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Hitman: Agent 47 2015

Not the case where they learned from the mistakes of the previous version. Instead it makes the Timothy Olyphant movie look good.

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A mediocre sci-fi thriller, Hitman: Agent 47 is a mindless action film that’s mildly entertaining at best. Looking to reconstitute a defunct super-solider program, a group known as the Syndicate tries to find the daughter of the elusive doctor who created the program in the hopes that she can lead them to him. The plot is really convoluted and hard to follow. And, the acting is piss-poor; with the exception of Zachary Quinto, who plays to type. However, the fight scenes and chases are exciting and keep the film moving. Overly complicated and too focused on fan service, Hitman: Agent 47 is a hot mess.

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Wannabe John Wick movie. Hitman 47 was all about Stealth. This guy is shouting people out in the open, crashing chopper into the building. Fun flick but butchered the Hitman 47 theme.

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1/3rd as good as the 1st one and felt like twice as long.

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The actor that plays 47 just reminds me of a little boy playing pretend. Movie has some elements that Hitman fans will recognize, but overall movie is over dramatic and plot is pretty lame. I also can’t stand how 47 talks, it’s like a bored high schooler in class

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Not enough like the video game. It is actually pretty goofy and makes the first movie look like a good adaptation.

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Great non-stop action. Really worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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I'll give this movie credit for one thing: It's a fucking blast to watch with some friends at a party. This is the perfect terrible movie to riff and bash for the entire runtime. The acting is some of the worst I've seen, sadly coming from some very talented people. The story is a blatant almost exact copy of The Terminator, and the fucking camera work + editing leaves me at a loss for words. I can't even describe how bad the editing is. You just have to see it for yourself. So, here you go. Enjoy it in all it's glorious shittiness.

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Good Movie With Extremely Good Ending

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i hate when there's a reboot that doesn't include the original stars, in this case, Timothy Olyphant.

Hollywood did the same thing with the Transporter franchise and fucked that up too.

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Nice action sequences, but that's about it. Generic plot and characters, not a lot to take away from this one. Not a bad way to spend and hour and a half if you want a good distraction. It's a far cry from the original. Timothy Olyphant is the man.

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I had to take a break and watch futurama in the middle of it. that's how boring it is.

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As far as action goes this isn´t bad. If nothing else it´s entertaining. Know what to expect, you don´t get dissapointed.

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I can not what to see it lololoololololl

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The first film was the ultimate example of a failed film adaptation, this one is the opposite. I had very low expectations, so I was quite surprised that the result of Hitman: Agent 47 was actually a very good sit-through. Of course it won't make any arthouse fan fall in love with it nor will it rake in loads of Oscars, but it sets up a decent action movie that could even be watched more than once. It lacks some depth on the drama part, but that is something Hitman will never achieve due to the character itself. It does not achieve greatness like 'John Wick' or 'The Punisher' could do last year, but it keeps you entertained for a good and fun evening. I would rate this a solid "watch it? oh well, why the hell not" 6/10

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The idea to put the stands in CGI was not that good. the plot was a bit off and didn't make much sense i say don't bother

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Quinn is such a badass.

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Just like everyone else here already stated: thats your typical entertaining popcorn movie, gets the job done I guess.... Oh and nice to see Sylar back in action!

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Well... Like others said about it, it was okay. 6/10 just because Rupert Friend was there and I like him in Homeland (what have you done to your hairs!). Otherwise, 5/10.
The special effects are nice too but not transcendent. With a $35 million budget, we all have seen better.
The story could be more dramatic or dark I think, too many fights which doesn't let enough space to the story to evolve. This movie isn't interesting if it's just to show... well, fights. I mean, we don't need $35 million to make it happen, right?
It's always difficult to adapt an existing work, I get that, but I think Aleksander Bach didn't took a lot of initiatives about the character or the story itself.
Hitman's got enough background to make a movie with potential without being dependant of the game serie, I'm sure of it.

By the way, is anyone seen Emilio Rivera in the movie? Apparently, he's in the cast but I didn't saw him... Or maybe on a Syndicate bike ;)

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Don't waste your time. I gave up after 20 minutes.

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Well, was fun after all. I don't know why such bad reviews, I mean, it's an action movie based on a video game, what are you going to expect? Definitely it's not good, and the camera's move (mostly in the fight scenes) was really bad, but is made to entertain and it does.

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I enjoyed it. Fun and entertaining.

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Shout by Deleted

this reboot it´s not an improvement but it´s always nice to see in action one of my favorite characters in video-games. even if they couldn't quite get the essence of him right.

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I entertained and to hang out longer valid

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It was okay and some parts of the effects weren't fantastic. I prefer the first one with Timothy Olyphant.

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Shout by Deleted

Believe it or not, I knew nothing about Hitman. But good movie and great entertainment. The visual effects are very well done. I would recommend the movie to anybody!

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