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Clock 2023

Some people easily get pregnant, some people don't, some people desperately want children, some people don't and some just aren't ready yet.
Females have a biological clock that keeps ticking and eventually we can't have children anymore.
Pressure is often high, and it becomes a now or never thing.
Certain medications can cause hallucinations and hormones can change the way you think and feel.
It also makes you more vulnerable to conditions like anxiety, depression, and even psychosis.

I personally can't have children on my own and I absolutely felt the pressure from friends and family for years.
Also the pressure of my own biological clock.
I have also seen some people do the craziest things to get pregnant...
Therefor I thought this was a great movie!

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wait this genuinely disturbed me especially as a woman who doesn’t want kids HDJFJS way too heavyhanded and on the nose in parts and im a bit confused by some of the mixed messaging but overall a solid freaky film and dianna is great

also what happened to the kid who fell out of the tree or the girl on the swings in beginning what :sob:

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Time's up for lame horrors like this one! It has a good premise but after a promising start, it doesn't go anywhere interesting.

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This movie is just horrible. Don't waste your time watching this

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Nope. Just no. This is not an expository look into the plight of a woman who does not seem to be able to get pregnant and the lengths she goes thru to become pregnant.
This is pure exploitational crap wrapped in a psychotic horror story. It's basically just garbage. Stay away from this one.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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