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Gangster Squad 2013


Shout by Ben

In points of 'Gangster Movies' nothing goes over Martin Scorsese []
But this one ... this one is really good!!!

It's very much like "The Untouchables" []
but with better music & awesome slow-motions!

What can I say I love me some 50's - with all these wests, ties & hats ... hunting down the bad guys with some nice Tommy Gun action ;)
More please.

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Shout by Ben

Just watched the trailer - holy cow, what a cast.
There are a least 10 well know faces + based on a true story + 50's mafia style.

This is comming on my watchlist for sure!

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"Two things you can't take back on this job, kid. Bullets out of your gun, and words out of your mouth."

Someone told me this was one of the biggest disappointments they have had in theaters and to a point I do understand. It has a great cast and solid cinematography, but might lean a little more on spectacle than a well directed story. I would recommend everyone watch The Untouchables instead.

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This was not a good film but it was bad in a vaguely entertaining fashion.
Hammy and full of cliche

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Okay, actors, setting, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are seen with the chemistry that will be seen later in La Land
although maybe I expected too much from the movie

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Despite the rich subject material, Gangster Squad delivers a rather mundane crime thriller. Inspired by a true story, the L.A. police chief appoints a special task force to take down local crime boss Mickey Cohen, who’s attempting to establish a mob presence on the West Coast. With an all-star cast that includes Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, and Sean Penn, the performances are pretty good. But, the storytelling is weak and isn’t very compelling. However, the costumes and set designs give the film a remarkably authentic feel. Gangster Squad is more or less a stereotypical period crime film that has some impressive action sequences.

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Was Gosling's voice a character choice or were his vocal chords fucked up

i just need to know

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Es divertida y la violencia estilizada siempre me ha gustado, pero me decepcionó que no apareciera Dick Tracy. Emma se ve espectacular.

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You probably shouldn't think during this one. For this supposedly being based on a true story it has too many times during the movie that it has you go that's proabably not how it happened. I believe the overall concept of this story, but it felt like they tried to hard to adapt into a movie. Overall it can be enjoyed with the star studded cast that it has but I was hoping to enjoy it more than I did.

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Sean Penn sure does know how to play "mobster boss" character. Been a while since I've actually watched this movie, but it's very action packed and almost guaranteed to be, what I have come to dub the genre as a, "Entertainment Casserole" type of movie. Getting a little bit of everything in a nicely layered casserole dish.

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Shout by Deleted

Gangster Squad's cast is incredible and it carries them across the finish line. Rueben Fleisher's style is hit and miss and it turns this movie into a comic book style action film instead of a grounded crime drama but I enjoyed the action and the characters. That makes for a pretty solid movie in my book.

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Shout by Deleted

Beautiful and brutal in equal amounts.

Dion Beebe's photography was stunning with gorgeous attention to the use of colour. Kudos should also to John Buckley for lighting everything so skillfully. It made a great change for a director to show everything in sharp focus and giving the camera time to drink in the scenes.

While some of the main players may not have been fully utilized or fleshed out there is not one lackluster performance.

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Somehow I just couldnt get into this movie. It was not my cup of tea. Disappointing

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Gangster Squad was a nice romp back to the days where detectives said funny lines, smoked indoors and held tommy guns. Here is a film that looks slick with a nice polish, a great ensemble cast and a story that has enough meat to it for us to chew on. Yet, people seem to be hating on it. Did they all expect another Untouchables? Sure, Gangster Squad has moments where the inspirations from past films peep through, but not once did this film try to be more than the sum of its means. Gangster Squad is a fun film, has thrilling moments and will entertain you.

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What an amazing gangster story!! I loved it!

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Great movie, I'm a big fan of the camera work.

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Good movie, entertaining. Reminded me a bit of The Untouchables at times. Not a deep story though and you know almost any time what is going to happen next. But nicely filmed gunfights.

The worst thing in my opinion: Sean Penn. That was the worst attempt of a DeNiro impersonation if I ever saw one.

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Shout by Deleted

Good actors. Pretty good gangster-flick

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Shout by Deleted

I cant see it!!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I cant see it!!!!

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True story. Amazing atmosphere. Great actors.
Convincing bad guy

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Supremely entertaining. And for a recommendation, Where Eagles Dare (1968)

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Shout by fuh

Definitely a watch again movie!

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I liked liked liked.Enjoying

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I loved it, very entertaining movie with great acting.

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Shout by Deleted

great high movie

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Shout by Deleted

Buena pelicula

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Better than expected, a good watch.

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just couldn't get into this movie had to turn it off quarter of the way. shame cause it looked good.

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Delayed to january 2013

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