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Blade Runner 2049 2017

More Hollywood recycled trash. Overhyped, overrated ,Leto gives one of the worst performances I’ve ever seen.

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Shout by Deleted

BR2049 is an excellent (and visually resplendent) return to Philip K. Dick's dystopian world, and explores its core question—what it means to be human—much more powerfully than its prequel.

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Don't believe the hype. This is bullsh*t.

I couldn't understand why I thought that - afterall, I did enjoy Blade Runner, and this thing was really hyped and well rated.

But when I looked at the comments based in age order, people who have watched it recently, now all the hype has finished, thought the same thing as me.\

It's hugely long (for such a simple story line), it takes the dark, noir atmosphere of the original, and then just does it a little more, adds a little bit of special effects (that look like they have been motivated by car advertising execs trying to show off their new LEDS headlights) ....but without any significant benefit to the story.

Even for an enthusiast, this is hard - and ultimately disappointing - work.

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THIS MOVIE IS A FUCKING SCAM!! It's 2h40m long and Deckard only appears in the last hour and is just,,, there. He's barely in the movie and only wears that fugly gray t-shirt the entire time, and the rest is just Ryan Gosling walking around with his ugly ass face! Also it's boring asf why is it so damn longgg there's so many shots of people (Ryan Gosling) walking aroung and doing jackshit!! You're NOT Stanley Kubrick, Bitch!!!

Moreover, It's a festival of female nudity and violence against women, there were so many deaths of female characters and JARED LETO FUCKING SURVIVED. How is this movie more sexist than the original 1982 film!? Harrison Ford was direspected! The 15-minute anime short was better than this shit.

The production and directing are fine, I guess.

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Climate, cinematography, music and story in plus, they made it. However the ending is just… they build up the tension perfectly and then it all blows up like a soap bubble. It's a pity.

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People give 10 to Avengers but cannot even give a good rating for this masterpiece. Truly the best movie of 2017.

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It's so good, most of the scenes if not all the scenes, look like a wallpaper, i could screenshot every frame to make my wallpaper, but i don't have enough patience to do that :|

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I'm still hypnotized by the magical atmosphere of Blade Runner's future.

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A bit "slow" but really enjoyable

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Saw this in the theater... greatest nap I’ve had in a while

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Let´s just start be saying I am not a fan of the first Blade Runner and I didn't think it needed a sequel. But, who knows, 2049 could be something, right ?
Well I am about 30 min into it and nothing really happened. The little that did could have been told in about, say, 5-10 minutes? The rest was style and atmosphere. With 136 minutes left I quit because I am certain I would have regretted watching more.
So this is not a review on the movie put rather a recommendation to those who did not like the first one to just skip this. It's my subjective, personal opinion. I won't even rate it.

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Shout by Deleted

Okay let me get this straight, you will not agree to my 10 if you are not already enjoyed by a great set of cinematics & music. Because this movie LIVES on it. The Story itself is super weak and lackluster and I would be so angry if that is would be what I am supposed to love. But much like Mad Maxx this Movie just excells through other qualities. There hasn't been many movies that manage to make you feel a certain emotion just by having a SPOT ON soundtrack and Bladerunner 2049 has that. It combined with stunning and realistic Cyberpunk Cinematic just make this a very pleasent and exciting movie I loved seeing on the big Screen.

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Shout by Simon

I probably shouldn’t have started to watch this film, with its long running time, when I was feeling tired. Especially with the dark scenes and often muted colours.

Yeah, it was OK. The best scenes saved for the final portion of the film.

Love the cityscape and the technical side which suggests great advances over current day. Of course, we are somewhat behind the curve; we won’t have ‘replicants’ by 2020 that’s for sure!!

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Loved it! Definitely wish i could have watched it in theaters!

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Loved it! Definitely wish i could have watched it in theaters!

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Amazing, every scene is a piece of art

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It's been a while since I saw the first one but this movie does a fairly good job of following the original. It answers some of the unanswered questions from the first movie. There's new questions in the race to find answers. And yet, it just wasn't wholly satisfying. The overall drama is fairly similar, and while there's some new drama, it wasn't that exciting or original. More than anything, I think all the hype had me expecting too much.

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Shout by Deleted

The film is absolutly agrichuckle.

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As a huge fan of the original (I have it in three of the available versions), I loved everything about this one except for the poor editing, which left in too much padding by allowing some scenes to go on for too long, which slowed the pacing far too much. Sometimes less is more, and 30 minutes or so of this one should have been left on the cutting room floor or saved as a DVD extra.

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Shout by Deleted

looks good great actors should be good they know how to get good flix

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One of the now pretty rare movies without focusing on sex or brutality most of the time. It has a really deep and packing story, and a constant interesting atmosphere. It somehow shows how bad the taste of the majority got today, because of its comparedly bad rating. It is worth atleast 8/10.

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Fun dgn gk k
Gk gtodufugkkg

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Gorgeous, satisfying sequel. The best kind of sequel, one that can stand on its own, with its own stuff to say. The narrative is kind of a derailment from the original, but that's okay, as this works as just another story told in this universe, with some carry-over themes. It's great sci-fi. What is a soul? Is it even important?

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It’s going to have to grow on me, like the first one.

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Shout by Deleted

Não sou sou muito fã do filme original (talvez tenha visto a versão errada?) mas Blade Runner 2049 me agradou. O filme expande um pouco o universo e conta com personagens muito interessantes em boas atuações. A fotografia é o ponto alto do filme. De negativo fica a atuação de Harisson Ford que parece não estar se esforçando mais em seus filmes.

Um arrependimento: não ter ido assistir no cinema.

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Esse filme é ruin!!! duas horas e meia de nada! Affff, não perca seu tempo, o diretor gasta muito tempo em cenas pífias, parece um filme sem conteúdo rodando em camera lenta. Péssimo.

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Different than previous movie yet worth the watch and interesting

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
0 / 1 act I
0 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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great movie, a real sci-fi in nowdays

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If you liked the style of the first one but thought it needed to be more dingy, then this one's for you.

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With Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford at the helm.... I'm counting on this to be a winner

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Words can't express how excited I am for this. Bring on October.

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