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Earthlings 2005

If you watch this documentary and can still justify the use of animals for entertainment, clothing and above all food, there must really be something terrifyingly wrong with you.

"It takes nothing away of a human, to be kind to an animal."

Everyone should watch this documentary. It's terrifying and shows the horror of what is going on every day. It's graphic and I felt sick watching it but it is important that people know about this.

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I would love to say this documentary is fake, that it has fake information, fake footage and that absolutely nothing of it is real. But I can't. It is real. It is happening all the time. While I am writing this. Each time I breath. Each time I blink. Truth is painful but it is certainly not as painful as animals life and we must do our best to stop this shit.

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Made me go vegan on the spot. Almost 8 years ago. Incredibly powerful documentary, it's incredibly hard to watch and it will force you to take the red pill.
When it becomes too intense and you feel like turning it off, just remember, turning it off won't make it go away, I felt the same way, had to pause a few times to recollect myself emotionally but forced myself to go through it to the end. Just remember. It's still happening every second, every minute, every hour, every day. Our individual choices change the demand for this happening or not happening, each individual has that power.

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I feel pain in my body after watching how animals are in pain! I cant believe how we are torturing animals and how everybody see and know it but nobody do nothing to help them...

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This intense documentary influenced many people to choose vegan life style instead of a meat/dairy consumer one. If you are considering to watch it, please be aware that it has disturbing and very -and I mean VERY- hard to watch scenes. There will be times when you'll find yourself overwhelmed, even if you think you can handle violence and/or blood. Still, I would highly recommend Earthlings to everyone. Seeing the actual footages instead of hearing someone else describing the incident makes a huge difference.

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I cried more than once. This was a huge turning point for many, and for the impact alone, it is truly something important.
As a vegetarian I can say, it really moved me to probably become vegan very soon.
It's not just raw,
It's not just real,
It's not just gore,
It's crucial.

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Showing the ultimate truth that we simply ignore..this documentary is one of a kind..which we all should watch and learn...this will definitely help people to be more considerate about animal is true that we just cannot suddenly change our way of life..animals are important and necessary for us in various ways..but we can improve...we can stay away from the violence and cruelty which are avoidable..we can become more humane..

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Most disturbing documentary I've ever seen. I thought it's about how nature affects humans and animals or something like that. But no, it wasn't...

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more graphic than i was expecting, i stopped about a third in and then watched the rest just now. my heart broke a thousand times.

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