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eXistenZ 1999

The idea was good, kinda like inception like another comment said... now having said that.

It lost me in the middle, I actually turned my phone off and rewind it to watch that part again.

Some of the acting was terrible... i give it an extra point for the ending.

I do feel bad for Jude Law

Maybe my expectations where to high...

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"I have a terrible urge to port into it."

It's Cronenberg alright, it's weird, it's gross and everything is sexual. The concept isn't original by any means but the execution is alright. I found it highly captivating for some reason, I think it's the constant weirdness, Jennifer Jason Leigh's character which is mysterious and somewhat magnetising, and the way that it slowly unravels the mystery about the game. That whole first half you're just anticipating the game, waiting for them to finally show it. I wish the game was better in terms of visuals at least because this whole movie is visually forgettable and bland. The game was also boring to me, weird direction within the game. The sci-fi tech is the most interesting aspect, made me think of Crimes of the Future. Kinda mixed on the acting. Allegra and Ted are two completely different characters that make interesting character dynamics. A ridiculous amount of twists in the third act, mostly all predictable but at least something was finally happening.

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The tooth fairy aughta go into the arms business, broh

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I wonder what went on Cronenberg's mind! This film where simulation blurs into reality is so gross and weirdly sexual but also strangely hypnotic. The concept is wildly creative with strange looking console, gun from bones, a hole as gaming port, I guess it's not 100% work but it certainly makes a very unique experience. I'm in love with young Jude Law, he's so cute, awkward and so nervous being penetrated for the first time. The performances from the NPC were also great.

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It’s took me awhile to watch this film, didn’t come cross it in 1999 thought. Another film trying to compete with another film that came out same year and that’s Matrix and definitely not close to be on level with Matrix.

It was alright, felt it was trying too hard to be good and definitely not well made and rushed with nothing much happening and the game system badly done and the cast were good but they acting for their role wasn’t and felt cheap but the ending twist was very surprising and i liked it but could of been even better if the build up to it was better.

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This movie was one big Plumbus except they forgot to smooth out the dingle pop with a bunch of shleem!

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This movie is a total waste of time

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Although it has a lot of typical Cronenberg horror and bodyshock elements, this is a very clever commentary on virtual reality and especially VR plus game addiction. This is a 1999 film, but here in 2017 we're beginning to enter the VR era. There are likely to be real psychological casualties when the lines between VR and the real world become blurred.

The other thing I really enjoy about this film (I've seen it a number of times) is the way it deals with different levels of reality and leaves you unsure whether the 'base' level of reality at the start of the film is, in fact, reality at all. In that way it is almost a prototype of Inception.

Overall I find the ideas in the film more compelling than the execution, but those ideas keep me coming back to the film on a regular basis.

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I found this very dissapointing.

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