Shouts about...

Eat Pray Love 2010

Not read the book but it feels like it would be better on the page. Less blatant stereotyping. Less... formulaic.

It feels insincere and is borderline disrespectful to the cultures it visits - it's certainly a 2D version of the Italy I know and love.

It's not trying to be harmful of course, and it's punished only by being dull and unbelievable.

I felt no desire for Julia Robert's character to find the happiness she so badly sought. I think that's not what the filmmakers were aiming for...


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From a purely film perspective, this movie is very ordinary, maybe I should give it just 6/10.

BUT, I don’t know how, just, it could touched me, in so many ways. Even, I take it as my bible of life, because every time I felt bad, I could always trusted to rewatch this film and find peace and hope. I love that. So, I voted 9/10, by personal reasons.

Not recommend this film to everyone, but people who’s introverted character (but like to met new friends) and also fancy in travel, I still will try to ask if he/she would join me to watch this.

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Veryyy very fun to watch, with your mom, family, friends:heart_eyes:

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The story and the journey (emotional and physical) were both worth telling. The actors were well chosen and played their roles well, but it didn't quite hit the mark for me. I think the score/soundtrack was not quite right, often just felt a bit off, not in keeping with the vibe/place/emotion. Also the wardrobe department; this might sound petty, but Liz (Julia) left with a small backpack and we almost never saw her in the same outfit and yet very few of her outfits were flattering or something one would choose to take for an Italy, India, Indonesia vacation. However I enjoyed watching, and loved travelling by proxy.

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6/10 for the appealing courses;2/10 for the story

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I like to watch Julia roberts lol and fun thwt there was a brazil man…but so white!

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What a great movie where the main character doesn't do anything for most of the movie. She also end up in the exact same place as she started. I also didn't know this was based on a true story.

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I find it longer than it should be. But I like it. Even though I don't agree with the philosophy, I like some of the thoughts here. I have seen it like 10 times. Every time it makes me think of myself.

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So, this was not a bad movie by any means, I haven't read the book but I couldn't get over the stereotypes and the white savior syndrome that seemed to pull the main character. it is a fun watch but far from a masterpiece.

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I found the book mind-numbing, but the movie was actually better than I thought it would be. Javier Bardem is definitely the highlight though ;)

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