Shouts about...

Bird Box 2018

Sandra Bullock has to be the luckiest person on Earth. If you accept this fact then you can enjoy this movie.

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I’ve never been a Sandra Bullock fan, but I found her performance in Bird Box rather incredible. In fact, the whole cast was superb. Great execution. My favourite thriller of 2018.

The ending was quite excellent, hinting subtly that perhaps things were not what they seemed. Did she make it, or were things just too good to be true? The idyllic paradise in the midst of the apocalypse, survivors lounging on the grass, enjoying carefree conversation? Oooooh, I don’t know ...

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Went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised that this was a solid thriller. I cared more about the flashbacks then the current day story. The concept is interesting but nothing we haven't seen before. An easy recommendation since it's on Netflix.

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The only thing that bothered me was the fact that when she finally named the girl, she named her Olympia, rather than Cinderella/Ella

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Shout by Bryan Donnini
BlockedParent2018-12-20T05:22:18Z— updated 2019-12-29T04:01:26Z

I really enjoyed this. I actually liked it better than The Quiet Place myself.. I know I’m in the minority on that one. But my daughter(15yo) is a huge bird lover, and she watched with me.. I was entertained from start to finish and liked the ending with the School for the Blind. I also didn’t mind not actually seeing the creatures. They actually showed the drawing of them which were creepy and imaginative to me.

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Not a terrible movie, but there really wasn't much of a story. I kept anxiously watching waiting for the payoff that never came. There are some interesting points in this movie, but it just keeps going and going with no reason to care.

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Having read the book, I was a little nervous to watch the movie. They actually did a pretty good job. They changed some small things and a couple of big things. That's normal. Had I not read the book though, I still would have enjoyed the movie. And I did. It's well cast, acted, choreographed etc etc. Oh, and it's scored by Trent Reznor which I didn't really hear anything about. I noticed there was something familiar about the scoring, and then I saw his name pop up in the credits. Makes sense. All in all, a very entertaining flick. Highly recommend.

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Nothing special at all about this movie, rather dull and too long.

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Please, don't watch this film. You lose 2 hours of your time. the film does not have a plot, and does not make sense

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So yeah, you have kids? Kids that are adopted? This movie WILL trigger you in ways that most other movies wouldn't (though most good horror is meant to trigger in subtle ways, right?). Sandra Bullock knew this and I kinda love her for how subversive her message was in this movie. MORE MOVIES LIKE THIS PLEASE!

This was an exceptionally good thriller. Really only kinda a horror movie, but mostly just a really good apocalyptic thriller. I have such a hard time with horror movies involving children, and yet: I REALLY liked this. LOVED that you never really saw the monsters, but saw the EFFECT they had on people. LOVED that you knew off the bat who has survived to present time.

BTW, and TOTAL SPOILER: Charlie is a crazy unsung hero of this movie. Really hoping to read more about THAT character.

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From the M. Night Syamalan school of bullsh*tting Bird Box brings you almost two hours of... meaningless 'misterious' scenes that make some viewers think they have some deeper meanings. No. I'm not even convinced the acting was that good. It just wants to give you a little from everything, love, drama, thriller, horror. But sadly, in the end Bird Box is just an Empty Box. (hah!)

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A movie with Michael Jackson and 2 kids with super powers that can run, swim, fight, navigate... totally fine even if blindfold.

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What was the point of this?

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Horrible adaptation. There's no feeling of real fear and terror.
It could have been so much better.

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The first part of the film got me hooked to finish watching. The middle part and the ending disappointed me, expected some sort of a big twist, but instead just another bland ending.

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absolute garbage!
i was very excited about this film but this is nothing but a pure garbage. no story no screenplay. please save your time.

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Shout by melkiades96
BlockedParent2018-12-25T10:15:56Z— updated 2019-01-02T08:42:46Z

This is the best Netflix original movie that I've ever seen, and I've seen quite many

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A cross with the quiet place and the happening with the same old Sandra bullock and it turned out to be a decent film and gets into the action from the start with some tense scenes and feel good ending but would of loved to know more about the enemy tho..

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Super tense all the way through, fun cast; definitely enjoyed this film.

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I've read the book before watching the movie, so I thought this adaptation would be ridiculous because the whole idea of the story is not being able to look - which a book can actually represent, but a movie... well, not. I was really surprised and positively disappointed the more the movie advanced. They didn't copy and paste everything by the book, of course, but the "new" scenes weren't bad at all either. I could definitely connect more with the characters here than when I was reading the original one.
And though the movie doesn't give you answers regarding the outbreak, the creatures and the people who can open their eyes and function well at the same time (same as the book), I didn't feel that the story was unfinished or incomplete.

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Great movie! At first I thought this was going to be just like 'A quiet place' but it really wasn't. This movie was a giant metaphor, there was so much hidden content to this story, much more than just a survival/apocalyptic/alien invasion movie.
I think they kept the tension really well by not showing us what it was that people saw, how it was different for everyone and how it affected the mentally ill different. They revealed just enough to make you guess and probably make up things in your mind to go with the story. And much like in the movie 'Split' I think it was beautiful that in the end this sanctuary is with the school for the blind, people who could normally be seen as weaker people or even damaged.
It has a nice pace to it by switching back and forth to present day and past events, Sandra did a wonderful job as Malorie, and her story is very beautiful.

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Awful. Just awful.

Every part of this movie that was given an explanation was utterly predictable. You can tell how much thought the writers didn't put into this movie simply by the names given to the children - Boy and Girl. I can't roll my eyes hard enough.

On a serious note, if you enjoyed "The Happening" you may enjoy this as well.

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I have not read the book, so judging only by the film, it can be concluded that it is a wonderful work, which brings many sensations and emotions to those who are watching. Sandra Bullock is very great as always, she can pass the connection even though the character has shown it yet. Anyway, the film is sensational, incredible performances and very good scenarios; Congratulations to those in charge.

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It wasn't the greatest film, but I still really enjoyed it. It reminded me a lot of Blair Witch project in the sense that those without any imagination will hate it.

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another one of those “quite place” kind of movie. be afraid, be very afraid… without a slightest bit of logic. next movie, the only way to survive is if you don't breathe

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It wasn't awful, not great just kind of good. Got a bit boring near the end. There was some good acting from most of the cast though.

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Do you feel that??.... Ohhhhh shit...Wah-ah-ah-ah...Wah-ah-ah-aaah...Get up, come on get down with the sickness...Open up your hate and let it flow into me

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Great film! Thank you, Netlfix!

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I love Sandra Bullock in these roles this movie kept you watching until you get to the bottom of plot. So many twists and turns. on top of a very curious and unique storyline nice one Netflix!!!!!

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I love you Sandra Bullock. She is amazing.
The movie was full of intensity, drama and suspense.
I was sod sad when Jess died, she was a cool sister but is always good to see Sarah Paulson, even if it's just for 5 minutes or so.
Oh Charlie, he was the best. Poor thing.
Tom was incredible, I loved his family so much that he sacrificed for them.
I'm glad Malorie gave the kids a name and realized how much they meant to her.
Maybe is not the best movie of the year, but is entertaining.

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Sandra Bullock is enjoyable in everything she does, and the rest of the cast (especially Trevante Rhodes and John Malkovich) sold the hell out of what little plot there was here, but it was all just a bit too surface level. There was no real explanation for any of it, which is deeply frustrating after you've spent two hours watching something. I don't need everything neatly wrapped up in a bow at the end, but this kind of felt entirely unwrapped. Watchable but certainly not re-watchable.

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I truly liked it, l'm obsessed with survival movies /series so this one is what I was looking for, by the way if anyone knows survival movies can u please suggest me

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It seems like some people here only watched it superficially, cause the movie really has a urgent message for our society: first, that we have made our fears bigger than it really is, causing us to immerse in a deep suicide, depression and madness. Second, we must blindfold ourselves to these fears if we really are meant to pass through it all and third, but not less important: we need to connect to each other and fight the loniness, just like the paint scene where Malorie points the "people's inability to connect" among those people she draw. And hell yeah, those are us. Our society. We're all sitted together distrating our fears with social media contents, though, this is NOT real conexion. This is bullshit. The only way for us to overcome the madness showed in the movie is being together in the real world supporting each other with real touch (Malorie and the kids), bring back the good memories (the birds) and finding safety on the arms of the ones who loves us (our family and friends, as the blind intitution).

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Plot was nice, bgm was gripping, cast was good but climax seemed not complete. Hope there is a sequel movie.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

-1 / 1 (ultra hollywood ending and every scene without a guide rope was bullshit... so the whole movie. Also other stupid and unoriginal stuff)

5.5 out of 10

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I was so pleasantly surprised after watching this film. Due to the very quick hype that was built up right after it came onto Netflix I became sceptical, as I always do, with quick hyped about films. However, it definitely lived up to expectations. Their performances were great and Sandra Bullock did such a great job playing her character. It's such a flat genre thriller, which is why it stands out to me so much. Usually I'd expect jump scares or the dark entity to be revealed at the ending. But this had the exact right amount of all there is for a perfect Thriller. Definitely recommended!

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Sobrevalorada. Además predecible de principio a fin.

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I wish the ending was strong as the rest of the movie. Despite that, I really enjoyed Sandra Bullock's acting in this. She has aged well like fine wine.

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Enjoyed this for sure very good movie with nice plot and something new..7.6/10 reccomend it!

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At first I didn't want to watch this movie, but so many people are talking about it and I decided to give it a shot. The idea behind the movie is simply great, these monsters that you cannot see and that they take over you with your own biggest fears and they push to suicide is terrifying, because the movie never show you what happen to these people, what they see and this is even more scary. Sandra Bullock adventure is amazing and I really like the narration, how they make you discover the story little by little. I have really appreciated the presence of Sarah Paulson that is becoming more and more famous after AHS. I found the movie a little bit too long and sometimes there were some dragging scenes, but the movie wants to be slow, because it wants to scary you little by little. I really liked the movie and I really suggest to watch it because it is worth it.

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Pretty sure they died. Not a big fan of movies that try to be really deep while attempting to focus more on the human condition rather than tell a story. This "you decide what happened" movie falls short in my opinion. Never found out what was happening, why it started, what it was, how it affected some people differently, etc...If you have anything else in your queue, I'd suggest skipping this one.

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Pretty good watch; I always liked Sandra Bullock. There were moments where this reminded me of many other films such as Blindness (2008), Dawn of the Dead (2004), The Happening (2008), A Quiet Place (2018), and The Walking Dead series. I even thought that Rick would turn out to be Rick Grimes, haha.

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So many things that are unbelievable about this story, I found myself laughing out loud in places where I was supposed to be taking things seriously. I'll suspend disbelief for a while, but when I start comparing a movie to "The Happening," you know there's trouble. Would have worked better in my opinion if they had shown the creatures--for me, a movie made by a director who "leaves the monster up the imagination of the viewer" as this one does feels like a cop out. If you can't be creative enough to come up with a monster, then you are going to get lumped in with those directors who favor endings-that-aren't-endings where they "leave it up to the audience's interpretation." This, to me, always feels like cheating...and lazy writing.

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‪A weird and not so talented ensemble in another basic apocalypse movie where the threat isn’t explained and we’re supppsed to expect it for what it is. Had a good start but quickly became boring and predictable. Its only saving grace is Sandra’s stellar performance as per usual. ‬

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After such rave reviews I really expected a lot from this movie, even expected something a little more to keep me on edge. But I was honestly left wanting, there was a bit of freaky part which I would hope keeps going, this didn't even come close to the scare factor I was looking for. A little too over hyped for my tastes, the horror genre has a lot to work on to get to be a good horror movie.

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have people lost their minds? this movie is a 2/10 at BEST. talk about WAYYYYY overhyped ....

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as there was gps if there was no mobile or emergency signal, bad copy of "A quiet place", because they do not collect them all and they stay in the market, a blind man survives this, they do not explain what the bugs are, because they do not They enter the house or when they break the glass or when they open the doors?, is shy

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middle of the road.. Could have been so much MORE

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I can't go to the bathroom in the dark without walking into something yet we are supposed to believe that Sandra Bullock can run through a forest with two young children and barely has a mishap! To far fetched to be believable.

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Great beginning, and decent overall, but yet another movie with an unexplained mystery and no worthy plot payoff.

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This is so bad! Do what she says 'do not look'

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Never thought much of Sandra Bullock as most of the films I've seen her in have been fairly light action/comedy but her acting ability really showed through on this one though. Superb performance by her and the other actors. The acting really needed to be top notch to sell this film and they succeeded. Not the best movie but worth a watch if you like this type of genre.

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If you liked the book, you will be disappointed. It's not a bad movie, but there are a ton of changes from the novel that really hurt the overall plot.

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i will never understand why people in situations like this dont just kill themselves

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when i read the book i acepted the concept about the creatures and fortunately the movie has the same atmosphere, but a few less scare. however, i enjoyed it <3

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2018-12-22T00:03:10Z— updated 2018-12-23T10:44:19Z

A well-made, tense, and unsettling film, and if you can take your blindfolds off for a minute to look at the film more closely, this is also so much more than another A Quiet Place. Genuinely good and with a great cast, this is well worth seeing.

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I watched this immediately after finishing the book today.

I immediately regretted watching this after finishing the book today.

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They said, don’t take off the bandage for anything! I took it off. ERGO: The idea with entities that capture the mind, if you look at it:heavy_check_mark:, the world after such events:negative_squared_cross_mark:, suspense:heavy_check_mark:, relationships between people - well, not “Mist”:negative_squared_cross_mark:, fascination :eye:x1. And little things, such as the unrevealed sight of madmen, etc. Average secondary sub-fiction.

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Where is Daredevil when you need him the most.

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A fantastic thriller with a new twist on a apocalypse theme as it follows a woman who fights for survival with a group of people from a mysterious entity that takes your soul if you open your eyes. It does a great job with plot development as it equally jumps between the future and the beginning of the story. It’s horror and thrilling and emotional and certainly makes you connected to the characters. Highly recommend.

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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-23T08:18:44Z— updated 2023-03-26T00:37:27Z

A thrilling post-apocalyptic horror film with a great plot that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The story is full of twists and turns, making it a thrilling and unpredictable ride from start to finish. Sandra Bullock delivers a standout performance as the lead character, showcasing her range as an actress and anchoring the film with a strong and compelling presence.

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One of the cases where the movie is way better than the book.

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This movie is trash....crazies and happening is better then this crap

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Kinda nice experience watching it. Not as good as the 'a quiet place' but watch worthy.

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I am so disappointed. Was expecting so much more and actually thought the idea behind it was great, but then it was just … odd … and so many questions that are not answered.

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Shout by kinky

This is just The Happening with a worse script, a worse "twist" and better acting.

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Actual Rating 8.5

Now, it's very rare that I'll say this but I actually believe that this film was better than its source material. It brought the original nature of the story and tweaked to make it even more horrific. The acting was incredible and there were a few moments near the end where I almost teared up.

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I’m not sure why I never watched this movie til now .. perhaps the fact, like many others here, I’ve never been a Sandra Bullock fan so don’t tend to seek out her movies. I would have liked a scene at the beginning to show what she was before the first scene. I think that would have shown her motivations and descent into survival mode and harshness and then sudden turn around more buyable. While children can often turn back to the pure ness of heart in a moment’s time, I don’t believe for a second that someone that lived this way for 5 years would have so easily converted back to something that the movie never showed she was. This is the fault of the writing, not the actress.

In this time of Covid, it’s hard not to draw comparisons with the current state of the world. Hopefully we don’t descend into purge like survivalist modes before this all over.

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Not as bad as it was received. For a thriller, it definitely gets the job done and keeps you well 'thrilled' throughout the movie. Only 7 because it was too simple, it was 2 hours long, but you can summarize it in two sentences. I would have wanted more backstory and events.

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i was good to watch for once. the background music was scary and very suitable for the movie and helped a lot to create the atmosphere of the film. its still in my head actually

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Absolutely fabulous movie. Excellent all around.

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I like Sandra Bullock in general, she has some nice films but here the movie is missing a good plot. The whole premise of the apocalypse it doesn't give you much to question, you just go through the lines and story in a dull way. This could be at least 30 minutes shorter and everyone expected a big change on the end but you get instead of a twist another bland ending. The hype is not justified.

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It certainly was a thrilling movie. The ending felt quite disappointing at first, but than I quickly realized not everything has to be explained in a movie. I would rate more than 7 if it did not include some of the stupid moments and slightly disappointing ending.

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It changed the book for the worst in most ways. I read a review that said something like, Sandra Bullock is brilliant in a B movie, and that sounds about right.

Also, the camera was really weird at times, like it was shot with a go pro or something.

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Basicly no story, explanation, worldbulding, shallow forgettable characters. Just some random pseudo horror scenes botched together.

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Great movie! Sandra Bullock hasn't missed a beat. Adventuresome

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what the fuck did I just watched ?!

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Expectations were high. I remember when the movie came out, a lot of buzz was generated around it. But I didn't find it anything special.

The first half of the movie, in my point of view, is the best part. In addition to the suspense it has managed to introduce, it has a brief introduction, leading us quickly to the so-called 'action'. The way they were introducing flashbacks was not groundbreaking though, it was nonetheless interesting.

After seeing the movie, it bothered me that we couldn't see the 'creatures' that the characters dealt with. However, after seeing other opinions about the movie, I agree when they say it was a clever way to grab us and create even more suspense.

I liked the performance of the actors in general, notably Bullock, Malkovich (this one seems to me, in his normality, an authentic role) and Howery (this was super funny, I can imagine me in his skin, less in the outcome of his story, eheh).

Although not 100% satisfied, I think it's a good thriller and I recommend it!

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The idea was great and I think it kept the thrill going nicely, especially the ending.

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An interesting idea for a postapo movie without zombies. ;)

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i didn't understand the fuzz around this movie! it was good yes, but after all that hype and all i expected a really thrilling ride ere. but it was simple one to be honest!

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kitabini(Kafes) filmden daha cox sevmisdim.)
Film de maraqliydi amma gedisatini bildiyim ucin bezi sehneleri cevirerek izledim)

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A mildly entertaining ride until the pointless ending made me look back and realize allthe plot holes and incoherences I has swallowed until then. Not terrible, but 2 hours I will never get back.

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Shout by Deleted

Me ha sorprendido gratamente. Pensaba que me parecería lenta y repetitiva, pero me ha tenido muy entretenida hasta el final. Mi única pega es que no dé una explicación para lo que ocurre...

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I think that parenthood has made films that deal with children in peril much more difficult to watch. A few scenes (the post-birth one, the climax, and the "choice" for example) had me a little too worked up. Despite all this, I did find this an intriguing "horror" film, but it was more of a silent terror around every corner than direct scares. There's also some interesting commentary on motherhood.

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i would say that the acting and cinematography were very good, 8/10 for me, but the story is kind confusing... it's interesting but i end the movie with a lot of questions, so i think the overall is kind good but could be a lot better. I give a 7

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Sad that alomost every time the ending of a book is changed for the movie to please the audience. otherwise nice movie, great actors and music.

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Nada nuevo o sorprendente con una película post-apocaliptica. El inicio donde se explica el origen de los sucesos (que aquí no me queda claro, se me hace una estupidez que las fuerzas misteriosas sea lo que explica el personaje de Charlie, aquí no hay zombies o extraterrestres dispuestos a liquidarte, no es un ente misterioso que anda en el ambiente que hace que te suicides alv si lo ves), el intermedio donde se ve todos los retos y desafíos que el protagonista tiene que hacer para sobrevivir y el final feliz donde se logra el objetivo principal, llegar a la meta vivito y coleando. La historia deja dudas e interrogantes, tendrá sus momentos donde el desarrollo de esta te dejara brevemente en suspenso, pero hasta ahí. Palmas para Sandra Bullock.

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Acting is good
But the story is not clear

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To tell you the truth, I did not expect anything good from this movie. But as I saw it I was winning. Also say that it reminds me of "The Mist" by Stephen King

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Bullock carries this movie as a tough survivor, mom, and overall caretaker. I think the main problem people might have with the movie is we can't really relate to what is making people react the way they do. Are they going insane? Possessed? I guess its open to interpretation. Overall, this movie provides plenty of suspense like very few do, whether it's from the interaction of the survivors or outside chases. Are some of the characters cliched? Sure, but in a 2 hour part action movie your not going to have time for a whole lot. Did I mention Bullock looks amazing at 54!!

My score: 7/10.

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Shout by Deleted

i start the show cuz the beauty sandra .. then i find the show its wow .. but 2hours long time , what happen in it cand director done it in 1:30 ...

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Shout by Deleted

I don't get all the hatred which is streaming towards Bird Box. Okay, it's far from a masterpiece, but a firmly made movie and it became quite coherent at the end, all the flashbacks gained their meanings.
And, yeah, you can make an argument that we didn't get to know what the source of danger is. But I make a counter argument that the greatest fear is which is unknown and we don't know the origin of it or it has not a definitive shape like a villain and that made the survivors very defenceless.

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F U don’t work

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Como é que ela a correr dos monstros não caia???

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A good movie with a NOT so interesting ending. Read the book instead, its darker. Still the movie was good to watch once. 6/10

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Shout by Deleted

Added to my watchlist, but the trailer makes me think of the Triffids. Careful, they spit!

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I thought Micheal Jackson was dead?

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Movie was not that bad , I enjoyed it and its not really scary at all like someone made me cry bad when sam died .

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Not the best screening of a book. But story is too hard to be filmed, IMHO. Still a decent attempt.

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