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Hot Shots! 1991

The 90's, when Hollywood still knew how to make a good spoof.

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An all time favourite!!!! Totally worth a re-watch!!!

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Not so good as the second one.

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Part Deux is more consistently funny than this one.

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It is a parody of numerous movies.

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Hot Shots is a perfect blend of comedy and perceived seriousness. It's easy to love iconic scenes like Charlie Sheen making breakfast on Valeria Golinos tummy, Lloyd Bridges cleaning out his ears by running a handkerchief straight through his head, and William O’Learys crash and subsequent death (trust me, it's funny). I have, however, no problem seeing that this particular type of "Airplane" comedy isn't for everyone, but to me, Hot Shots is pretty darn funny.

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One of the spoof movies I remember fondly as a kid. It held up pretty well for me, some of the jokes are a bit tacky but it has enough good ones to still enjoy the viewing.

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This movie is my ultimate guilty pleasure. I watched it again on Disney+ with a constant grin on my face. It’s so fun and stupid… Stupid in the best way possible. It always makes me laugh!

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Alan Harper's in there too. Is this the prequel of Two and a Half Men? :joy:

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When Charlie Sheen knew what he was doing. The "Hot Shots" are the main draw to the movie as any comedy should have. The physical comedy and wordplay within jokes is a very good satire on 80s action movies. Although I haven't seen 'Top Gun' which the film is clearly spoofing.

Though Charlie Sheen and Valeria Golino are good and funny, it's Lloyd Bridges who steals the movie for me. Always funny in every scene, he really was a highlight from his 80s and 90s spoofs. With his idiotic yet ingenious lines, he is the main reason to watch this movie. But all the other actors are really good, but I think that Jon Cryer's character was underused and a bit too over the top.

But it's an all-around good comedy with some great lines. I rewatch this with my dad at least once every 2 years and we always find a new joke that wasn't visible beforehand. If you like 'Airplane!', then you'll enjoy this film for its creative jokes and for it not having a boring moment.

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