Strange, absurd, childish (including toilet humour), sexist, racist, and yet (as a non American) strangely amusing after watching what happened to the US

Shame it missed out his stint in wrestling promotion or appearance in that classic 90's movie The Little Rascals

And I still can't believe that was Johnny Depp.

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Johnny Depp's best performance not in a full feature length film.

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Kind of all over the place. Johnny Depp threw himself into the character of Trump, and so it's kind of entertaining from a pure performance standpoint. Plus the Kenny Loggins-sung theme song was hilariously good, the changing kid gag continued to pay dividends, and the movie perfectly captured the aesthetic and tone of a cheesy, late-80s made for TV movie.

But the humor in it was pretty weak from start to finish. The Taj Majal thing was a decent enough through-line, but really the whole movie was all over the place, with random guest stars who hurt the comedic pacing without much of a progression from one to the other. Sure, part of the joke is that this is the kind of lumpy film Donald Trump would make on his own, but that didn't really make it much worth watching through most of its odd, haphazard runtime. This felt like a puffed up college sketch comedy troupe video, and if that was the vibe, kudos, but it's really only worth watching for Depp's oddly hypnotic performance and little else.

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