Personal Lists featuring...

Inside Man 2006


/u/StopReadinMyUsername on reddit combined the average ratings (Critic's & Users) from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Letterboxd, and then weighted and tweaked the results with general film data from iCheckMovies and IMDb to reveal the 1001 Greatest Movies of All Time.



Thrillers and anxiety inducing flicks.


Brace yourself for mind-altering twists, mind-warping enigmas, and an unrelenting assault on your senses. It's an audacious celebration of dark, cerebral pleasure that will leave you exhilarated, mystified, and begging for more. So grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and let the mindfuckfest begin!


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 100 000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-09-12


Movies with at least 75% rating on trakt (and enough votes). No documentaries, reality tv or anime.

(Find the post-2010 list here:

(Find the tv show list here:


I started off by gathering ratings from IMDB (User/Critic Average), Rotten Tomatoes (Tomatometer, Critic Average, Audience Score, User Average), Metacritic (Critic Average, User Average) and Letterboxd (User Average). I was then able to determine a rating (out of 10) for each individual rating and therefore come up with an average rating for each site. Each site’s average rating was then weighted fairly so that no site’s ratings were favored above the rest.

The next step was to make sure that each film was treated fairly. Other top movie list’s like IMDb’s Top 1000 removes films that have under a certain viewing number (25,000 I think), but rather than ruling out films that may have been overlooked by the general audience (especially older films), I opted to alter these films score by carefully deducting points depending on how many people have seen it, and therefore voted on it. I also thought it was needed to make sure that recent films (released within the past 36 months) were also not favored, as it usually takes 3 years for the average rating to settle down. So I also added a deduction to these films that fell under this rule.

Taken from here:


Complete movies of the great directors. Starting with Quentin Tarantino and the Coen brothers.


A list of films John Waters has referenced in his interviews, books, commentaries, and other work as influential to his career or that he is a fan of otherwise.

Includes all of the films ranked in his yearly 'Artforum: Best Of' year-end lists. (

This list is a work in progress, by no means a complete reference.

Cross referenced at (with JW quotes pertaining to each title)


New millennium, new technology. Film cameras were the standard way to shoot a movie for over a century, and now they to had to make space for upstart digital. Without digital cameras, zombies would’ve stayed dead; 28 Days Later was only possible with how quick and easy it is to set up with them. Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation) and Neill Blomkamp (District 9) certainly benefited from the new technology.

Movies were also used to absorb our collective trauma. We escaped into magic and wonder in the months after 9/11 with Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, while we celebrated the end of the Great Recession by getting the hell off this planet with Avatar. And speaking of those series, we didn’t want their installments taking up all the spots on this list, so one movie representing the whole franchise was chosen for those worthy.

And your vast comic-book trivia knowledge became a social asset, not a bullseye for beatings. Iron Man, The Dark Knight, and Spider-Man 2 opened up new ways of connected storytelling (and money making). And it wasn’t just superheroes making the leap to the mainstream. Fanboy culture, the internet, and sites like the one you’re reading now helped bring “genre” movies to the cultural forefront: zombies (28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead), sci-fi (Avatar, Serenity), horror (The Descent, Saw), and fantasy (Pan’s Labyrinth).

Meanwhile, under-served voices started to make some noise in the mainstream with films led by females (Mean Girls, Whale Rider, Bend It Like Beckham, Twilight), made African-American filmmakers (Love & Basketball, Barbershop), and featuring Asian-American stars (Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, Better Luck Tomorrow). And that’s not including the increasingly easy access to international material like City of God and Let the Right One In.

And we still haven’t touched upon Pixar’s golden age (WALL-E, Finding Nemo), Hollywood finding the formula for comedies perfectly balanced between smart and dumb (The Hangover, The 40-Year Old Virgin), or that the Fast & Furious series got its humble beginnings here. A lot happened in this decade: Discover it all with the 140 Essential Movies of the 2000s!



Jean-Claude Van Damme
Steven Seagal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dolph Lundgren
Jackie Chan
Sylvester Stallone
Dwayne Johnson
Bruce Willis
Tony Jaa nar. 5.2.1976 (44 let)
Surin, Thajsko
Danny Trejo
