Shouts about...

Fargo 1996

I didn't enjoy is as much as I thought I would, but 'Fargo' is still very good and something I'd obviously recommend.

I like the cast here, even if it is a bit of a Frances McDormand carryjob to be honest - she is terrific all the way through, absolutely nailing the role. Steve Buscemi is the star away from McDormand, while I've seen a few glimpses of William H. Macy elsewhere but this is his best showing that I've watched thus far. Peter Stormare is good too.

It's an entertaining story, that's for certain! Around 98 minutes was a wise run time call, also. I didn't get that extra little something from it, yet it's a film that I'd more than happily rewatch - largely thanks to McDormand, and Buscemi.

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Oh yeah? Yeah. Yeah? Oh yeah

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at first, I did not like it. time changes

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This is not a crime thriller it's a comedy and not even a good one. The combined IQ of those characters wouldn't reach three figures and half of the movie is filled with unessessary scenes. Guess that is the make up of a cult or classic.

I should really stopp watching Coen brothers movies.

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It's a lil embarassing to worship this movie because everyone does - which is usually not a good sign. It's de best incarnation of dark humor IMO. The dialog and accents .. Blood Simple was the draft and this is the masterpiece..,

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I watched this in the movie theatre 22 years ago and I've rewatched it again today (because I plan on watching the TV series based on it). I was hoping I'd see it differently, after all this time. But, alas, I felt the same way both times, this movie just didn't do much for me. Everything's too boring and too trivial to peak interest, most characters are excruciatingly annoying (maybe on purpose, but still, it's too much), and the slow pacing and dull dialogue don't help, either (way too much "yah").

It's a pity, as I enjoy most of Coen brothers movies quite a lot (Burn After Reading and The Big Lebowski are some of my favourites). Maybe the third time's the charm.

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A classic. Still my favorite Coen Brothers flick. It's just so masterfully crafted. So human, so funny, so dark. Love it.

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This is one of the best Coen films. Right behind The Big Lebowski for me. I rewatched this before I rewatch the series getting ready for season 3 and it just reminded me of how great this truly is. The characters are great and I don't know anybody from Minnesota but I really hope they do talk like that. "You're darn tootin" I love how this is a "true story" its in the beginning of every episode too.

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A really well written and entertaining story. It had really good pacing and was fun to watch throughout. Well worth a watch... at least for Buscemi :P

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“Fargo” is the quintessential Coen Brothers film, but also their most overrated. It’s a quirky dark comedy that essentially sees a cinematic crime story performed by ordinary Midwesterners. We are so used to the dramatic conventions that films follow to the point that realistic characters end up looking goofy and awkward. As usual with the Coen Brothers, plans are made to go wrong, the characters who act cinematic have no credibility whatsoever, and those who are down-to-earth end up looking the most cinematic.

It’s a film full of memorable, meticulously constructed scenes and unique characters, yet I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece. In particular, the humor relied a bit too much on the accent and didn’t always click with me. There are also a few dull moments like the Yanagita scenes that brought the pacing of the story down and were not even that funny.

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An extraordinarily well-crafted film, Fargo is a compelling crime drama from the Coen Brothers, yah. A small-town car salesman arranges for the kidnapping of his wife in order to extort his father-in-law, but things spiral out of control when the kidnappers demand more money after getting into a shooting with the police. Featuring an all-star cast that includes William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, and Frances McDormand, the performances are especially good. And, the writing does an excellent job at creating interesting characters and smart, quirky dialog. Additionally, the Coens do a great job at setting an atmospheric and suspenseful tone. Fargo is a uniquely stylized thriller that's remarkably powerful.

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The acting is great the accents are funny and very well done. The cinematography is fantastic top notch. The story is unique and very interesting. The characters are like able and as the story goes you really grow on them. The score is good and it is very well directed by the Coen Brothers. Overall it’s an amazing movie with one of the best screenplays and my favorite crime movie.

(10 out of 10)

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One of those rare gems in the cinema.

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Outstanding movie and story with excellent acting at its core.

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Shout by Scruffy

Great Movie. Watch the Series!

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Suberb film with the incredible role of policewoman. Beautiful! Good job.

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It is amazingly well directed. The plot is intriguing, but the directing makes it funny, an acid comedy. I liked it.

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Perfect slow crime/detective story. I had watched the show first, but I love them both.

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After watching the entirety of Shameless not too long ago, this kind of feels like watching a young Frank Gallagher pulling of a scam. Really entertaining and funny movie, with a great cast!

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"Yeah? Oh yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah?." That's about the extent of the enthusiasm I can muster for Fargo

I mean...what the hell was even the point of the movie? Right off the bat, an amazing cast, all cast members did their level best in portraying the respective characters. And also really good cinematography and shots, loved the snowy landscape and the camerawork. However these positive are too quickly overshadowed by the negatives.

There a so many unnecessary scenes in the movie, it stretches the narrative way too much despite being just above 90 minutes, a good 40 minutes could have been cut off, the pace was sluggish and was frankly boring at most of the time. They try to inject some humor here and their which doesn't work for me at all, the failed attempts at humor only highlights the film's overall lack of wit and narrative. I very much went in expecting an intriguing crime thriller, but it fails to even captivate me in terms of suspense or even mystery.

Painfully overrated and awfully mediocre. Oh yeah.

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What a fun, calm and powerful masterpiece at the same time. This film illustrated a wonderful lesson about the importance and beauty of simple life, and how taking uncalculated risks and dealing with criminals can lead to disasters for all parties.

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First time seeing this after hearing about it for years and years, I really liked it. I’m not quite sure I can put my finger on why, but it just clicked. The anxiety, the winter hellscape, and the juxtaposition of it all. Man this was such a good film.

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I finally got around watching this. Other than the cute regional accent, I don't get the adulation for this movies. Standard run of the mill kidnap and ransom. Not sure why does Jerry needs so much money.

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Fargo is a great story with even better characters. I love the setting, the cast, and the comedy. Top tier Coen Brothers!

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Really good performances throughout this film.

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this is the worst movie i've ever seen

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One of the best Coen films... Was incredibly original and innovative when it came out but the influence it has had since means it feels a little stodgy nowadays. Others have borrowed and that means this feels a little familiar.

The story is excellent - yet sadly not true despite the disclaimer - and the acting is top notch. It's really well crafted for characters but a modern editor would do just a little pace tweaking to fit with our times.

The Big Lebowski is still a perfect film for me. This is my 2nd favourite Coen film.


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Fraud, murder and waffles amidst the permafrost of a North Dakota winter. This film is well-titled, since the region as a whole, up-front and friendly to an absurd degree, is a major character unto itself, stuffed to the seams with the Coen brothers' infamous wrinkles and eccentric dashes of character. That it all feels so strangely authentic (our auteurs grew up in the area) only makes it even harder to turn away; it's the unimagined point in time and space where Strange Brew meets Reservoir Dogs. Offset by the cordial, affable nature of the general population, Fargo’s frequent forays into spontaneous bloodshed and calculated, if bumbling, barbarism are downright hypnotic.

Despite fantastic performances from Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare (the most visceral villains, scumbags with neither principals nor reservations) and William H. Macy (the real monster), the floor belongs to Frances McDormand. She thoroughly owns the screen as police chief Marge Gunderson, a pregnant ball of contradiction whose peachy exterior masks a tough, no-nonsense detective's intellect. Dense, rich and pointed, with an impressive appreciation for small details, this is a loaded hundred-minute ride that's most definitely in the argument for the Coens' best.

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7 - Good

Okay film, great accents

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Shout by YuriInLuck
BlockedParent2019-02-16T07:07:19Z— updated 2019-07-14T20:12:03Z

I loved Fargo a lot more the first time I watched. It's still a fantastic must watch Coen brother classic, but it felt less mesmerizing the second time around. In particular, I thought the editing was off-putting/unimpressive on a second viewing. Cinematography is still top notch though.

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The movie is not that long that being said I kinda wish they took longer with the wrap up, but besides that this is a great coen brothers film with great acting that keeps you interested in the story and wondering how the events are going to transpire even though it's not that hard to guess.

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The only Coen film that I actually like

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Fargo is a story of bunch of stubborn people attempting to perpetrate a crime for money, only to find out its implication is bigger than they can handle. Which seems to be a pretty accurate portrayal of your average Joe and petty criminals. In real life they are not street smarts with tricks and calculated actions. Nor the police solving their case a dedicated crime investigators like police drama depicted to us.

The film is brutal and quirky with occasional dark humor. Fargo has this catchy accent lasting a cultural impact. It can be tense sometimes, with Macy (Jerry Lundergaard) and McDormand (Marge Gunderson) brief but tenous encounter. However it is also laden with slow-paced cinematography and cumbersome - sometimes unnecessary - dialogue. The film apparently forgets to employ Chekhov's gun; barely relevant subplots keep creeping through the story. It could've lasted for just 60 minutes instead of 90 minutes. So it can take patience to watch sometimes, but in the end, still worth it.

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Shout by Deleted

nahh i ddn't fully get it

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Worth a watch if you like the series, if only to see all the nods the series makes to its forebear. Decent film, but the series is a must watch.

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Great movie & based on a TRUE STORY. You gotta see this one.

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Watch William H. Macy go into a bar, sit down, the table in front of him with many bottles of beer ... and do not drink's just a strange feeling #FrankGallagher

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Shout by Deleted

I love you, Marge.

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