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Coco 2017

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How do you watch this movie?

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Great movie, and great story. Really like it.

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One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Although I admit I didn't finish it. I watched it in order to determine if I should let my daughter watch it. Glad I did, it would have scared her to death. The message is horrible. And frightening for kids.

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La peor película más esperada. Es plana seguida de una fórmula genérica exitosa. Sentimentalismo y chistes para tratar de disimular la falta de originalidad. Paree que se hizo con el pretexto vender en estas fechas y nada más. No aporta nada. Carece de historia. Es predecible. Bonita visualmente. Llena de clichés. Y estamos hartos de clichés.

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