrors
they we're put through,
a couple of scenes caught
me off guard for which
I do appreciate.
It was great having
Lin (the Queen
of Horror) with much
more screen time
and it was very good
how they worked the
Foreshadowing in
of the sad conclusion
to Chapter One.
I do enjoy this Chapter
and I don't really have
a dislike of it per se,
my only say is it
was all a little tame and
safe for this late stage in
the game.
Hopefully it's back
to the outright craziness
in Chapter 4.

Go Bigger
Or Go Home

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A decent prequel that had enough solid moments to give it a gentle recommendation for horror fans and fans of this universe in general.
Lin Shaye was great in a larger role here. Always nice to see Mulroney as well. 6.2

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With "Insidious 3", the story of the Lambert family was abandoned for now. This is certainly a good decision, considering the convoluted plot of the predecessor. The only characters that are still present in this prequel are Lin Shaye's medium Elise and her two sidekicks. The new cast around Stefanie Scott and Dermot Mulroney didn't exactly convince me, though. Scott in particular screams a lot but hardly gets any moments to develop her character. Regarding the overall direction, meanwhile, you realize pretty quickly that Leigh Whannell is less talented as a director than James Wan. The creative ideas of the latter are sorely missed here. Instead, you get mostly one-size-fits-all horror that also relies primarily on cheap jump scares. Even if "Insidious 3" is not a total failure, I would describe the film as a forgettable production for the masses. The plot certainly doesn't leave much of a mark in the end.

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This one was nowhere near as good as, well, pretty much every other movie he's done. Not terrible but it was filled with classic tropes and cheap thrills.

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They keep making them and I keep watching them but I have no idea why because they’re all bad.

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Nothing but slow pace and jump scares. Avoid seeing this. Total waste of time.

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Shout by Deleted

Hayley Kiyoko and Darth Vader's breathing sounds - out of context compilation.

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Much better than the second one, can't tip the first one. James Wan's influence is still there in Whannell's go at it, his directing is way more stable and less... sweeping camera, open door way, wide-angle lensed, this is red so pay attention to it, directing... like Wan likes to do.

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'Insidious: Chapter 3', the first of two prequels to the original film, isn't very good, as it becomes a further step down for this series.

I like the place they go with this, with a look into what happened before the Lamberts appear. However, what is created to fill that void doesn't particularly deliver the goods. Compared to the other productions, this one has lesser acting, a not as interesting premise and barely any scares - though there is one important event early on with Quinn which did surprise me.

Quinn is portrayed by Stefanie Scott, who is perfectly fine in the role - I like her. Dermot Mulroney is OK, while it's pleasant to see Lin Shaye (Elise) and Angus Sampson (Tucker) reprise their respective characters. Rose Byrne and, to a minor extent, Patrick Wilson are missed.

Nothing dreadful, but these films are slowly dropping down the pecking order.

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Not bad but very generic. The only thing I love is the boys and Elise working together but that part was very short.

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I don't watch horror movies often. I thought I'd give this one a try. It's terrible. It's exactly what I thought a bad horror movie would be like. Corny dialogue, worn-out jokes, and just simply acting that is obviously acting, not remotely close to real life. Full of jump scares, and even those are not done very well. I would say it's a complete waste of time.

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very good,i kinda understood the story now better

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Decent entry in this horror franchise.

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Good jump scares and it provided the necessary insight regarding its prequels. The story wasn't too dramatic though and characters could have been portayed on some deeper level......

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The plot was really awfull but oh my glob, I was so scared! But honestly... I think this should be the last Insidious movie.

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Watching chapter 3 I didn't have high expectations of it because I had heard some bad things about it from friends of mine tha had already seen it but luckily it did not disappoint me. Sure it's not as good as chapter one but still it's still more scary than movies like annabelle or demonic and while having a decent plotline that does not get lost amongst cheap scares. Sure worth your time if you are a fan of the series or horror films in general.

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Thought it was the worst of the 3. Wasn't scary at all.

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Shout by splenda

That old lady hit em with that shot clock cheese in the end. Incredible.

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I fell asleep during the screenplay.

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Not scary at all, just my opinion.

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it had its scary moments, good one

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Shout by Deleted

so far 2015 is amazing in horror movies! One more! =)

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Shout by Deleted

This ending got me so confused! I desire an explanation to Insidious second movie's ending!
I really liked this chapter, but the first is actually the better

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Shout by Jess

People were screaming in the cinema, so it definitely add on to the thrills what was about to happen on screen. The most exciting part i think would be when she was sorta bedridden, due to her leg and neck and the ghost was juz playin with her like a rag doll. Totally intense. Overall, not too bad, if you're a fan of thriller and horrer shows then this show can be quite predictable. But watchin in the cinema with the extra sound effects does make it more fun to watch.

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Definitely made for people with 13 year old mentalities. The last minute of the movie will show you how seriously they took making the movie.

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Shout by Deleted

this one was really good I think just be cause it goes into more detail about elise before the lamberts. I however would like to see where she got her start and also what she saw at the end of number two the scared her so badly. all and all this was a very good film.

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