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Cold Pursuit 2019

Oddball, dark comedy constructed from elements of equal parts Fargo and Taken. There's some pacing problems, but when it's making light of bleak situations and fully weaving it's multifaceted story, it's a delightful, off-piste revenge caper that is easily better than 90% of Neeson's current portfolio.

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It's not a "good" movie but it's very nice and quite easy for an action movie. Also, not very much action here, so lite on that too.
Good for easy Neeson fans. Don't expect much of it and won't be disappointed.

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Much as others have said - elements of dark comedy that bring Fargo to mind, the violence of Banshee.

Is it 100% successful? I thought the ending was too little for what we have just seen, personally.

But it's very enjoyable as it plays out. Worth the watch.

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Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting. One of the most bizarre films I’ve seen in a long time.

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This movie was just plain fun. Action with just enough comedy to let you know not to take this thing seriously. Not what I expected and 100% satisfaction upon viewing. Plus, that ending...:joy::joy::joy: Classic.

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So boring. Probably one of Liam's worst movies.

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This was so not what I was expecting. Perfect movie for days when you are sick in bed and don’t have the brain power for anything subliminal. Lots of black humour - gave me many reasons to rewind a bit to see the scene again. Not a great movie but not a bad movie either.

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Shout by Виктор Минин
BlockedParent2022-10-11T19:03:11Z— updated 2022-11-06T15:42:00Z

Great movie, not wasted time. One of the best films of the last with Liam Neeson :thumbsup:

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underestimated movie. an History of vengeance with a black humor. good feeling even if the end is too quick (not fair to finish the movie like that). and it's différent of the last Liam movies. i recommend

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They dropped down, one by one...

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Such an underrated movie! An excellent vibe for those who really understand the humor in it!

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this is quite aweful. oh my.

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It tries so hard to be Fargo but fails miserably.

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It always seems like Liam does the same format on every movie he does but man is he good at doing it.

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How odd. Not quite sure what this was intended to be - action, farce, comedy? Really minor plot line and then just a series of deaths. Not the best way to remember Neeson.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-11-06T01:23:22Z— updated 2021-06-30T20:17:16Z

Much weirder than I expected. Liam Neeson makes it worthwhile of course. More stylish than you’d expect from a Liam Neeson revenge film. Since it really wants to be a Guy Ritchie movie which I didn’t expect at all.

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Usually when there's a remake in Hollywood it's at least a slightly different take on the original because the movie is made by different people.
Here they just gave the same director the task of making the same film by letting Baldwin Americanize the script which for some reason watered it down in all the key points of the original.
In Order of Disappearance which is the movie this is based on is one of the best movies to come out of the Nordics in recent years and there is no justification for a remake at all.
The only reason this isn't complete shit is because the original script is so solid there's just a limit to how much you can mess it up.
Do yourself a favour and go watch the original, it's better in every single way.

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The movie that will be remembered because Liam Neeson killed any chance of it doing anything at the box office when he candidly said he once got a billy club and went looking for black guys to beat up after his friend was attacked by one.

However, even given THAT misstep, this movie would have bombed at the box office. Once again, a director sees a quirky foreign film and thinks, I can do it better, except this time, the foreign film was just a so so one and the director was trying to one up his OWN movie, but for an American audience. The result, a compendium of silliness and random cartoon violence with no basis in the plot nor reality.

That having been said, there ARE some funny bits and dramatic moments, and, maybe the coherence simply got left on the cutting room floor. Cultural appropriation and criminal misuse of Lara Derns talents not seen since, well, The Last Jedi, abound. But, then, it IS Liam Neeson, however, this time, it seems, his "certain set of skills" caught him out a bit short.

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What's interesting is how MANY aspects of the movie are bad. Like it's just wildly confusing and off.

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Probably my least favourite Liam Neeson action movie. In some ways a movie that tries to mix Fargo and Taken and ends up being less than the sum of its parts.

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An American remake of the Norwegian film In Order of Disappearance, Cold Pursuit is a fairly entertaining dark comedy. When his son is murdered Colorado snowplow driver Nels Coxman tracks down and kills his killers, accidentally triggering a war between two rival drug lords. Liam Neeson leads the cast and gives a solid performance. However, the black comedy is a little too subtle; as it takes a while to realize that it’s being played for laughs. Also, the placing is kind of slow and the storytelling is weak. Still, the action scenes are pretty good and there are several fun bits of humor. Cold Pursuit has some suspense and some thrills, but is has trouble coming together.

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It is rather a black comedy than a serious action movie. It was not bad at all.

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Shooting. Punching. Snowploughing. Liam Neeson has a very particular set of skills in this enjoyable remake of the 2014 original.

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Part of an impossible premise, what band would be so suicidal as to kill Liam Neesom's son? That curious way to tell. Curious way of saying who dies. The bad guys are a "bit" (insult)

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Tom Bateman ...has now been personally crowned by me as the worst villian in celluloid history...absolute shocking performance and that American accent ...sounded like a bad Humphry Bogart and i thought Kylo Ren had bad childish temper tantrums.

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Good enough for beer session background, a lonely drinker can find few not-so-bad jokes.

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this movie is really funny :) I recommend it to have a good time & simple but funny

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Wow, what a waste of time this was.

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a Fargo wannabe film that fails

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Bit strange, but I guess it’s watchable

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the pursuit was really cold not just because of snow but also because of story. It was more like a serial killing kind of movie and lacked the thrill of "taken series". Gay touch was also not necessary. The plot was too weak to let you stay and watch in one sitting. Not recommended.

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This movie wishes it were Fargo, and I wish it were a good Neeson action thriller. It is neither, nor is it a good movie. Waste of time

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Since I’ve seen the original Norwegian movie, watching Cold Pursuit felt kind of redundant. I don’t think Liam Neeson is a good fit for a dark comedy like this. The Norwegian villain was much better, plus Kristofer Hivju and Stellan Skarsgard! Just watch the original!

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Boring, i felt deceived by the trailer

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I liked this movie. Liam Neeson has a formula that works for him. Getting revenge for his sons death and killing straight up the ladder. Entertaining movie.

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Contrary to my expectations, I quite enjoyed this film. I assume that this movie is not to be taken too seriously, though it seems that some people didn't really get the message. I liked the comedic undertones and refreshing style, as well as how all characters are uniquely portrayed.

"A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one." - Emperor Palpatine

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I'll guess a lot of people are put of because they assumed this would be Taken Part XXY (or something like that).
At first you think this will be another of Neeson's typical movies - revenge, guy with a hidden past going against anyone. The "You've messed with the wrong person" stuff. So I thought and I'll admit I was a bit thrown off that it wasn't at first but after completing it I like it for the fact that it wasn't. Had some good, subtle humor, too.

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I've never watched a movie that tried to be funny but failed so hilariously that for over an hour I didn't even realize that it should be funny! Whoever has written this really lacks any sense of humor - and also any sense of what makes an action movie successful. The only question is: why the hell did Liam Neeson say yes to this movie?? Maybe he is friends with the producer and was bored? This all makes simply no sense at all... That's so bad I got no words...

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Shout by schmenky
BlockedParent2019-05-01T23:57:01Z— updated 2019-06-30T20:17:09Z

Holy shit. Horrible characters, over the top acting, generic dialogue... this movie's got it all. Obviously tries to be Kill Bill, but fails on humor, style, writing, direction, and everything else.

1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
0 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

-.5 / 1 misc (-.5 is generous)

3 out of 10

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This is basically Taken, but boring...

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also, the dark humor wasn't that funny.

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Pretty disappointed in this movie. It's one of those where the movie failed to meet your expectations. I was thinking Liam Neeson, like the Taken movies. But no. Think Predator (2018), you're thinking thrilling revenge action but instead get dark comedy. This movie definitely isn't worth watching. If you wanna watch something with Liam Neeson but not Taken watch Widows instead.

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Marketing: It's the best Taken since Taken.
Me: It's the same Taken since Taken.

This Coen Brothers knock-off made me want to see the Norwegian original (In Order of Disappearance, by the same director).

P. S. How could they do Laura Dern and Emmy Rossum like that?

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I really enjoyed the movie. But I also enjoyed the original movie with Stellan Skarsgard when it came out several years ago. Since it was the same director, almost all of the scenes were very similar. That is why I could not help myself comparing everything in this movie to the older version. Personally, I liked Skarsgard better than Neeson but Neeson does a very good job.

Aside from that it's a remake to appeal to a broader audience, this movie is the perfect black comedy. There is a twist of the classic revenge action movie and ordinary things and usual behaviour are brought into stark focus so that they get twisted into the absurd.

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I loved this movie. Probably Liam Neeson’s best movie in years as a matter of fact. It’s high energy, action packed, littered with subtle humour. A lot of death and you’ll never look at a snow plough in the same way ever again!

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This is a terrible terrible film. Was it supposed to be funny? Because that's the impression I got from the way it listed the dead. It did not make me laugh, not once.

It was mean spirited, I didn't care about any of the so-called characters, and it was boring. One to miss I think.

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Boy I loved this! What an unexpected hilarious and quirky and beautiful film. I really enjoyed it much more than I expected. Good stuff! Only one or two jokes fall completely flat in a "hmm not sure why we're making that joke in 2019" way.

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So, my buddy and I went expecting something along the lines of 'Taken on Ice'. How wrong we were. We both have the tendency to laugh at what others may deem inappropriate times, so the first couple of times we chuckled, we assumed that was the case. However, it started to dawn on us that the laughs were intentional and we had stumbled into a dark comedy - a genre I truly enjoy. I'm not going to tell you it was a great movie, but I was pleasantly surprised and entertained.

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A decent movie but not at all what I was expecting. This is not a typical Liam Neeson action movie. It's more of a awkward comedy/action movie. The story definitely takes some unexpected turns. The comedy is really hit or miss, most of it is just awkward moments. What a waste of Laura Dern.

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A really good, enjoyable film but so NOT what I was expecting. A Liam Neeson film where he's a tough guy out for revenge? Well... not really... Think "Fargo" or "In Bruges" or early Tarantino. It's a quirky, off-beat comedy with some moments of violence and a LOT of black humour. Enjoyable, with a great supporting cast but don't expect "Taken" Neeson.

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I really don't know what to think of this movie. Really strange. I got the feeling it might be when I heard the quirky music at the beginning.

I don't like spoilers so I try not to do "research" about movies prior to seeing them. I have seen only one trailer at the theaters and I was under the impression that this is an action packed movie. Only that it isn't. It has a lot of irrelevant humor in it. Felt more like a comedy than action. Apparently this is a remake so whoever has seen the original has an idea what to expect.

And the main thing - I just watched the official trailer and the whole movie is in it including some scenes that didn't even make the movie! The rest that didn't make it are the jokes. And the car that is impaled like the picture of the movie on here - it is not even in the movie!

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