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Game Night 2018

Inception. Comedy. Jason Bateman. Ozarks. Money. Madness. Twists. Turns. Pace. Unserious. Serious. Comedy. Comedy. Mystery. More comedy. Pop culture. Score. Anyway, this came out in 2018. Why did the comedy genre crash? Movies like this are unexplainable in their humour. The casting, plot, soundtrack, jokes, camerawork, and script blended like a bowl of berries. It's not the best with rewatchability, but it definitely stands up to the test of time. Let's see if it can hold up through the next 5. Oh, and the score really surprised me, electric.

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Apparently I’ve seen this movie twice!(?) which I wasn’t sure I watched it at all in the first place. Don’t know what made me give it a 4 the first time but I’ve changed it to a 6 as it’s a normal pace movie, quite predictable but still enjoyable. Ideal for a Sunday watch.

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There are so many plot holes and illogical twists that I could easily drain my pasta in it, yet I found the movie unexpectedly funny and goofy in a cute way (with the exception of a couple of embarrassing gags like the Denzel one). The reveal comes too soon, though: once the characters realize they are actually in danger, the plot gets all over the place, and the characters keep doing illogical things. Somehow, it was more believable as everyone was convinced to be playing a game.

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What a fantastic unique idea for a black comedy about a group of friends who like to have game nights when one of their game nights goes terribly wrong and a real world life threatening situation comes out. It is a very clever way to let the audience get to know each character as they show their quirky weird sides and it makes you belly laugh the whole film. The only downside is that there were too many plot twists that make the ending a bit confusing, but all in all it was hilarious, action packed and sort of sweet.

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Was this supposed to be funny? Was this supposed to be smart?

Well. I was bored as hell, annoyed mostly and didn’t laugh once.

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It was a fun movie that takes you for a wild ride. It’s amazing how comedy really seems to be dying now these days, but every once in a while something like this will come along and give you a breath of fresh air.

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After watching a string of boring movies, this one hit the mark. A great mix of action and comedy!

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Shout by Cindy567
BlockedParent2023-04-29T18:33:06Z— updated 2023-05-20T14:31:30Z

Likable characters

Characters 8.5
Story 9
Pacing 7
Visuals 7.5
Rewatchability Factor 8
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8.5
Average Score 8.08

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Frenetic, and slightly gamey nonsense, with fast paced dialogue that gives no pause for breath in this roller-coaster ride. It was fun, not uproariously funny, but it doesn't outstay its welcome. I'm a sucker for game-themed fare though.

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With a seemingly bottomless amount of content stacking up in my watchlist, I find it hard to justify re-watching anything. As such, I was surprised to discover that my most recent re-watch of this film was in fact my 4th viewing. This may not seem like a lot, but it's actually the second highest of any movie in my Trakt history (member since 2016). I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that, even after three previous viewings, this film absolutely holds up. The clever story provides a strong foundation, but the real selling point is the hilarious performances, with every member of the cast getting a chance to shine. Jesse Plemons and Billy Magnussen were particularly excellent, really nailing their parts and bringing laughs with almost every line. The movie also benefits from some uniquely thematic filmmaking, with establishing shots made to feel like miniatures on a game board. All in all, an easy recommendation and a definite highlight in the action-comedy genre of recent years. Bring on the sequel.

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Hear me out, this movie is fucking great. A true, honest adult comedy that just nails it moment after moment.

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Fun, clever, and with some unexpected twists.

Great movie to watch with friends.

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Shout by Zoe

So… I guess I only watched this to see Michael C. Hall and I didn’t even know he was in this.

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I think this was a pretty fun movie actually, and I didn't predict the plot twists.

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Game Night 2018

Jason Bateman's Game Night is outright hilarious kudos to brilliant and sharp writing, unexpected plot twists and brilliant slapstick humour. If you are tired of watching thrillers try this one which can become a hilarious surprise for you all.

Instagram : @stream.genx

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Very fun, and surprisingly refreshing.

'Game Night' is definitely worth a watch. It actually features a fairly simple premise but it's one that is brought to life splendidly. The humour is strong, as are the majority of the cast. It has some neat camerawork, also.

Jason Bateman (Max) and Rachel McAdams (Annie) make for a terrific pairing, they bounce off each other very well. Jesse Plemons (Gary) low-key steals the show though, his character is so basic but Plemons plays him to perfection - he made me laugh with just the smallest bits of comedy. Jeffrey Wright also appears, as does a certain Mr. Morgan.

There are rumours of sequels potentially being a thing. I mean, I'd check them out for sure but I kinda hope they don't... I think they would be overdoing it, meaning it would become stale fast. Who knows, though.

Check it out if you get the opportunity.

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Genuinely laugh out loud moments and Rachel mccadams stand out performance makes this a must try for fans of comedy.
The film let's itself down for me with some bad, predictable jokes that feel even more out of place considering the clever comedy and fantastic comedy timing in some parts of the film.
Someone Feels like with some fine tuning and a couple of script changes this could have been remembered as one of the all time greats but I fear it will just be another forgettable, one and done comedy for most.
Such a shame when all of the actors were really pushing the film forwards.

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marvellous lovely comedy movie which stand excellent with the brilliant couple Rachel McAdams and Jason Bateman. I love this kind of smart naivety and special sense of humor :)

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This movie shortened my lifespan by 3 years. I expected something different, something more thriller-like. But this is typical "suburban American people acting wild" movie. Very predictable.
I'm very sick of these 40-year-old American couples that are constantly saying "babe" at every other turn as if it's funny. The running gag with Denzel Washington as one night stand is very bad. Oh, and there is the randomly foreign character who’s British because we all know Brits are smart and so different! COMEDY! And the villain is called, "The Bulgarian" for some reason but the American actor (Michael C. Hall) did not use fake accent this time. WOW. Is this the diversity people on Twitter can't stop whining about?

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The film is overlong and contains way too may plot twists that ultimately spoil the film and speak more to the desire of the writers trying to second guess audience members who are wiser to the many plot tricks going on. That said, whilst the plot becomes more unsatisfying as it progresses, it still contains enough humor and fun to make it more than worthwhile. Bateman and McAdams are great together, but the real star is Jesse Plemons who is by far the funniest part of the film.

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Surprisingly funny. I actually really enjoyed the movie. I kind of expected it though; with a cast involving Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams. Nothing too fancy, just a fun saturday night movie.

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Some Gunny Moments In This Flick

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I like it. I had a few good laughs. It's not bad as the others make it to be. I enjoyed watching it. I wasn't really expecting to get even a smirk watching this, but I was thoroughly surprised that I enjoyed it. Definitely a good movie to watch when you're just lounging on a weekend.

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If you're looking for an easy-to-digest, but not a complete piece of garbage broad comedy, that has great chemistry between its characters and some genuinely solid jokes, this will be your jam. It'll be even better if you always wondered what David Fincher's The Game would have been like as a dark comedy. It's not going to blow your mind, but finding solid comedies seems harder and harder to do nowadays, so I like when I stumble across one that works.

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Easy to watch, a perfect mix between horror, action and comedy. There were scenes that made me feel really uneasy, really tense, humoured, nervous... Yet they were all tied together really well. I love that the plot twist had a plot twist too, that was what made it!

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As expected, this was mostly a waste of time. There's too many twists and turns and you kind of know it's going to happen and the acting is not convincing and I think I didn't laugh a single time. The jokes seem forced and there's always a short gap after a joke which reminds me of a sitcom filmed in front of a life studio audience waiting for the laughs to end…

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It had cool looks a like shoots like it was taken from real video games.

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This is not a movie I went in expecting to love, in all honesty it was just the next film showing. Imagine my surprise when I was treated to one of the best comedies I have see in quite a while. Bateman and McAdams are as likeable and charismatic as you would expect and the rest of the cast are pretty great too. It helps that this cast were given well written, interesting characters to work with. This film also boasts brilliant and creative camera work as well as very imaginative transitions that help to draw the viewer into the story and show that a lot of thought and effort was put into the making of this film. There are a small handful of jokes that don’t land and a small number of logical errors but for the most part it is a very funny and entertaining thrill-ride, also stay during the beginning of the credits as they are very well done. Keep away from trailers for this film as they do give some things away that are better not to know going in, once this hits Netflix definitely check it out.

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This was way better than it had any right to be!
Oddball comedy thriller with some legitimate twists and laughs that I was not expecting. Great stuff.

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For the first 20 mins, you can skip.

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Dynamic, fun and entertaining. A pleasant surprise

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Worth one watch. There are a lot of jokes but they're never great.

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Shout by Deleted

Excellent and hilarious. Amei esse filme!

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"Game Night" is an instant comedy classic. There are just enough plot twists to keep you on the edge of your seat and enough humor to make you fall off it. But the real highlight of the film is the character development--which is not something one sees enough of with McAdams or Bateman. I'm not a fan of either actor, but everyone brings their A game in this film. The film is close enough to real life to be believable, or at least to convince you to suspend your crap-o-meter for a while. I highly recommend this for an a hour and a half of fun.

I had no expectations when I went to see for the first time, but enjoyed it so thoroughly that I took my wife (who also enjoyed it) and then watched it with my in-laws who loved it. They still talk about it. :)

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This was a pretty good comedy, great laughs all the way, i really laughed out loud with some gags and fantastic comments and scenes. It's been a while since i saw a modern comedy this good. Totally recommended for a Saturday night with a couple of friends.

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Really decent comedy! It isn't a movie which makes you laugh constantly, but it makes you gniffle in a perfect way. Really enjoyed the cast on this movie. Surely not a timewaster!

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Shout by Deleted

Cool, fun movie with some engaging cinematography. A couple of cringey scenes that went on a little too long, but overall a fun flick.

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Solid comedy, think it would make a good horror movie idea

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This one flew under my radar entirely. Pretty fun movie. The story is a bit predictable, but there's enough new stuff to make it a lot of fun. So many great actors. Great music. And surprisingly good effects. Definitely glad we found this one.

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Such a great movie. The story was intriguing and original, the humor had me smiling throughout the movie, and then the characters. They were phenomenal. They had so much personality and character development, which I loved. Just watch this one already, will surely not disappoint.

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I would pay good money to see Lamorne Morris do more Denzel Washington's impressions. They were really good in my opinion. haha!
This was a really entertaining movie!

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Cast was amazing. Rachel McAdams stole the show and loved "Meth Damon"

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Shout by kinky

After all these years, Dexter still wants to cut people up.

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Disappointing ,expected more from this cast

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Shout by Deleted

i really loved this movie, it's amazing how the directors make things on scene.
everyhing here is unexpected and fun... with this movie you'll laugh all time.

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Well let's see... not funny, tasteless "humor" , gross and absolutely stupid. But I guess if that's your thing.

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Fantastic movie... continual laughs and some nice plot twist too. The trailer made it look good, but it was even better than that! 10/10

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Nice chemistry between actors and directing really good..It was exactly what i expected a funny movie with simple plot and nothing special :) I enjoyed my watch 7/10

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It was a fun ride this.

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10/10 All around entertaining flick right here!!!

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Game Night.. Refreshing And Brought life to the Comedy Genre Seeing Rachel McAdams In this type of role was Different and Enjoyable Jason Bateman Was Great Always and the supporting cast Two Thumbs UP!!!!! the cliche Plot was my only negative BUT!!! The two main characters performances was enough for me to Rate this a 4/5 LOVED IT.. I will definitely personally recommend this movie to anyone WATCH IT

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A fun ride with plenty of twists that do a good job of keeping the pace up. An entertaining mix of legitimate laughs and forced attempts at being funny. Good stuff!

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An actual funny movie with scenes that cause outbursts of actual laughter. At least for me!

“He has tons of moles”
“On his face!?”

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It was okay. There's some genuinely funny bits, and the story works well, but it's just not a laugh out loud comedy. It's more a movie you watch for a few chuckles. It has a really likeable cast though, that share great chemistry.

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Very refreshing movie, different actors lovely!

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A part of me was dying to hate this movie.

Too bad it's really, really good.

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Absolutely wonderful. Great date-night movie!!

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Good for a few laughs. Enjoyed this film with a few twists. Worth a watch.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-1 / 1 misc (only a few laughs)

6 out of 10

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Well that was a game within a game and still not sure what's real or not, It was a lot of fun with a good cast and lots of laughs, It sure didn't cheat me, also liked the fuck loads of movie and actor references.

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Man, glass tables are acting weird tonight!

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Jason and Rachel are just amazing at everything they do, the chemistry, the inside jokes, the laughter, just everything. this movie was amazing and very fun to watch. beautiful way to end my weekend.

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Shout by
BlockedParent2018-05-07T16:27:06Z— updated 2018-05-14T11:44:41Z

The landscape is littered with comedies that tried to incorporate elements of mystery and suspense while remaining a (dark) comedy.  Few have pulled it off and I am happy to say that this film is one of them.  For me it ended up where movies like Hot Fuzz should have stayed:  a comedy that went dark but not too dark.  This film really was a ton of fun and I rarely say that about movies.

Bateman and McAdams have amazing chemistry in this film. I think the most surprising part of the film is the mystery aspect of the film - throughout the film I kept thinking that I knew something when I really didn't.

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Funny, lighthearted comedy with a dark twist

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Got me stoked for a game of hide the salami later

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-05-05T23:32:00Z— updated 2018-06-08T23:53:12Z

A pretty basic black comedy with lovable actors.

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Despite a couple of plot lines that unraveled towards the end and a few too many WTFs for my taste, Game Night is like most game nights: I laughed out loud more than I should have and enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.

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Bateman carried this. Not a masterpiece of comedy but has enough originality and a surprisingly strong cast to make this a worthwhile watch.

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Trivia question: what do Jason Bateman, Sean Penn, and Bill Murray all have in common? The first with a correct answer wins my approval! Hint: the answer isn't 'they are all actors/men/human/have ears.'

Enjoyable comedy, and while there are more twists than a game of Twister, you shouldn't come away feeling cheated.

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Not really a big fan of comedies but this one had me laughing throughout. The premise is so original and nearly every joke hits in the film. Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams have fantastic chemistry as just two members of the great ensemble cast and there’s a fantastic tracking shot towards the end of the film which really helps to show off the films stellar direction. The film is a tad long though and becomes a bit convoluted into the third act, with some prolonged jokes not landing as well as others, but ultimately is a great experience.

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An entertaining but otherwise forgettable middle-of-the-road comedy that's saved by a really enjoyable cast.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-03-02T16:20:09Z— updated 2021-09-15T22:04:48Z

Game Night didn't make me laugh out loud but it made me giggle a lot. The movie can be stupid/funny but fun. The cast is great, but I liked Jesse Plemon (Breaking Bad) and Billy Magnuessen the most. Plemon plays Batemam and McAdams creepy neighbor who is obsessed with being part of their game night. Magnuessen plays the couples idiot friend who always brings a stupid girl to game night.

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Genuinely genuinely genuinely funny comedy without having to resort to drugs in every otheother scene. Not a bad bit of mystery as well, but the characters carry the film. Good time at the movies. Jason Bateman strikes again. 9/10

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This was surprisingly great. A lot of funny moments and some decent twists and turns. Nothing too over the top crazy but still very silly. The acting was great all around. Rachel McAdams and Jason Bateman have great chemistry and are both perfect leads for this movie. Jesse Plemons plays an awkward cop neighbor really well. Overall I would definitely recommend everyone to see this, it's a real easy watch and a pretty good time.

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Shout by Chilkara
BlockedParent2018-02-23T06:05:10Z— updated 2018-03-17T04:16:09Z


This movie went above my expectations for a cheap comedy film. I must admit, I attended just to see Rachel McAdams, however, I thoroughly enjoyed every actor's performance.

There were SO many twists for a 'comedy' movie, and I really appreciated how unpredictable the plot was, as it made the story feel better constructed than the trailer would let on.

Would recommend for the story, the laughs, and a good time.

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