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Hitchcock 2012

I really like the movie. It's probably not great but very intrigue and really make you wonder about Hitchcock movies.

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It has it's moments, but AH's Hitchcock made me think; what if Divine did a Hannibal Lecter impersonation?

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There's plenty of meat to roast here - the character of Alfred Hitchcock alone could carry most screenplays - but the plot constantly finds itself caught up in dry, semi-interesting wrinkles at the expense of the main attraction. In its best moments, when Hitchcock is allowed to be his sarcastic, dismissive self, it's loads of fun, if a bit indulgent. As the second act stretches on, though, those occasions become fewer and further between.

Anthony Hopkins can be quite convincing in the lead role, but he's also inconsistent - in certain scenes you'd swear Hitch is alive and well, while in others it's just Hannibal Lecter in makeup with a blubbery accent. Helen Mirren, who plays his wife Alma, fares much better but is often held captive by stuffy, unwanted elaborative scenes.

While Hitchcock remains focused on the task at hand (that is, the conception and production of Psycho) it's a guilty pleasure, perhaps crowded with too many nods and winks. The problem is, it provides just enough of that to tease what could've been, then redirects us to the misplaced, seen-this-before relationship drama it actually is.

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Good evening, Hitchcock is a disturbing and thrilling little tale of obsession gone awry. The film follows master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock as he searches for his next film project and runs across Psycho, but the experience takes its toll on Hitchcock and forces him to face his demons. While the story has been largely fictionalized, it’s still captivating and provides a fascinating view of filmmaking. Anthony Hopkins delivers a brilliant performance as Hitchcock, and is backed by a strong supporting cast that includes Scarlett Johansson, Michael Wincott, and Helen Mirren. The writing is also quite good, and cleverly inserts some Hitchcockian element into the film. Though Hitchcock is by no means a definitive telling of the making of Psycho, it’s a fantastic look at the culture of cinema.

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i loved this so much. he did an amazing perfect impression of him!!!!

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An entertaining look at a time in Hitchcock's career when he was making the film Psycho, but rather than simply create an account of the ups-and-downs of the production, the filmmakers use this as a backdrop to focus on the relationship between Hitchcock and his wife. There is nothing particularly insightful that the film has to say, but the strength of the film is in the performances, especially Hopkins and Mirren and the interplay between these two characters is one of the highlights. There is also a lot of fun to be had in watching the recreation of moments from the production of one of Hitchcock's most iconic films, and Hopkins seems to be having a ball playing him - there is a wonderful moment near the end of the film of Hopkins in a cinema foyer gleefully orchestrating the screams of the audience inside. Worth a look.

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Wow, i did not expected this 4Point-Ratings. I think the movie itself was great. Did i watch Psycho? Yeah, a couple of years ago, but i was not the generation that lived in Hitchcooks Marketing-Era. But that doesn't change the story about the Biopic and it's more interesting setting.

Sometimes i am annoyed by these biopics about a documentary in a movie about a movie within a movie-Stuff. BUT! This time this biopic does not take it to far.

Also Anthony Hopkins is just stunning great. He does not only wear a fatsuit. He does also perfectly imitates the little bit overweight Sir. And Helen Miren doe EXACTLY the same thing like her character: Most of the time she steps back and just come back when she is needed.

The best thing abour the movie is, it is not to long. It has a little bit more than the magical 90minutes-length, but it fits perfect.

One of the better Movies i saw in the last months.

8/10 -> Thumb up

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I don't understand how it's possible to make a movie about a movie director that's bad directed ;-)

Put some love and a tad more money in a movie about Hitchcock, who btw was one the greatest movie directors ALL TIME.

We cannot permit a movie about the best director to be mediocre. It's sad. Very sad.

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As Alfred Hitchcock/Anthony Hopkins says in this movie, "It's stillborn." It's a letdown of a movie about the making of a cinema classic, "Psycho." While Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren turn in great performances, as you would expect, the movie never manages to come to life. It's rather dull and, frankly, kind of sad. I can't really give a good recommendation to this one.

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Though there would have been more meat to this story, but was worth the watch.

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"Hitchcock" is a very good bioepic about the master of suspense that really will gain the interest of any casual movie watcher. Alfred Hitchcock is played by Anthony Hopkins who does a very good job doing some mannerisms famous by the master of suspense. Helen Mirren also does an excellent job as Hitchcock's wife. The film focuses in the days leading to "Hitch" most popular film "Psycho" and the untold struggle that went behind the creation of it. With great acting and a very interesting story, "Hitchcock" is very good and entertaining film that is sure to keep anybody watching.

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Loved it. Specially all of the nods and winks to the Hitchcockian history. Great film!

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This movie isn't that good, but Hopkins was absolutely incredible as Hitch.

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Hopkins best since silence, very good.

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Worth watching at least once. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting was impeccable. Anthony Hopkins was amazing.

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