One of the better childhood book to film adaptations! It’s funny. The cast is solid. Overall, a really solid film that was better than expectations!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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A little bit better than most of these type of animation films although they are usually pretty easy to watch. Good voice work, enough humor to entertain.

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Tim Lockwood steals the show.

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very funny and very weird. a unique experience in animation. first half is better than the second half though.

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I remember seeing trailers for this and thinking it would certainly suck. Sony hadn't made (generally doesn't make) any good animated films. Usually they are really cheesy and have a blah storyline. But then, boom, I'm wrong.

This one is so cheesy that it is literally falling from the sky. See what I did there? You see the movie is about food falling from the sky. This time it is cheesy in a great way though, along with a surprisingly great plot. The whole time it is just great hilarious joke after hilarious reference after hilarious joke, and just about each one is tied to the storyline directly.

See this guy's face here? That might be your face of surprising enjoyment after finally watching this.

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Most of the time funny, but also very weird. But with some of the best SFX I've every seen in an animation flick!

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Some of the gags are surprisingly brilliant.

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Apart from the bizarre concept of weather changing into food, this is pretty generic. For such an unusual idea, the characters themselves are bland, there is very little humour that works and the finale act becomes tiresome. Disappointing!

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Not a film to watch when you're hungry.

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Shout by dineth

Different to others. Totally wack and a lot of fun!!

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Epic !

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Shout by Alex

asdfgjhkl Certainly one of my favourite animated movies! All those wacky ideas, the whole art design... fantastic!

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A bit too weired for my taste..
But overall a okay movie.

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