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Ghost Stories 2018

Very reminiscent of the classic Amicus Horror Films absolutely loved it. Great performances and clever writing

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Had me holding my breath at the later acts. :ok_hand:

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Lots of potential here marred by lackluster scares and goofy reveals. It definitely has its moments which makes this even more disappointing. There's quite a bit of effective tension building techniques leading to a noticeable increase in heat rate, however the reveals fall flat. Many of the typical horror tropes are present as well, doors close in the background, ghosts rush towards the camera and scream etc. It's a shame because the atmosphere is great, also Martin Freeman is always a good time. As others have said it goes off the rails at the end, it still offers a fun ride nonetheless.

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Loaded with sustained scares, this is a very suspenseful and often creepy film. This is far from gory or bloody, it just brings the dread.

It's basically an anthology with a wraparound story that couches three really effective tales. The acting was excellent. Every time I see Martin Freeman I like him more.

Once the ghost stories start, the film really excels. The problem is that the ending seems contrived. It's not a satisfying conclusion in the least. However, the three individual tales are so strong that it still scores high with me.

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It reminds me so much Inside Number Nine. The original theater play is a must-see.

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The most cliché screamer I've seen in a few years

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First and second part was good. Went downhill after that.

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This is horrible movie. It was boring as hell and the story was just dumb. You're just confused throughout the entire thing... There wasn't a single second of this movie that was scary or even entertaining. A complete and utter waste of a half hour of my life.

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Shout by Tom

The end of the film was great and How the stories were intertwined, but unfortunately the overall thing was not much and the horror atmosphere was not too bad there, otherwise it could be a pretty good film. Unfortunately, I rather rank this film among the average horror movies.

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Shout by Deleted

I wasn't expecting "Ghost Stories" to be such a good movie. It's a little awkward at first - there's about 15 minutes where I could bet my life it would be a cheap-ass comedy - but things soon turn up into a very interesting and well delivered plotline.

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this film puts the supernatural TV programs in check. despite having some loose moments

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A movie based on a compilation of "Ghost Stories" that brings out the Inner Ghost within a person. Good watch with a climax which could mean anything and depends on how you take it. 6/10

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Shout by Adam K.

It looks like a quite good quasi-document style movie at the beginning. But the further it goes it starts to be less scary and became a pastiche of the horror movie which based on a dream. Even Hobbit didn't help.

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Suspense ghost story that Builds up nicely. The ending does nothing for this movie or the viewer :thinking:

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A movie set up to look like some goofy documentary like grave encounters, but it becomes something better once it gets going. A man who debunks the paranormal meets a renowned psychologist in a similar profession who gives him 3 case files of cases he was unable to decipher.
The first story is about a man who was a guard at a old insane asylum for women. It is frightening and atmospheric until the ridiculous jump scares.
The second story was really well-acted and pretty funny.
The third story was definitely the scariest for me especially at the conclusion. You can see how the main character starts to lose his mind seeing illusions and hearing his own catchphrase echoed back at him. Anyway, the end was pretty damn whack. I really enjoyed this one.

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Decent ghost movie. Quite a few effective jump-scares, but the wraparound story is a too been-there-done-that. Especially the ending.

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Very strange and creepy film but did enjoy.

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Shout by Dearbhla
BlockedParent2019-01-05T18:53:44Z— updated 2019-01-08T18:45:45Z

Interesting, and certainly creepy in parts, but didn't quite work.

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Slowly starting, gaining full speed at the end. Yes you need to suffer till the final credits to get what is going on.

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Good cast ,dreadful movie ,would expect better from the writers.

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Throwback to the old Amicus movies and Hammer House of Horrors tv series, this is an entertaining chiller, but not as scary as I had hoped. Still, it's time we had more British horrors like this one, so a sequel (or a tv spinoff) would be entirely welcome.

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A modern take on classic style horror tales. Not the type of story I enjoy but it was decent. To like something in a genre that usually bores you is good. The Paul Whitehouse part was well shot.

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Nice story with a horrible ending!

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The main story is interesting and the mini stories within offer good scares and even a few laughs. The ending felt like it went off the rails a bit and made everything that came before seem somewhat pointless. Overall I liked the movie, but feel like the conclusion wasn't satisfying at all.

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Just goes to show with some brilliant creative wriiting from Jeremy Dyson & Andy Nyman and a brilliant cast us brits really can still do horror movies which is a nice surprise to me as i thought British horror died in the 80s

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interesting idea for a movie , but i felt the ending fell way short. It had a few points that were really good. I'd still recommend it, being as the run-time is 98mins.

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i thought evil dead 2 was scarier

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Fantasy Film Fest White Nights. "Cheeky" little UK horror comedy

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