Shouts about...

I, Tonya 2017

Fun movie. A lot more entertaining than what you would think a figure skating movie to be. Margot Robbie was great and Allison Janney was fantastic. I really enjoyed the music. I thought every time they break the fourth wall was a smart way to deal with conflicting point of views from the real life people and they were funny.

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Nobody cared about figure skating before or after Tonya a current skater... Don't worry I'll wait...yeah shuddup

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I never heard of Tonya Harding and "the incident" before this movie was promoted and of course I immediately had to look things up after I did. It's a fascinating story and I'm sure, if something like this happened nowadays, it would generate the same scandal and amount of media circus as it did 23 years ago (if not more because of the internet).
But "the incident" isn't the focus in this movie, it's just in there as part of Tonya's (Margot Robbie) ride up and down her athletic career. The more important parts are the tumultuous and abusive relationships she had with her mother (Allison Janney) and her ex-husband (Sebastian Stan) that are hard to watch - as they should be.

Figuring out how old the characters are at times was a bit confusing, but the acting throughout is fabulous (shoutout to the young Tonya, Mckenna Grace)! There aren't many movies where I can truly see past a well-known face of an actor, but it happenend with I, Tonya. I also enjoyed the camera work, soundtrack, breaking of the fourth wall and the little montage of real footage in the end.

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honestly, Tonya really did nothing wrong.

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Great movie. Allison Janney is just effortlessly brilliant in every single scene.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

0 / 1 misc

7 out of 10

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This movie was fantastic in exposing the hard life Tonya Harding endured. I was worried it would be more of a satire making fun of Tonya, but it made dun of the situation and the ironic hypocrisy in figure skating. I never liked Nancy Kerrigan and always felt Tonya got a raw deal.

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Some excellent performances, in a movie that smartly makes light of the whole situation. It's interesting to see all sides of the story, and it helps build a better understanding of what actually happened and what kind of people these are. I was entertained.

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I've attempted to write a review of this film 3 times, but each time I was too afraid I wasn't being original enough, or I wasn't saying anything new. That's when I realized the essential message of this film is there is an assumption on our societal figures, and our role models to be perfect, and they often crush under the pressure while we laugh. I don't really know what to say but what I can tell you is Margot Robbie's performance, and Tonya's triple axel says it all, you don't really need to fit into the norms to do something great, which is exactly what this film does. It creates a unique sense of an "I don't give a flying fuck about your sensibilities" style, while balancing unique and dark humour, with emotion for a woman who tried to send death threats to her friend. This is simply put, the Triple Axel of 2017 films.

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This was cracking entertainment. Wickedly sharp and funny. I love movies where you can't really trust what any of the protagonists tell you, leaving you to peace together the truth for yourself. This was that.

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From presentation, to music to performance, excellent movie.

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If I had to sum up this movie with one word....


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Sebastian Stan looks like a racist cop with that kind of mustache

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Margot Robbie and Allison Janney was amazing!

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The skating scenes looks so bad.

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I am baffled that this film happened in the first place, which is a credit to the people that made it. After all you take a whole pile of really crappy people and have them do an awful thing to an unsuspecting person.... and then you make a film about it?

For the first 45 minutes I was a little unsure about the film but then it started to come together for me. The following helped:

Nobody is painted in a good light here
It is a dark comedy
At some point you feel bad for most of the characters (which is a testament to how awful the other characters are)
At no point does it take itself too seriously
It does not pretend to tell you what actually happened
At times it breaks down the fourth wall

The following did not help:

They dressed up Margo Robbie to look like Harding.  Very, very distracting.

I don't know that this story needed to be told (and truthfully, I don't really know that it actually was told). All in all they did an amazing job telling the story of a very said lot.

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Margot is the best. I love her.
She makes me laugh and have all kinds of emotions.
This movie was really good.
The actors did a great job.
The actual story is so crazy and I'm glad they could make a movie of it.

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Way better than i expected with some great perfomances good sense of humor and nice editing.Margot probably deserves an oscar in this one!

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What a difficult subject matter. What a tragic story. This story is drawn with black and white lines, only toward the climax do we see internal conflict and depth of realization, when that was allowed, the acting was brilliant, but the script veered away from that layered examination. Unfortunately, I feel the writing skirted the edges of making everything charicatures, a cartoon, even in the way they used makeup and exaggerated slow motion action. I give this film a 7 (good performances) out of 10.

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Great movie. Allison Janney is just effortlessly brilliant in every single scene.

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-01-07T15:57:22Z— updated 2018-06-08T23:59:15Z

Sensational performances for the dark comedy of the year.

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Hella fun way to tell a biopic, Margot Robbie should have her Oscar by now, Allison Janney' character stands out as the most insane mother in film history. Julianne Nicholson portrayal of Tonya's coach is so classy i loved her in it.

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Fantastic movie. Great acting and excellent production.

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Well, this was very enjoyable. I have heard this film described as a dark comedy however I would have to disagree, I think it's just dark. Everyone played their parts really well and I actually learned a lot from watching this movie. Before watching this I didn't know who Tonya Harding was or anything about 'the incident' that basically ended her whole entire career.

I loved how the biopic consistently broke the fourth wall as I think that is something that allows it to stand out amongst the other biopics.

Having said that I did become bored during the middle of the film but felt like it held a strong beginning and a strong ending. Margot Robbie has shown she is a force to be reckoned with when it comes her on screen performances but I feel like I must also shout out the Alisson Janney who played Tonya's mother and also McKenna Grace, (who played young pre-teen Tonya) for owning the screen for the couple of minutes she was there.

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I, Tonya is a fun and interesting biopic. Margot Robbie is fantastic in almost every role she does, and that is no different here. I absolutely loved her as Tonya, although there were a few times her Harley Quinn voice snuck in there but it worked. Julianne Nicholson was great as Tonya's mom, she had this cold a gruel demeanor that was very sharp and funny. Sebastian Stan is excellent, the raw anger and emotion he demonstrated was captivating. For a supposed comedy biopic I did not laugh all that much, but that is 100% okay with me as the tone was light enough to have an amazing time with this film. Music choice was excellent throughout.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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A very interesting way to do a film on a true sports story by treating it like a documentary but without the actual real people, but instead professional actors to play them. Although the film was aa bit dragged out and I felt there wasn't enough emphasis on the skating portion with Tonya being so underrated, the film was a solid well put together look into her life. The explanations and acting out of the parts about her upbringing and first marriage and how it affected her skating was very interesting and does a good job of making the audience want to take her side. However, the main portion of her story, the incident with the attack on another skater, was not explained well, as it didn't give enough of a background/lead up to it. Overall though this film was average cause of the plot holes and length.

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A bit repetitive in some sections in my opinion, especially those related to the mother, but in general it is quite entertaining and fresh constantly breaking the 4th wall.

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I liked to remember these events that I experienced live.I liked to remember these events that I experienced live. As far as I remember, she also made a porn movie.

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Really good movie with brilliant performances!

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Ice skating isn't my thing - memories of holding onto the rails for dear life while people were whizzing around me on the ice - completely put me off for life when I was younger. As a result, I didn't want to risk my life again, let alone follow the sport. The controversy around Harding and Kerrigan bypassed me, so while I managed to pick up bits of info just before the film's release, I didn't know how it ended. And what an end! For the sake of people who don't know the denouement, I am not going to go into spoilers.

I enjoyed the film. Robbie, Stan, and Janney aced their characters. It made me watch YouTube videos of the real life stories behind the film, and it ignited an interest into this most icy of Olympic sports. It hasn't inspired me to get back on the ice, of course. The film was great, but it can't perform miracles.

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I couldn’t help but wonder “did this movie really need to be made?” throughout the whole thing. Didn’t leave much of an impressio. Everything about it is average.

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A thoroughly real story (fitting, since it's based on true events) filled with bleak, dark humour that would leave you feeling for Tonya Harding. Margot Robbie portrays the disgraced and misunderstood character in all her unapologetic brilliance and HOW. So entertaining, so witty, and so, so real.

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Nice movie, but nothing exceptional. Tonya character is extremely well played by Allison Janney. It tries to put out a simple message: It’s not far to judge someone without taking into account his circumstances. The sentence for Tonya was extremely biased due the spinning news and hypocrisy.

How may Wall Street bankers have been banned from their profession for life due to malpractice that lead to the mortgage crash that hurt many more people worse that whatever Tanya did.

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Heavily one sided account of "that" incident. The film makes for uncomfortable viewing at times and you really do feel for Tonya throughout her life. Entertaining film and an interesting insight to one of the greatest sporting controversies of the last 20 years.

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Great biopic alternates from comedy to drama. The theme might be when you come from this background, it is very hard to escape....even if you have a superpower...and she did. You could also say it is that your ambition may outdistance your grasp. It's a cautionary tale that literally was inevitable. A movie you will find yourself thinking about days later.

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Nothing special, for rest of the world (besides U.S.) that issue was just another TV news that has faded away years ago so the story doesn't have any "catchy" things, besides being just well played paradocument.

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Nothing special, for rest of the world (besides U.S.) that issue was just another TV news that has faded away years ago so the story doesn't have any "catchy" things, besides being just well played paradocument.

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Could easily be labelled a reimagining of "To die for"...
Except it's true!
8/10 or a skatey

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Way too much camera talk. I like her performance. Pretty energetic film

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