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Donnie Darko 2001

Destruction is a form of creation...

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Some nigga said, “not bad.” and then gave it a 3. :skull::skull:

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In zero days, zero hours, zero minutes and a few seconds, there will be spoilers..

Donnie Darko. What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some sort of superhero or something," Gretchen teases Donnie as they walk home from school. "What makes you think I'm not?" he replies. Donnie Darko is a subtle superhero story, but make no mistake, it is a superhero movie.

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I loved this movie and haven't watched it in seven years somehow?!

I still really like it but I wasn't as invested this time. By the end I already felt like I should rewatch it soon to have a better experience. It's weird, interesting, timey-wimey, hard to describe.

Loved the interactions between the Gyllenhaals ("How does one exactly suck a fuck?!" xd), great music and cool shots.

I watched the Director's cut and I feel like that's the best version with more information.

I know about S. Darko but I feel like this universe could benefit from another movie, perhaps about Grandma Death.

First movie in the new apartment (after 9 days of no movies!) and first movie with Siske!

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they made me do it

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Quite frankly, I still don’t understand half of the things that happened in this movie. I have a lot of theories, but I know absolutely nothing for sure…

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I thought I am going to watch some horror movie with scarry masks again. I was wrong. THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE...... but I dont understand it. Not until I read some additional materials, explaining the plot and how the movie is built. The main theme on which the movie is built is the book "The Philosophy of Time Travel" which is included in the movie too. So what I understand is that the whole movie is happening in no-time in Parallel Universe. Right there, Donnie has 28 days, 6 hours, ...... when the Parallel Universe collapse.

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What a complex plot! Gylenhaal rocks in this role. And the soundtrack is so nostalgic and fits with the history so well.

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me: this is a masterpiece
also me: has to google "what is donnie darko about"

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Psychological thriller and one of the smartest sci-fi movies I've watched, the acting performances are stellar and I was never bored in the movie, although it does share some dragged scenes where it felt like it wasnt needed and felt confusing the movie overall has a smart plot and it is executed well.

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There are two ways to approach this movie:

  1. Watch the Theatrical Cut, preferably more than once. Try to puzzle it out for yourself. Accept that you'll never fully understand it. Donnie Darko is a weird, imperfect, surreal movie, but if you give it a chance, you just might love it.

  2. Watch the Director's Cut and the DVD commentary. Look up explanations online (which for the most part, have no basis in the original film). Have all the ambiguity explained away for you. Donnie Darko is a sci-fi movie with arbitrary rules, where boxes need to be checked to fulfill certain requirements.

I know which one I prefer.

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It was very slow at first and seemed more rushed near the end. I also didn't appreciate the cliche ending, it had a lot more potential. All in all, it was worth the watch, but I will likely not watch it again.

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Ends on not one but two of the laziest narrative devices: the "it was all just a dream" and the open-ended "insert your interpretation here". I figured there had to be a reason it took me so long to try this movie.

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"Hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to."
This hits harder than I thought I would....

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i get that the narrative is pretty unique, but except that everything else was pretty much off.

too bad i watched the butterfly effect first.

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Donnie is annoying just like me

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A complete package of Time Travel, Thriller, Humour in a very silent way. Jack just takes the movie to the next level!!! Gonna watch it twice ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡

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This will always remain a classic for indie movies. I remember trying to go watch this at the indie movie theater back when it first came out, and never made it in because it had a line around the block.

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Boring and film-bro pretentious. Not worth it apart from Jake Gyllenhaal <33

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I love it, even if I'm not sure that I'm fully getting what it is trying to say.

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Shout by Ruth

".... and it was all a dream"

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"Donnie Darko" is one of the stranger, more baffling films you'll ever see. Mental illness, arson, high school, dreams, Armageddon, murder, self-help, religion, etc. etc. etc., are all lumped into a truly entertaining and mysterious mass of a movie. Oh yeah! And I did forget to mention that a jet engine, a 6-foot tall rabbit, and time travel get thrown into the mix as well. If all of this sounds appealing to you, then you need to run not walk to your nearest video store and pick up "Donnie Darko". I suggest the video store because you're going to have to watch this multiple times to get any idea of what is going on.

But this is a lot of fun. I can't say it's a great movie and all of the references and symbols will have you searching Wikipedia for days. I really don't know what this movie means or if Richard Kelly is playing us all for fools as we watch it repeatedly for the true meaning of life or something. All I can say is that "Donnie Darko" is a true curiosity of a movie. I wish there were more like it.

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You will watch this movie, and you will be so confused by the end you might think it's a good movie. It's not, it's a story-less maze that tries to throw some sense into it. But it's still a maze. Add to this, the horrible 90s sound editing and video editing. It's just nauseous, and I'm not exaggerating.
In short, avoid at all cost. You won't have missed a thing.

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Even after 20 years it is still a very good film!

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"28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. That is when the world will end."

While watching this again I figured I would understand it a bit more. It definitely is better than I remembered and I would consider it a piece of art in the film industry, but I was still a little confused. So I looked up an explanation and it went from pretty interesting to pretty great.

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More overrated nonsense. Again, different doesn't equal good.

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Was it real? Did he change his own future? What happened first? Donnie Darko is a very good movie with excellent performances. The spiral through madness through consciousness. Jake Gyllenhaal is really the star in this movie, his portrait of a disturbed young man without the exaggeration of a never ending poker face but with accurate facial expressions. The soundtrack is another success. What I did not like: special effects. They seem dumb, with lack of credibility.

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A brilliantly crafted science-fiction thriller, Donnie Darko is a beloved cult film from writer/director Richard Kelly. The story follows a high school student named Donnie Darko who starts to have visions telling him that the world is ending, and he soon comes to believe that the visions are guiding him to fulfill a higher purpose. Featuring Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Drew Barrymore, and Patrick Swayze, the film has a solid cast that delivers some impressive performances. The writing is also quite exceptional, and is able to convey high-minded concepts and creates a mysterious and cryptic tone. Additionally, the soundtrack and score do an outstanding job at complimenting the look and feel of the film, and gives it the right energy. Donnie Dark is an expertly crafted dark thriller that’s extremely compelling and thought-provoking.

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jesus loved this soul is condemned to hell ... you can see that he is a psychopath, a maniac who can- no, this comment

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lol. this is one of the films that I have to google to find an explanation. I feel like I know what I watched but at the same time, unsure if I was right. hence, the googling. ugh. I like it though, it's hypnotic, you'll want to watch until the end.

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Heavy film, for those who prefer films to entertain this is not at all advisable.
A story very well done, technically failed at one point or another.

We don't get many answers about the plane.
Some characters exist to fill the story.

Mental health is one of the most important things, take care.

We live in a mad world.
Mad World.

2.1 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.5 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.8 points -> Score (0-1)

0.8 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.6 points

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Was not expecting to like this one as much as I did. I don't think it's a masterpiece or like the greatest movie ever, but that's not to say I was fully intrigued and focused on it from beginning to end. Enough engaging sequences and surprisingly funny scenes brought this psychological ride to the level that I would consider to be great. I don't necessarily get the huge fan-base it's gotten, but I could see it as more of a cult hit. It's a bizarre movie and not one I'll probably revisit soon, but I'm glad I saw it. When Donnie ripped into Jim Cunningham, I was on the verge of laughing my ass off. That scene alone earns this movie at least four stars.

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One of my all time favourites. Perfect!

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deep movie, but still can't understand much about donnie darko, well, I guess that's why I really appreciate this movie

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I did not know someone made a film about The Catcher in the Rye in high-school.

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Absolutely one of the best movies I've seen this year! It somehow managed to be confusing, compelling and conclusive at the same time, and I for one will have a hard time forgetting the bunny. If you have an extra two hours, you should absolutely watch this movie!

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Not many movies could engage me as much as Donnie Darko did, but it has. I've watched this movie many times and I love watching it every time. It's definitely an experience I'll remember for the rest of my life, as it helped me open my eyes to a lot of things. Definitely recommended. Finally, don't watch the sequel, it's bloody awful.

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I don’t partake in recreational drugs so I found this movie stupid

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I could write a 3 page review for this movie but the point would be the same. This is still my favorite movie of all time and one of the best movies ever made.

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I love this film the best

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it's a fantastic film

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Such a great movie with powerfull and mind-blowing plot..8.6/10!

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Let me state something up front: if you don't want to think about your movies and you just want to be mindlessly entertained, RUN (do not walk) from this movie. This is not to say that the movie is so deep that you can't enjoy it. The movie has a fairly interesting and bizarre plot twist at the beginning and this shoves the movie down a rather intriguing path. Much of the weirdness starts to come together towards the end. However, when the movie does end you'll need a pickax and mining helmet to see exactly what just happened. Or maybe not, I don't know - you can watch the film and be satisfied with what you saw or you can be the type that likes to know everything that the director wanted to convey to the audience. I spent hours reading about this movie and it really made me think about some interesting topics. I gave the movie an 8.5 because it made me think and it entertained me.

follow me at

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Strange movie. Just didn't really click for me. Incredible cast.

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DVD has a music video

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Pretentious with a side of male-gaze. Stars for the female supporting cast.

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This film makes you use your brain to understand it; and that's not trending on films. It gets more interesting the second time you watch, because then you can link parts. You can see darkness, madness and a good main character.

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All time favorite!!! Classic. Deeply touching beautiful film.

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Fantastic fable! Some of the ideas may get a little convoluted and confusing, but it's a really interesting mythology set up here. With great music, score, design and a killer early performance from Gyllenhaal, it's an easy recommendation if you want a movie to think about afterwards.

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I'll be the first to admit, this film is not for everyone. People will either love it, or despise it with all their heart. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would recommend it to anyone who has a taste for dark humor and a desire to put the pieces of the puzzle together over and over, long after the film has ended.

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One of my favorite movies and absolutely brilliant. Richard Kelly created a masterpiece of confusion and one of the best endings ever with the mad world song montage.

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I can't understand why this is considered a classic. I guess I just didn't get it

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Shout by Deleted

I didn't get it!

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After watching this movie I got thrown back into crippling depression 8/10

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favourite movies of all time. Fucking great!

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dont expected too much when its fantasy genre.

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The movie offers a lot of room for speculation and is sometimes very strange but also very compelling.

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The first time I saw it I was like 10 so I just found the costume interesting... Then I watched it whe I was bigger and I really enjoyed this, its weird, but really nice.

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Donnie Darko was mind-boggling, and I always had a fascination with time travel. Especially with such a beautiful ending I believe it is a superb movie.

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Another Cult Classic. Liked it!

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Gretchen Ross: You're weird.
Donnie Darko: Sorry.
Gretchen Ross: No, that was a compliment.

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Pretty mindblowing ... and that rabbit costume at certain points scares the shit out of me!
Liked it really much!

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Really crazy, deep, moving movie. I've only seen it once, but I really want to see it again. I know there's more to it that I probably missed the first time around.

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Good but vastly overrated.

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Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

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Don't know why this movie has a rate so high. It's good, but not that good.

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Goodbye to comments under me. This movie is one of the best, compelling and interesting movies that has ever been made. Maybe it's just because I can relate to it, but this shit man......

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let's clear up:

There are two different edits of this movie. The normal, cinematic one and the 'directors cut'. The directors cut is a good example for the fact, that a good producer can push a movie.

after the great success on dvd in the cinematic version, the director decided to re-release a directors cut of the movie. This is just a total mess (1/10).

so just watch the first edit, the cinematic version.

In the end, an average movie, which was not worth to be that hyped

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Not bad, but so overrated

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Why this movie is so recommended is a mystery to me. One of the worst piece of sht I've ever seen (and I've watched tons of sht).

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