Shouts about...

Blood Red Sky 2021

Started out promising and devolved pretty seriously during the second half. Still worth a watch for genre enthusiasts I suppose. You know the "shit goes awry on a plane" genre. 5.4 for me.

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Remember "Snakes On A Plane"? Remember how awesome that was?
This is "Vampire(s) on a Plane"
Just as crap and stupid.give this one a wide berth!!

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I just saw this movie, I had no idea what it was about or had any expectaions at all. And damn I got suprised. And I really liked this movie, and it keept me hooked from the begining til the end. But one question, why did they hijack the plane? Anybody that understood this? I guess we have to live with not knowing. :grin:

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All I can really say is... What a fucking mess. This movie didn't know what it wanted to be and it showed.

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Die Hard on a plane with added bite. Better than I expected, though it is a tad overlong, and it gets a little frenetic in places. Still, it does something different with the vampire genre, and that is quite refreshing.

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I really enjoyed this movie. I didn't think it would be as great as it was but it was really worth the watch and I would definitely watch it again.

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Some of the cast were poor but other than that I've enjoyed the action and over all a good vampire film because there's been a lot of shit ones recently.

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What can I say, I had no expectations and was positively supprised! Just go and watch it. Nice work from Germany:thumbsup:

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Definitely not your typical Horror movie. This one has enough story to make up for the mishaps. And you have GOT to respect a horror movie when it doesn't use jump scares.

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On paper this sounds like a very bad Direct-to-DVD movie but it's a lot better than expected. Very solid and scary vampire action movie. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Skip to 1:00:25 to see Hasbulla's acting debut

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This was pretty good. This is basically a plane hijacking movie gone horribly wrong - or some might call it Vampyres On A Plane.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The English dub is terrible, especially for the kid. Stick to subtitles, half the movie is in English anyway. For a movie that turns 'Snakes on a Plane' into vampires it's kind of lacking. There's some fun parts but they're really sparsely placed. Unfortunately it's one of those films where I subconsciously reach for my phone by the halfway mark, it didn't need to be 2 hours long.

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repetitive and boring, it could've been 40 minutes shorter

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From dusk till dawn at the plane.
I’m too old for this shit.

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I watched this movie with 0 expectations. It was surprisingly okay, it had its moments. I was also genuinely surprised too that Dominic Purcell was part of the cast. Also, the child actor was really good.

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I was anticipating this movie since I saw the trailer for it in late June. Well, my excitement for something new with the vampire genre was quickly killed when this started. And it's a shame, because I really like Dominic Purcell. What killed it for me was the kid. His whiny, "let's just be nice to each other" tone brought the movie down from a solid 7 to a meager 3. Every time the kid say something it will only make you want the vampires to kill him. The voiceover acting is horrid. The portrayal of terrorists is slightly under par and that's being generous because of my bias for Purcell's, whose acting is actually top notch in this despite the material he was given. My advice for this movie is to just skip it. Its runtime is far too long for the story it tries to tell.

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Does Netflix use the same crappy voice over actors for every movie/show? It's always distractingly bad, like they pull them right off the daytime soap opera set or something and it takes away from every non-english movie on the entire app.

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Considering it's a Netflix movie this is pretty entertaining.

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Actually a great movie! Didn’t expect it to be with Netflix’s past few dozen crap releases. I didn’t really find it to be too long.

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Well hey, they can't all be 10/10 hits, some are are a solid 7, ya know, lacking the extra oomph, yet just nice enough to keep your attention 'til the end. I found this little gem to be an entertaining movie, well worth the watch.

Symbolic spoilerish summary:

...he was her sun, her brightest star in the sky, her compass lighting the way home; but there came a time when she realised that sun would some day burn too bright. She could no longer touch him, for fear that she would be set ablaze, consumed by the uncontrollable fire within...

yeaaaah, THAT PART. Beautiful and somber, absolutely poetic literal turning point.

I came for the action, stayed for the drama. It's the humanity, the heart that captures you and keeps you rooted.

Well worth it.

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The premise is good, but it's too long and characters were acting stupid just without good reason.

Why do all the German Netflix movies kinda suck?

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Was the dog murder really worth it? Was it? It's a feckin' plane how often do animals travel really. I don't even like dogs but goddamn.

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Horror Drama vampire movie, where you don't want to mess with the Mama Vampire with her little and only Cub kid.

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No expectationd, just watch the movie and it surprises me. The story tells more than a horrormovie. like the mother and child love. yes, some things could be a little better, but that counts for all we watch. in my oppinnion they created a good movie

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Interesting premise with good execution to start with, but then becomes all a bit silly... which is a shame because it had real potential - 5/10

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Definetly gets better as it goes on. Proper vampires again. I'm just not a fan of movies that take place on an airplane. I watched the original version, instead of the dubbed one and it does make it feel more authentic.

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When a group of terrorists hijacks an overnight transatlantic flight, a mysteriously ill woman must unleash a monstrous secret to protect her young son. This is actually a decent British-German vampire film with an incredible lead performance from Peri Baumeister. I'm happy that we get something different other than seductive sex-crazed vampires. This is mainly about a mother who wants to protect her child no matter the cost. It's got cliches and tropes that it follows, often drags at times, and isn't always as engaging as it tries to be but I was never bored. It's packed with some good effects and gore, plenty of tension and thrills that keep you entertained throughout the film. It's got the usual slow-mo and sad music to make the emotional moments more dramatic but there are some genuine emotional moments too.

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Bad actors, bad voice-over, bad story. Crap from beginning to end.

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Don't waste your time...

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Fight plan.

This movie is fighting to make vampires cool again, one sloppy kill at a time.

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For those who like the horror/vampire genre it is a bit predictable at times but it is a different film, it focuses more on the relationship between mother and son, (how she manages to raise a child with her strange illness is amazing) and the ending is excellent, the decision the child makes says a lot about how his mother has raised him, despite the "illness" she suffers from. Good horror story, sentimental and extraordinary.

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Exquisite takes on a generic plane hijack movie. Good plot development with extraordinary acting and with exposure to social satire here and there that are far from my expectations at the beginning. The movie itself is not perfect, but enjoyable for a Friday night watch.

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Interesting first half, kinda ridiculous and cliched 2nd half with an okayish ending. Airplane enthusiasts will be disappointed. Missed opportunity

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The overall plot was okay. It preserves a few features of vampire's lure, which is good. But it has holes that could be better worked out considering the movie's length. The ending is not quite exciting as it could be. In general, it's a fair movie.

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Oh, could you imagine the incovenience of this to a group of hi-jackers!

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A blend of thriller tropes that still finds ways to present itself originally. Genuinely intense and scary at times and often silly and flimsy. Great performance by the actors and organic plot points keep it afloat even with its long runtime.

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What a bad movie. It only served to make me angry. not belittling those who liked it, but I found it impossible to overlook so much inconsistency in the script and incompetence of the characters. In short, it's more of the same when it comes to Netflix.

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If you want to see a bad joke made a "horror" movie this is it.

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gave it 6/10 but trust me this movie is entertaining to watch and kinda pretty good for netflix movie.. so why 6/10? cause it feels like ive seen this movie before..

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Tragedy. There is one word for this movie

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30 mins of flight a sequel to 30 days of night

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Its "meh". I'm struggling to get through the last 20 minutes; it's just kind of a mess at this point...

Great first act, but then the film goes in all of these different tangents until you're so underwhelmed with the characters you start to wonder if this movie can really have a runtime of nearly 2 hours.

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Not a bad little flick.

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I guess in Germany they don’t have snakes so they substituted them for vampires? Surprised they didn’t have zombies on a plane.

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It was alright, but needed to be shorter. There was no need for it to be that long

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Had high expectations hearing the premise for the first time, but i was let down. This could've easily been a masterpiece, if not for the plot holes, cliches, stupid decision makings, plot armors just for the sake of keeping a character alive for longer than they needed to. Go ahead, I would recommend for a one time watch. That's about it.

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