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Earthquake 1974

Classic disaster film. The movie has aged well, showing multi-theated human experiences against the backdrop of seeing events. Unfortunately today we only have one-hero(es) movie around which the action always takes place...

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deaths are macabre. I like. horn story in 1974

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The great acting made up for the poor special effects! LOLOLOLOL. Lots and lots of really big celebrities in this movie. Sure brought back a lot of memories. It's not often we see an epic movie like this, with this many legendary actors. (Despite feeling like I was watching some kind of Godzilla movie with no Godzilla LOLOL) :laughing:

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Makes me nostalgic for a time I'm too young to know...

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Sure, the effects don't hold up so well these days, but this is still an excellent disaster flick. Some great characters and interplay between them.

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