Continuity is bad.

Lady gets shot in lab she falls on her stomach and dies, Indi discovers he she is on her back.

Can't she remember the last scene...... "I was on my stomach now I'm on my back that's not correct."

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Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Plots of the movie:

  • Indie rescues his dentures from the cup of Dentine
  • Indie donates his whip due to advanced arthritis
  • Indie battles Alzheimers and forgets where his leather jacket ran off to
  • Indie gets turned down by Medicare for much needed hemorrhoid treatment
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Helena punching out Indy and not letting him die in peace is the perfect metaphor for what Disney is doing to the franchise...
This is elder abuse.

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Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones, thats the truth of the matter and at least this one didn't have aliens. Honestly enjoyed it and it had the same feeling from the old movies with the Indiana Jones tune which we all love. It was a fun movie to watch and enjoy, not as ridiculous as the 2008 Indiana Jones with Shia LeBeouf that was overboard.

They tried to give this an authentic feel and with the right ingredients for an Indiana Jones adventure, honestly watch it and enjoy. I know I did.

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I honestly liked this and had a lot of fun. The de-aging technology is fascinating, but all the high-tech SPFX detracts from the old-fashioned heart behind Indy, IMO.

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Where is Shia la Bouf?

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Was it better than the last one? Yes. Was it as good as the old ones? No. Not really sure this needs to exist in the franchise, but it was a fun adventure nonetheless.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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Had some fun moments and shockingly didn't feel that overlong. 20 min shorter would have worked quite a bit better imo, though. Didn't expect much, and it lived up those meagre expectations. Silly escapism w cheap nostalgia. Still, I enjoyed seeing JRD quite a bit. 5.7

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Great and action-packed. Recommended

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Way too long for what it was.

The beginning de-aging scene went on way too long, then the rest of the movie went on too long.

Instead of making this movie, Harrison Ford should have just sold the legal rights to use of his face. Then they wouldn't have had to rush out this substandard product in an attempt to profit before he died.

With the rights to his face, they could have taken their time and came up with a good script and made an enjoyable Indiana Jones movie. He wouldn't even have had to be in it at all. They could even keep churning out the movies long after his death.

In this scenario, he could die but Indiana Jones would live FOREVER!

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Glad I saved it to watch on one of those lazy days.
My only interest was to finish the saga and had low expectations.
Poor story, the sidekicks are annoying, LOTS of poor CGI, which was a surprise, and some old characters just to make an appearance.
Suddenly his son is dead, on the brink of divorce, no context to the plot, no explanations, it all seems poorly though of.
Not a lot going for it, and a long long long way from the Indiana Jones we know and love.

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This is where it should end for harrison. He did an amazing job the past years.

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All the anti-Disney, anti-SJW, "my favorite rage-bait YouTuber told me to hate it" vitriol that still surrounds this movie makes me love it even more.

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Rollicking good fun. This is the Indy of old. 8/10

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honestly better than I expected, I enjoyed the time travel aspect

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I really enjoyed this movie, however, I feel like a lot of its potential was cut short. The cast was great, and realllyyyy loved seeing Mads Mikkelsen and Harrison Ford interact, they were my favorites. When you watch the movie, pay attention closely and you might see what I mean by: this movie was cut too short. There’s also parts that seem to be on a high note and then they just randomly drop.

Overall it’s a good movie in my opinion, watch for yourself and make your own decision.

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I didn’t enjoy this like I did the original trilogy. Should have stopped the franchise then.

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Good fun movie. Great entertainment all the way through. I enjoyed the antics of Indiana Jones and his accomplices. :thumbsup_tone1: Well worth a watch.

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Better than the 4th thanks to Phoebe, very below the initial trilogy. And still, honestly, not needed at all

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Unnecessary and flawed? Certainly. Fun Harrison Ford action with a dose of absurd the series is famous for? Absolutely.

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Now I've watched every Indiana movie again. Honestly I wasn't let down unlike most modern movies where they spoil it with too much drama or cgi. Had that usual dry humor, action, adventure and a bit of history. Ending wasn't the usual but it wasn't a major let down. I lied the tuktuk racing obviously had some rushed cgi graphics, I think the way of all modern movies is to wreck things with minor cgi glitches though.

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I loved the time period and finally aging Indy to match Harrison Ford's true age. Even though this doesn't rise to the action pieces of the first three films it still is an enjoyable and well made movie. The Indy films have never taken themselves too seriously so as long as you eat your popcorn and just let the story go on it a good time. I especially enjoyed the ending. Harrison Ford emotional depth is so powerful and the sweet callback between him and Karen Allen was sweet and felt like something the characters would actually do. I felt the movie is finally going to let Indy retire in peace. There will never be another Indiana Jones!

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Indiana Jones versus Hannibal Lecter, now where is that movie?

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Shout by kinky

"Oh, you guys didn't like that whole alien thing? Well, fear not, we got here for you some nifty time travel stuff that we're sure you're gonna love and it will totally make up for last time."

— Disney execs (probably)

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I expected another crappy cristal skull, but this one was actually decent and entertaining. I mean, as long as you don't take the plot too seriously, it is Indiana Jones after all.

Glad I didn't read any of the reviews before watching it. Way too harsh. "It's an unnecessary movie", they say? As opposed to what, necessary movies?

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This was a fun ride

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That opening train scene was classic indie minus the shitty deep fake.

These mother fuckers are old af

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well, I'm only a few minutes in and I (as a German native speaker) am pleasantly surprised that the Nazis are actually speaking quite well German.

Movie Nazis usually speak with an horribly broken accent. This much effort to detail grants at least an open mind on my part.

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I don't understand the criticism of the film, we have an action-packed adventure film. The film maintains the level and humor of its predecessors. Indiana successfully completes his adventure.

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This was an interesting watch, but killing off his son and having some random ties to characters that haven't been set up yet was so strange

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Like most people, I was afraid that this would become another Kingdom of the Crystal Skull but I’m so glad that it didn’t. Sure, this movie has its flaws, but at the bottom line it’s just amazingly fun and, more importantly, the send off that Indy deserves. With its goofy action and a lot of call backs, it made me feel like a kid again. And that’s all I wanted.

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The second unnecesary IJ's sequel. Unconvincing CGI. Superhuman hip for a 80 years old man. So many moments and scenes copied from the original trilogy are not a homage, it's lack of ideas. There are good things but why Indiana Jones? Move ahead!! New times, new characters, new movie Idols. Let the eighties rest in peace and stop distroying our old sagas. Less remakes, less copycats, less tributes and more imagination.

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I have lots of concerns about this film. I’ve been an Indi fan for years, however there is far too much CGI for my liking , all a bit comic book like. Not the real gritty story and action that we’d normally get. I’m left feeling a little disappointed :frowning2:

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The only positive I can mention about this movie is that ancient Syracuse looked nice.

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So in the beginning of the movie "Wombat" just casually gets random completely innocent people killed, laughs about the fact that her godfather gets framed for it, cheats, steals - and who knows what else -, and by the end we're supposed to like her?

Movies like this were written by people who think that Paulie in the Rocky movies had redeeming qualities :rolling_eyes:

Other than that, the plot of the movie was fairly stupid.

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Some decent “Indy” moments. But was there any part of the movie not filmed on green screen? Should've brought back Mutt instead of this obnoxious new lady, terrible character

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Great movie out of this world concept, but it will put an idea in your mind. but the CGI was hilarious... They really went all out ...

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I still give this 5 stars because I love Indiana Jones, my dad showed me the trilogy a few times when I grew up and it will always have a special place in my heart. I think it's a great last movie, combining Indiana Jones with time travel (which I also love).

I like Indy and Marion getting back together, giving Mutt's character a respectful and even painful ending, the younger Indy in the opening scene, Mads being an amazing villain,... so much stuff to love, it was worth the long wait.

Even though I love all of the above, I would have liked it more if Indy stayed in the past, I found it frustrating that Helena knocked him out after we hear him being so passionate about staying there.

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put a chick in It and make her gay

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Was better than I expected. Especially Indy was great, it reminded me a lot of the old films. Even the action and story were quite good.
The problem was the character of Helena, who functioned like a huge anchor dragging the whole movie down. I don't know how they managed, in a movie with literal nazis, to have a character you will dislike more. She gets a bit better towards the end, but it actually feels wrong and out of character.

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Loved this, felt like the original series. Hope there’s more to come!

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This was a ton of fun, and a clear redemption from Crystal Skull. The plot moves at a breakneck pace and the action is everything you could want from an Indiana Jones movie. A lot’s been said about the flashback sequence that starts the movie, and yes - the de-aging technology isn’t convincing (Indy looks a bit like a video game character in certain shots). But give me a globe-trotting adventure with ancient relics and yet another banger score by John Williams, and I’m happy.

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It’s an entertaining enough film, could have been trimmed down a bit. Unfortunately, still doesn’t live up to the quality of the original trilogy.

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Same shit, slightly different story. Very predictable, I knew what was coming before it arrived and I wasn't even paying attention cause I tuned out after 5 minutes.

A very generous 4/10

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It could have been even more interesting if they explored the past instead of spending 95% of the film chasing each other everywhere. It's about time travel, from the title itself, and Indy exploring and witnessing the past is the greatest adventure and closure for the franchise. You have to ask yourself, are there archaeologists and treasure hunters who would never explore history if given the chance?

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GARBAGE,TRASH,REFUSE,WASTE,DOG SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Terrible af. They shouldn't have released this movie.

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Merchandising movie. Nothing new, lots of CGI

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For the love of god let poor Indy retire in peace. He has entertained us enough.

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testing testing please let me test

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It was exciting, then silly, then exciting, then finished very silly.

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classic adventure, enjoy the ride.

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The worst of them all even if it is technically impressive and that the action scenes look awesome

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The movie apart from the action, the truth has nothing all the acion is taken by Helena (woman character) of the movie if you are going to put in the title of the movie to Indiana Jones, ... you cannot relegate it to Background, .. because they did not use Jonathan Ke (Eastern Actor Child) to follow the plot as its Indiana, it would have been great .. why? :confused::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Terrible movie. Lives in the past. Much better if they rebooted the series or handed the reigns to Indy’s son.

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This was a good Indiana Jones movie. Totally worth a watch if you've liked the previous ones.

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The ending was the weakest part. It's like they didn't want to make a proper conclusion in the hope of releasing another chapter. Please don't...

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Tried three times to see if I could like it, stopped after 40 minutes and gave it a fast forward. Not watchable, maybe for a 12 years old kid. Also too much CGI and badly implemented, no thank you. Disney did it again, screwing it.

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I turned this off after 40 minutes. I realized, the story is crap and I do not care what happens. None of the characters besides indiana were likable. The story is bland. They made this just to make money, it's not for the fans of the original 3. The guy who plays the villain is terrible.

Don't subject yourself to this!

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The Last Crusade should have been the LAST crusade. This and Crystal Skull are simply unnecessary.

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Never was one to get bored that mich wgile watching a movie.

Story made little sense to me. Characters appeared out of nowhere and relationships changed faster than in a teenager drama.

Usually I am not one to spot bad CGI but that was glaring. I could literally differentiate between the CGI/rotoscoped front and the scenery in the beginning.

Sad :( I usually liked the Indiana Jones franchise except for this entry.

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Worst IJ movie I have ever watched. Sent the missus to sleep in record time, and I gave up half way through.

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boring, too much cgi, stupid story with some old characters thrown in. accents are terrible and just no reason to revisit this one. avoid

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It's a fun movie but I really don't like Mads Mikkelsen. Not just in this, I just don't think he's a good actor. So watching him do the same thing he always does really takes me out of it. While the rest of the cast is doing a great job.

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wow, wasn't expecting much for a 5th installment but this was a great watch indeed. Some of the de-aging was a touch off but well done. James Mangold did a great job in weaving in a befitting soundtrack that went along with the antics in the 1st and 2nd movies and the story was solid.
Gets an upvote from me anyway

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Well that was terrible dissapointing.

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It's fine. Old man just wants to retire but keeps getting dragged into stupid shit the movie, lol. Series should have ended with Last Crusade. At least it's better than crystal skull.

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This should have been a cartoon at least the chasing scene in Marocco looked like it.
Really the second part of the dial has been waiting a few meters below from where the first part has been found and nobody ever thought to check there!!?

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first 20 min wasn't to bad , all down hill rest of the movie

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This is so much better than Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). So much better. But the time travel still should have been left out. The first segment of the movie with the de-aged Harrison Ford, looked really good and was very much Indiana Jones at its best. Waller did a good job with her character and was very glad to see her attitude turn around in the end.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Definitely better than the fourth Indy film. Excellent opening scene as would have been expected by this kind of movie followed by the unfortunate lull in the middle that had me dozing off. It did manage to land a respectable ending to save this film from being a waste of time.

PWB did a great job as the new addition. Good enough to be the main lead in the sequel/spin-off? Maybe. HF is still the magnetic leading man, but do we really need to see the cellulite? Please CG a tank top on the man so it does not spoil our perfect memory of Indy.

Was it just my imagination or was there a weird slow-mo moment in the running on top of the train scene?

Ultimately, it felt like this genre (or the franchise?) is way past its prime. It either needs a fresh take or be put to rest for a while.

That will do Indy. That will do.

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As someone who's fascinated by the Antikythera mechanism, I found the premise of this movie interesting. They decided to bring back the Nazis as the great collectors of ancient world's wisdom, who then plan to bring it back to modern day innovations. Although the Nazis are portrayed as Indy's opponents throughout this franchise, I can't help but notice the irony.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the standout performer in this movie in my opinion. Her work here made me add Fleabag to my watch list.

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It's with much embarrassment that I must admit that I've not seen all of the Indiana Jones films, and I only saw Raiders once when I was about 10 years old. With that valuable context now exposed to the world, I must say I quite enjoyed this movie? The opening 30 minute segment was great all around with everything I'd expect from a revival of Indiana Jones (minus some sloppy moments with the de-aging).
Punching Nazis, cracking whips, death-defying car chases and a fantastical, MacGuffin-lead plot are all here and they're all pleasantly presented with enough references and call backs to satiate the modern movie going public. Is it the franchise revival to bring in a new era of Indy and right all the wrongs of Crystal Skull? Absolutely not, but it's definitely a much nicer footnote to leave the character on than what we had previously.

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How to ruin a great franchise 101.
2/5 stars for the third act and the opening train sequence. Apart from that it was a disaster. Every frame Elena was in was so cringe. This is what happens when u force a character and try to make it look cooler than the original. We're watching it for Indiana Jones not some fucking wombat.
This had everything an engaging story, indy fighting nazis, specially liked the time travel part. This would still be a decent movie if you just replace Elena with a side character who is not trying to oversmart indy in every scene.

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I loved it. Everything, cinematography, music, plot, and cast.

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Awful movie. I tried sitting through it , but stopped watching after 1 hour.
The de-aging looks awful.
The stunt scenes by a 70 year old man looks unbelievable.
The storyline is weak.
The cinematography is not engaging.
Too many plotholes - To name a fewIndiana Jones is presumed to be the murderer but he boards the plane and goes to a different country. When he visits the hotel it's night, when he comes out of it just after 10mins , it's day time?

I give it a 1/10 because there is no option for 0

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The Sicilian geography is wrong as usual... Anyways, good the beginning, we can expect such ending from Indy (or more Arizona Goof in fact), decent soundtrack. It suffers however of plenty of the issues found in modern adventure movies, which are the decontextualized long action scenes around some exemplary cities in Europe, and the treasure "not so well hidden" in a touristy place open to the public. Overall a tad better of the photocopy superheros.

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This movie was so bad i turned it off after 1hour.

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Not sure why this does not have a better score. I really enjoyed the movie and loved that so many old faces had returned to the final sendoff of Indy. It was quite a typical Indiana Jones I would say, with a bit pf Phoebe in it—in a good way.
So much nicer to have this as the IJ legacy than what they did in the previous movie hahaha
First time in the cinema in a while that I did not feel overwhelmed with the length of the movie. It felt exactly right.

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It is good, but kind-a too long and felt like there was too much 'filler' at times.
The start was amazing and the rest went fine given the idea of the movie - reminding of the original trilogy.
CGI was mostly good, most of the actors were great and the story was fine although some of the situations were a bit over the top.

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Indiana Jones: Fan service and a feast for your eyes about your child hero old and immobile.

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The story is a bit convoluted and I can't really love most of the characters but I liked the direction they went with the story. Could have been better but a solid 7.5 from me

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Sad to hear that it is the last Indy Jones movie as it is one of my favorite adventure movies ever!

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Adventure has a name: Indiana Jones!

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It was …. OK. So many continuity questions that’s all we were talking about when leaving the cinema . For instance how do you watch a van drive off, go off to find your own transport but get to the destination 30 mins before the van?

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The first movie I've seen in a long time where I haven't been checking my watch half way through. Especially given it's over 2 hours. This was a great entry and a well crafted final chapter.
I loved every minute. If I take the nostalgia out of the first 3, I'd put this up there with them. Possibly even bestest a couple of them.
Nostalgia is a powerful force that isn't always a good representation of reality.

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I was rather surprised to find that "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" is anything but an insult to the original saga. On the contrary, its biggest flaw lies in its lazy reiteration of the same formula, arriving in an era where that alone is no longer enough to inspite its audience. Despite a more than welcome focus on the archaeological aspect of Indy's adventures, the film still comes across as rather dull and soulless, with too many diversions for the sake of forgettable action sequences. The mood also lost that somewhat cartoonish flair that previously helped to keep the tone light.
Indeed, Indy gets sidelined a few times, but aside from the grumpy old man premise, I didn't find him to be significantly different from his usual delivery. The supporting cast, however, is not as convincing, particularly a downright obnoxious Phoebe Waller-Bridge who is downright unbearable and a pretty much absent Antonio Banderas despite his face dominating most of the posters.

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Worst than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It doesn't feel like an Indiana Jones movie. Harrison Ford is a spectator of the action in the background who goes from one place to another without much meaning. Sorry, but the movie is not only a universe away from the original trilogy, it's also lacking in the set pieces from the fourth.

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