Fucking awful. Paul Rudd plays a stuttering stepdad like always. Queer bating but with 15 year olds? Can’t even make the queers cool.

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This was just a lot of fun. Well done!

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That was such a good movie. We get more of the comedic banter from Judd and the kids like in the last movie. And even better visuals. Good to see a whole team assembled, both old and new. I hope we get a third movie to see them continue the franchise on properly this time.

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Wow that was sh*t. Effects were terrible. Did they do it on purposes to make it look like bad 80s special effect or do they just suck. Characters are also super annoying. I wanted to slap Paul, Finn and particularly MbKenna the whole time. I would have turned it off had I not passed out from boredom half way through.

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Look, Afterlife is better. But this sets the tone for the franchise, which is clearly its goal, because there's effectively three teams on the go. The OGs, the Spenglers and the Research Center. I will be astonished if there isn't a TV show in the works with the latter.

Oh, and it's not queer baiting if the 'love interest' is a ghost. It's obviously not going to happen. Doesn't mean the character isn't queer, though.

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It was a little slow in parts, but the charm of Paul Rudd and the laughs from Dan Aykroyd made it a fun story. Definitely worth the price of admission.

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I was hesitant to see this in theaters, but I am so glad I did, as I found this movie really brought the magic back to the franchise for me. The cast, fully immersing the old with the new.... Perfect.

Annie Potts with Dan Akroyd, Ernie Hudson and Bill Murray, all in uniform... I don't think I could have been happier when she says "Not my first time facing a god"

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I liked that it honored the original Ghostbusters but the whole story with Phoebe and the ghost is so stupid. The actress is boring af. The movie become boring too. Unoriginal plot.

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Damn, no ghosts, a Mary sue leads, all the cast wasted, lesbo romance, even worst than female versión

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It wasn't terrible, but I'm old, so I remember the originals scaring the crap out of me as a child while making me laugh. Seems like they would rather dust off people like the mayor and use him again than write some really great script, heavily dependent on the old stars than any really good story. The bad guy, though, awesome! He was clearly the best part that would have scared me as a child.

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I watched this in 4K HDR10+ and would recommend watching this in HDR10+ or Dolby Vision. The visuals are stunning. The story is good and the action sequences were done really well. It gets a bit slow in the middle. However, things picked up quickly after the big boss monster rocked up.

I watched the first Ghostbusters movies as a kid on VHS tapes, I never thought I would one day see a Ghostbusters sequel this advanced.This movie made my day.

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This series is beautiful and delicious. The cast is already good. I noticed something, it seems like the leading actors are now being kept in the background, and the daughter, son, etc. are being kept in the foreground. It's like we're saying goodbye to them. Nothing has changed in the series. I got bored in some scenes. I attribute this to our aging, not to the movie anymore.:joy:

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I suddenly felt like watching a Luigi's mansion movie

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:notes:There's a ghost in your mansion, who are you going to call?:notes:

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Still haven't seen the original movies, and these requels are still a lot of fun. Laughed a lot, and I even got a little emotional over Melody's arc (ghost girl). Also, Paul Rudd is a national treasure.

Not sure a kids movie needed multiple sex dungeon jokes but whatever.

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Unfortunately it's not the same, no humor, no flair, no action... you can see they're cashing in on a well-known brand. The cast didn't help either, because they were so emotionless. :(

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Again really lazy writing…up there with the Top Gunn sequel…so lazy please respect the audiences!

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I actually really liked this ghostbusters movie, thought it was pretty cool :sunglasses::thumbsup:

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Good for being the chapter of a series, bad for being a movie.

The movie could have been magnificent if everything had frozen from the beginning.

Imagine a movie about ghostbusters hunting ghosts in a frozen city trying to survive with special suits that generate heat, with a villain destroying everything with ice, destruction here, destruction there, with a hero trying to learn to control fire in the middle of the chaos... that would have been perfect.

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What the actual f*ck was this pile of absolute sh*t. Lame plot (which was obviously an afterthought). Lame villain. No character development. Lesbian ghosts? Really? Let's shove woke down our throats. I guess the G in LGBQ is for Ghosts. This was so stupid I can't even....

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I really liked the 'new' characters side by side with the originals. Fun watch!

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"Genius children", "heel-face turn", "deus ex machine", "ignored expert" terrible, lazy plot devices and cliches among so many more.
Then there's the pre-teen lesbian ghost nonsense...

Nostalgic elements ain't gonna cut it. This movie is a bloody disaster, it has no soul. It's ultimately a compilation of cliches.

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I have never been a fan of Ghostbusters (although I have seen all of them) and I don't understand why it is a successful saga. And this movie is very poor and boring.

The entire film anticipates a villain who is dispatched without problem and quickly, never being a threat.

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Yeah yeah yeah, average movie!

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Checked it out today. Same vibes as the 80s. Great family movie.

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If you're not a die-hard fan of Ghostbusters, you might find this movie just okay, with a hint of nostalgia thrown in. But, if you're a true fan of the franchise, you'll love it for the homage it pays to the original.

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A very good movie. It was fun and nostalgic. Nice to see some of the old gang again. And the movie went quickly an nice easy watch. Well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:
Quick Quiz, who sang the Theme Song for Ghost :ghost: Buster? Page Down if you want the answer.

Ray Parker Jnr. :thumbsup_tone1:

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I had fun with this movie. I think they really tried to please the fans with this one by bringing it back to the original fire house and bringing back the original Ghostbusters. And I think the way they did the movie basically sets them up to do more sequels if needed.

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This could have elevated from solid to exceptional if the writers had invested a bit more effort crafting a more intricate narrative to challenge Garraka. The triumph shouldn't have felt so effortless. Yet, it's still a nicely polished production... concise but captivating. The core components and essence of the original Ghostbusters shines through.

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A fire element is so awesome! Bravo!!:clap_tone1::clap_tone1::laughing::laughing: :fire::fire:

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This is getting trite and lazy. Do better, if not then leave the whole shtick and let it rest already. Effing greed ruined everything.

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It wasn't as good as Afterlife but still had its magic. I think the main issue was managing so many characters, both new and old. The old team + the new team + the new new team + "the fire master" + all side characters; is too much. Storywise is ok, in fact I thought about the issue of the "ghost dumpster" filling in while being a kid and watching the old ones, so I guess is nice to see a development on that end. Beyond that, is ok-ish. I liked the villain's design even that the final fight was a bit lame. It's a 6, which is a big step down from previous movies; but still pretty acceptable. If they keep going with new movies, I hope they step up the game again.

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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - :heart:x7

This sequel with the new cast was good. Not quite as good as Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) but still really good. There was a lot more banter and no creepy gatekeeper Rudd this time lol. Plus, the whole original gang (minus Egon of course) played larger roles this time around.

I was however not that fond of Nanjiani's character. But my personal gripe aside - this was a fun movie.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Fun watch and I enjoyed all the reference to the original except... The scenes with any original cast members felt forced and often cringe. Dan Aykroyd wasn't bad but that's because he was just being Dan Aykroyd.

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Mckenna Grace carries this otherwise lackluster story.

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Such a good movie! I hope they can keep the same quality for future movies of the franchise.

Ghostbusters 1 is an all time classic
Ghostbusters 2 can’t reach that level but it’s still good
Ghostbusters female is good but has a lot of flaws what could have been avoided
Ghostbusters Legacy is the worst movie of them all. The kids are annoying and the setting fits not
Frozen Empire is maybe the second best Ghostbusters movie after the original

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"Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" opens with promising energy, but loses steam midway through. While performances are okay, they lack the spark to elevate the film. The absence of a cohesive story weakens the impact of the impressive special effects. The introduction of the firemaster character felt forced and out of place. Despite its flaws, the movie offers some fun moments and a nostalgic nod to the original. However, it might have been better suited as a TV series where storytelling could be more effectively developed. Overall, it's a decent watch, especially for fans of the Ghostbusters franchise.

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I had hope this would be a steady pace of fun, and although it tried to be fun and scary just like the old movies, the plot was wasted on a stop start pace. Teasing us with some amazing possibilities but giving us nothing but overused and underwhelming scenarios. Eye rolling clichés and repetative moves on a loop. I love the Ghostbusters, but please stop forcing nostalgia. Freeze a whole city, but don't add human 'gods'. Ghosts are outrageous enough. I loved the villain, but the pacing/screen time choices mixed in with a terrible script ruined a lot. I was really rooting for the bad guy here.

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This was so boring that I fell asleep for 15 minutes. And apart from the deaths in 1904 I don't think there was a single person that died or even bruised from all that ice spikes as a result of whathisname's awakening. They could have at least killed off the original cast, they're already so old, please don't bring them back IF EVER there'd be another film in this franchise.

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Just the most boring, corporate sludge. The script can’t balance all the different storylines, characters, nostalgia porn and corporate tie-ins. There’s a lot of stuff thrown at the wall and none of it is memorable. It keeps bringing in acclaimed comedians to prop up dull exposition scenes, but they’re given the worst material. For as childish as most of the comedy is, Kumail gets to riff with an extended BDSM bit (and even that’s not funny somehow). Most of the cast looks visibly bored, and there’s no personality to the direction. Just skip it, there’s no merit to this for those who can look past obvious pandering.


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There are some good moment in this Ghostbusters sequel but it lacks the spirit and sense of awe that made the other movies so great.

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Not as good as it looked in the trailer, but I still enjoyed it. It wasn't as funny as afterlife, either. My only problem with this movie is that we didn't get to see the antagonist much, and he was defeated in a dumb way after all that buildup.

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I understand the lukewarm reviews on the whole. Personally, I didn't expect too much and was satisfied w the bulk of what was on offer here. I wanted a little fan service and some new blood elements. It's not perfect, but that's what I got. Some bad CGI in spots took me out of it a little, but overall it was decent enough. This is really Grace's movie and she performed well. 6.2.

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Well that was disappointing. The charm was there, but they were never able to capture it. I really loved the previous film and it just felt like there were too many ghostbusters in the kitchen to share the screen and make a movie that had stakes or felt significant. The action was pretty bland and the baddie was lame. Also criminal trailers showcasing way too much of the movie. Maybe next time.

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The trailers look like so much fun. I was ready to enjoy the film, but the film's script or editing needed work to help it flow better.

The individual scenes and the acting in them are great, but they do not build upon each other like in other great movies. Maybe a fan edit wil help fix this movie.

I enjoyed Ghostbusters: Afterlife so much more. That was a fun cohesive film.

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This film is really fun to watch, the plot is simple but work really well, have more action and the cast is enjoyable. Is my fav Ghostbuster movie

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The Ghostbusters franchise is like Easter candy: there's one every year and they're overly sweet with few surprises, yet not unpleasant.

This Ghostbusters is as routine as everyone says, but a routine Ghostbusters is still fun while it lasts, though not much longer.

Seen in IMAX.

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Fun enough for what it is. McKenna grace as the lead stands far and above the rest.

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James Acaster is King, fairly standard fair otherwise. You can tell the reshoots hurt more than they helped. At this point, I'm just waiting patiently for Sony to kill SPUMM and funnel that money into officially launching the Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe. I mean, they already have their own version of a Marvel Studios/DC Films label with "Ghost Corps". And an overcrowded movie like this one could have benefitted from certain characters or storylines being shunted into various spinoffs/miniseries. I still had fun though. 6/10. Not great, not terrible

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I wanted to love it but ended up just liking it.. which is fine, I suppose.
Paul Rudd is dependable when it comes to laughs, and the story makes good use of the original characters, but the movie is a little slow at times.
It perfectly sets up for future movies, which I'm fine with.
It's worth a watch, but it's sadly no classic.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife had some faint signs of strength. Frozen Empire moves in the wrong direction and builds only upon its predecessor's weaknesses. Every addition in the Ghostbusters franchise further insults the original. Please, just stop.

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Was excellent. Loved the vibe and the visuals. Captured the essence of the original. The new characters really added to the movie. Hope the franchise just keeps going like this.

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Saw this in theaters on opening weekend.

It was a really good addition to Afterlife. The story is and plot are good and mesh well with the franchise. It was good fun but nothing breath taking. Some scenes were a bit forced and too goofy. There is obvious nostalgia bait contained within but as someone who grew up with the OG Ghostbusters, it wasn't over the top.

Definitely worth the price of a ticket in the theaters.

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