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GoodFellas 1990

Like every Scorsese rather brutal but also very intriguing. A somewhat weak ending: Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) rats on the Paulie and Jimmy (Robert DeNiro).

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One of the most overwhelmingly compelling films of all time. The definitive gangster movie.

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Through an ordinary gangster, Scorsese turns to one of his themes.

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Martin Scorsese was born to direct this film. De Niro, Pesci, and Liotta are absolutely perfect. The supporting cast is flawless. The writing, the production, the camera work...Goodfellas is simply the greatest mobster movie of all time.

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Only Martin Scorsese could direct a film about the Mafia this way. This film is a masterpiece.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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I don't even know how many times I've seen this movie, but this was the first time I started getting weepy for Jimmy when he was sobbing over Tommy's murder. De Niro's been the tough-guy actor most of my life, and he was certainly a cold-blooded killer in this movie, but even still, I wanted to give him a hug in that moment.

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A movie about Gangs, Gang members lifes, freinds, betrayal, illegal stuff, opium, drugs, Intoxication, and life lessons.

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It was interesting but there were so many samey looking characters introduced so quickly. It was pretty taxing to keep track of who got whacked by whom and who is in kahoots with the others while keeping track of the narrative.

Not bad of a movie just very taxing. Maybe it's just not my cup of tea amd that's fine.

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Nothing should ever get 10/10.
This? This gets 9.99r/10.

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It hasn’t been that long since I watched Godfather I & II and The Sopranos for the first time. I loved both so much that this fell a bit flat for me. Sure, it’s good and the way the story is told is fantastic, but it didn’t make the same impression on me. Maybe it’s just that I watched to much maffia stories lately, I don’t really know.

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I should comment on this because it is a 2 for myself and 8 for most. It is soo boring. We watched to half to give it a go. So not a 1. I think the life of a ceiling painter would of been more interesting.

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An amazingly beutifully made film about mafia in the US. I love the acting, the script, the direction. I didn't feel they tried to make us empathize with those scumbags, because at the end, almost all of them got what the deserved.

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This is the only movie that can be stacked up against Godfather I and II (forget Godfather III, it was a cash grab and sucked). These are all the definitive works for the grimy, sleazy, exciting, dangerous world of the mob. You both root for and hate these characters at the same time, you get romanced by organized crime to only be jerked right back into reality with how bad it really is. It is this movie that absolutely defined Liotta, De Niro and Pesci in film, all being the quintessential mobsters from there on out and that's because they positively nailed this film to a T. Almost anything any of them did since this has been terrible, particularly De Niro (who now just make films to pay for his divorce and bad choices), but this was their crowning jewel.

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First time finally watching it and man I am am so happy and sad. Happy because it's another 10/10 movie that I can add to my list. Sad because I'm realizing all the good movies that are made today aren't as impactful as as used to be. This movie is a must watch if you're a big fan of The Sopranos! Mafia type movies and shows have really become my all time favorites.

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The only problem I have with this movie is its length. You could easily chop much of the first 45 minutes and wouldn't change anything to the story, nothing but a bunch of introductions to trivial characters and a lot of fancy restaurants. The story only kicks off after they kill that "made" guy.

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Wow, what an awesome cast. everything about this movie is great, especially the soundtrack! If I had to describe this film to someone, I'd say "if the godfather and the wolf of wallstreet had a baby"

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Life writes good scripts and some people can show them on the screen. Scorsese is one who know how to do it right, especially when he has good actors to help.

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Amazing movie..Beautifull real storry,and top actor's in this time and still ...
great .

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It doesn't very much connect ro me. The characters doesn't even make impacts. It's a complete mess. The only good thing about this film is De Niro and his acting

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Shout by Deleted

I like so much this movie, its very very good

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[Netflix] This is Scorsese. Impeccable cinema. A way of telling a story that is entertaining and shocking. It is one of those movies that remains images in our memory. One of the best mob movies ever made. Great dialogues: "No one goes to jail if they don't want to go." Great editing. Perfect actings. This is Cinema. Great Cinema.

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One of the greatest movies i have ever seen. Brilliant story telling, great preformance by Pesci, Liotta and de Niro. Must see!

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Ah, so this is what Scorsese was trying to do with The Irishman!

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An endlessly rewatchable movie where artistry and entertainment perfectly collide

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What A Bad Ass Classic. To Bad Ray Never Got Better Roles After This Flick

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Shout by Deleted

I was hit by a bullet train called Joe Pesci.

It will remain the performance of his career.

The public will know him as the Home alone robber but this is the role of a lifetime for him.

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Shout by BraylonMitch07
BlockedParent2019-12-06T02:27:56Z— updated 2019-12-28T16:46:00Z

One of my favorite movies of all time.The best mob movie of all time. Everything about it is almost perfect. The acting is fantastic story is amazing. It’s a movie any fan of movies should watch. Overall it’s one of my favorite movies of all time.

(10 out of 10)

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I really wish actors would stick to one thing and not dive into public politics . I really enjoyed watching De Niro , now I cant stand him.

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Shout by Deleted

Scorsese has made many great films in his career and this here is certainly among his best.

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Hey A masterpiece of storytelling based on a true story. Martin Scorsese is a master at these types of films and Goodfellas does not disappoint. Great performances by Deniro, Pesce and Liotta. Bing Italian I am fascinated by these films and this one has the right amount of everything. The movie leaves you wondering what happened to these men.... look it up.... interesting

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Shout by ronaldreis3000
BlockedParent2019-04-27T22:53:34Z— updated 2019-04-29T01:17:23Z

It's not a movie that enchanted me, maybe because it's not my favorite movie genre. However, it's excellent as historic registry of gangster era, it's crude and true, a lesson about the crime and it's consequences, it's very well made in terms of photography, architecture, fashion and cars of 1955-1980 New York, dialogues, music and so on. Good as culture increase.

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Love this genre need something to follow Sooranos Ray Donavan is great—Brotherhood was good just need a new movie show—

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"As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."

Since the 27th anniversary was earlier this week and the recent passing of Frank Vincent I wanted to revisit this masterpiece. What a brilliant film. Everything is excellent, from the acting to the camera work to the soundtrack, this is one of the very best movies of all times. Martin Scorsese is at the top of his game. This is the definitive gangster movie and in my mind it will never be passed.

"Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut." Unless they are trying to kill you...

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Martin Scorsese's masterclass in modern cinema is still as fresh as the day it was released. Engaging storyline, crackling dialogue, beautiful cinematography and expertly directed.

You've watched it many times it again.

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I noticed this movie was leaving Netflix NL soon, and since it is in the top 20 on IMDb, I thought it must be great.

But I quit it after 36 minutes..... I do like con/heist movies and such (The Italian Job, Focus, Ocean's Eleven etc), so I thought, this must be right up my alley... but meh :( Hugely disappointed. It just seemed to go too slow-paced for my taste.

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This is a deeply interesting movie of friendship and betrayal.

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The story telling in this movie is sooo good. Also loved De Niro's performance in this one.

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The greatest mob film still today.

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Absolutely superb film!
One of the best without doubt

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Cinema Paco: Magnificent mafia movie with some great performances and screenplay

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A highly disturbing but mesmerizing look at the joys and dangers of life in the mob. Colorful but dramatically unsatisfying.

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Films like this are the reason why I love cinema so much.

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Love every minute of this film.

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