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Fahrenheit 11/9 2018

Michael Moore best work since Bowling for Columbine

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Everyone needs to see this documentary!

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Darkest timeline... We are in it.

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As well as the expected critique of Trump, this movie offers an extensive criticism of the elites, the Democratic party establishment and the media's complicity in letting our democracy wither.
Trump voters might not think they'll like this movie, but if you voted for him not because of his anti-immigration views, but for his purported "drain the swamp" ideas, this movie might still be for you.

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solid 4/5 Michael Moore documentary not as good as the original 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine but it's good.

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It achieves its job in showing America is completely broken - with some good sequences explaining why by demonstrating that the Democratic party is too weak and corrupt to stand a chance - but it's kind of all over the place with the narrative, the editing and the connective thread bringing it all together. Still, it's an effective documentary, from an angry (and with every right to be) point of view.

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The film does a good job in picking apart how America got to where it is today. More evidence that, on both sides, alsolute power corrupts absolutely. Power in leaders, power in media, power in lies. The question of how America gets out of it ... well, I don’t think they do. What America has is a perfect storm of greed and apathy. Those that have power are incentivized by greed to do anything to keep that power at the detriment of the people who are deemed not their equals. People who think they are equals or have a moral certitude that those in power are listening, seeing, caring .. even there is profound evidence to the contrary and finally those that have no power that are so beaten down that they don’t have the wherewithal to do anything. America hasn’t hit bottom yet. It has a long way to go yet before change is coming. Thankfully it is far from being a world leader so hopefully can’t take the rest of the world with it.

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Michael Moore is good at asking questions. Most of the times even the right ones, but this "documentary" is not good filmmaking. Moore jumps around a lot and skips from topic to topic with no clear attempts to tie it all together Even worse, he inserts himself into it all in a rather obvious attempt be more important to the story than he really is.

Fahrenheit 11/9 asks a lot of good questions and might have been a good movie if it didn't come off as a far left propaganda piece most of the time. More unbiased facts and fewer opinions had been much better. To me, Fahrenheit 11/9 is not much better than a hit piece from the idiots on the far right, and that says it all really...

And remember...I'm rating the movie...not the message I think it was meant to convey.

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