Personal Lists featuring...

Breakfast on Pluto 2005


TV Shows and Movies with queer content.


Over 3,000 LGBT-themed movies and TV shows featuring gay storylines, characters, or actors.


Films about/for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer


a selection of movies and television shows with lgbtq+ themes, ranked alphabetically.
for christmas-themed queer movies see my other list:,asc


Films that are structured into chapters are a storytelling technique that allows for a non-linear narrative or the division of a longer story into smaller, more manageable parts. In these films, each chapter is a distinct segment or scene that serves to advance the plot or to provide different perspectives or flashbacks. This structure can create a sense of unpredictability and keep the audience engaged, as they are constantly presented with new information and twists in the story. Examples of films that are divided into chapters include "Pulp Fiction" (1994), "The Killer" (1989), and "Interstellar" (2014). The use of chapters in films allows filmmakers to be more experimental and inventive in their storytelling, and to create unique and memorable movie experiences.
