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Bird Box 2018

absolute garbage!
i was very excited about this film but this is nothing but a pure garbage. no story no screenplay. please save your time.

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Do you feel that??.... Ohhhhh shit...Wah-ah-ah-ah...Wah-ah-ah-aaah...Get up, come on get down with the sickness...Open up your hate and let it flow into me

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Nothing special at all about this movie, rather dull and too long.

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Having read the book, I was a little nervous to watch the movie. They actually did a pretty good job. They changed some small things and a couple of big things. That's normal. Had I not read the book though, I still would have enjoyed the movie. And I did. It's well cast, acted, choreographed etc etc. Oh, and it's scored by Trent Reznor which I didn't really hear anything about. I noticed there was something familiar about the scoring, and then I saw his name pop up in the credits. Makes sense. All in all, a very entertaining flick. Highly recommend.

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middle of the road.. Could have been so much MORE

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Awful. Just awful.

Every part of this movie that was given an explanation was utterly predictable. You can tell how much thought the writers didn't put into this movie simply by the names given to the children - Boy and Girl. I can't roll my eyes hard enough.

On a serious note, if you enjoyed "The Happening" you may enjoy this as well.

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I can't go to the bathroom in the dark without walking into something yet we are supposed to believe that Sandra Bullock can run through a forest with two young children and barely has a mishap! To far fetched to be believable.

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Coming up next... creatures that kill with sound,,, but only when its convenient to the plot.

Back to this one; I didn't like it because of the cliche's... also that monitor thing was stupid.

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It never quite reaches its intriguing potential, but strong acting and an effectively chilly mood offer intermittently creepy compensation.

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Great film! Thank you, Netlfix!

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Amazing movie iv seen in a long long time

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A Quite Place?

Feels shockingly the same plot. It was very entertaining to say the least. Never actually seeing the entity bugged the shit out of me

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Great beginning, and decent overall, but yet another movie with an unexplained mystery and no worthy plot payoff.

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This movie is not a copy of A Quiet Place but its equally dumb and boring....

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This is so bad! Do what she says 'do not look'

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was crazy good, five stars!

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Never thought much of Sandra Bullock as most of the films I've seen her in have been fairly light action/comedy but her acting ability really showed through on this one though. Superb performance by her and the other actors. The acting really needed to be top notch to sell this film and they succeeded. Not the best movie but worth a watch if you like this type of genre.

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Shout by melkiades96
BlockedParent2018-12-25T10:15:56Z— updated 2019-01-02T08:42:46Z

This is the best Netflix original movie that I've ever seen, and I've seen quite many

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I’ve never been a Sandra Bullock fan, but I found her performance in Bird Box rather incredible. In fact, the whole cast was superb. Great execution. My favourite thriller of 2018.

The ending was quite excellent, hinting subtly that perhaps things were not what they seemed. Did she make it, or were things just too good to be true? The idyllic paradise in the midst of the apocalypse, survivors lounging on the grass, enjoying carefree conversation? Oooooh, I don’t know ...

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I love Sandra Bullock in these roles this movie kept you watching until you get to the bottom of plot. So many twists and turns. on top of a very curious and unique storyline nice one Netflix!!!!!

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A cross with the quiet place and the happening with the same old Sandra bullock and it turned out to be a decent film and gets into the action from the start with some tense scenes and feel good ending but would of loved to know more about the enemy tho..

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I have not read the book, so judging only by the film, it can be concluded that it is a wonderful work, which brings many sensations and emotions to those who are watching. Sandra Bullock is very great as always, she can pass the connection even though the character has shown it yet. Anyway, the film is sensational, incredible performances and very good scenarios; Congratulations to those in charge.

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If you liked the book, you will be disappointed. It's not a bad movie, but there are a ton of changes from the novel that really hurt the overall plot.

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The happening part 2 better cast

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Shout by Deleted

super film Sandra Bullock au top !!

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I love you Sandra Bullock. She is amazing.
The movie was full of intensity, drama and suspense.
I was sod sad when Jess died, she was a cool sister but is always good to see Sarah Paulson, even if it's just for 5 minutes or so.
Oh Charlie, he was the best. Poor thing.
Tom was incredible, I loved his family so much that he sacrificed for them.
I'm glad Malorie gave the kids a name and realized how much they meant to her.
Maybe is not the best movie of the year, but is entertaining.

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Sandra Bullock is enjoyable in everything she does, and the rest of the cast (especially Trevante Rhodes and John Malkovich) sold the hell out of what little plot there was here, but it was all just a bit too surface level. There was no real explanation for any of it, which is deeply frustrating after you've spent two hours watching something. I don't need everything neatly wrapped up in a bow at the end, but this kind of felt entirely unwrapped. Watchable but certainly not re-watchable.

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i will never understand why people in situations like this dont just kill themselves

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Super tense all the way through, fun cast; definitely enjoyed this film.

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when i read the book i acepted the concept about the creatures and fortunately the movie has the same atmosphere, but a few less scare. however, i enjoyed it <3

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Went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised that this was a solid thriller. I cared more about the flashbacks then the current day story. The concept is interesting but nothing we haven't seen before. An easy recommendation since it's on Netflix.

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2018-12-22T00:03:10Z— updated 2018-12-23T10:44:19Z

A well-made, tense, and unsettling film, and if you can take your blindfolds off for a minute to look at the film more closely, this is also so much more than another A Quiet Place. Genuinely good and with a great cast, this is well worth seeing.

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Shout by Bryan Donnini
BlockedParent2018-12-20T05:22:18Z— updated 2019-12-29T04:01:26Z

I really enjoyed this. I actually liked it better than The Quiet Place myself.. I know I’m in the minority on that one. But my daughter(15yo) is a huge bird lover, and she watched with me.. I was entertained from start to finish and liked the ending with the School for the Blind. I also didn’t mind not actually seeing the creatures. They actually showed the drawing of them which were creepy and imaginative to me.

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It wasn't the greatest film, but I still really enjoyed it. It reminded me a lot of Blair Witch project in the sense that those without any imagination will hate it.

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superb film,Bullock is class,has to be in the top best five films I've watched in 2018 and I watch about 20 film s every week!

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another one of those “quite place” kind of movie. be afraid, be very afraid… without a slightest bit of logic. next movie, the only way to survive is if you don't breathe

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Sandra Bullock has to be the luckiest person on Earth. If you accept this fact then you can enjoy this movie.

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