Still holds up. Decided to watch this in prep for the new chapter in the trilogy. I was happily surprised that the kids enjoyed it and stayed interested throughout.

Be excellent to each other!

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The history lessons here are a bit sketchy, but the story is fun ride from start to finish (and much smarter than it appears at first glance), the characters are hilarious, and it has the best 80s soundtrack I've heard in any film.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2020-11-01T18:26:11Z— updated 2022-06-09T07:30:17Z

Not seen this in years so i wondered how it would hold up to a view today.
Yes very much enjoyed it, a little slow at the start
But we got there in the end. Good light hearted fun. Had a good time with this one still and i wouldn't mind seeing the second and 3rd installment. And the message still stands today. "Be excellent To each other"
And that message is definitely not "Bogus"

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If you weren't around in '89, when this became a surprise cultural phenomenon, well, you kinda had to be there. Looking back with critical eyes, it's a rather thin, desperately low-budget production that doesn't probe beyond the superficial layer and constantly winks and nudges the audience to ensure they know when to laugh.

Yet, recognizing all that, I found myself wrapped up in its oddly naive warmth and charismatic magnetism. The jokes and gags are hammy and contrived, but I still snickered. The most memorable lines are clumsy and blunt, but I gladly recited them (surprising myself, as I hadn't seen the film in twenty-plus years). Bill and Ted themselves are the narrowest of stereotypes, basically the male equivalent of Frank Zappa's valley girls, yet I felt a rich tingle of satisfaction when they saved their academic careers. It's one of those films that defies logic, succeeding in spite of itself, and there's something of value in that.

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This is certainly a MOST EXCELLENT film!!!

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A fun movie that still holds up 30+ years later!
Be excellent to each other!

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This is one of the 80s movies that I somehow missed seeing growing up. I found it was admittedly pretty slow paced, but it's just such a fun little story and I can't argue with the message to "be excellent to each other." I'm a bit flabbergasted that I didn't recognize either Keanu Reeves or George Carlin.

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Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

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A true classic that still holds up in 2023. Very excited to watch the other two movies.
It's also a surprisingly intelligent take on time-travel for such a gag movie.

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I'm appalled by the low % here. This movie is one of the classics, and a great movie to watch with friends.

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I never had any desire to see the Bill & Ted movies but upon the hearty recommendation of a friend, I’ve finally begun to work my way through the trilogy. and… I am surprised to say… I thought it was tremendous fun. It’s really quite silly but the characters are addictively adorable. I give this film a 7 (fun) out of 10. [Fantasy Comedic Cult Classic]

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Endearing comedy that really is a great sister movie to Back to the Future. Keanu's Ted is an optimistic, friendly, open goof that will steal your heart like a big loveable mutt. Alex's Bill S. Preston, esq. is also likeable, yet in a different way that I can't quite put my finger on. All together the film is happy and fun....they don't make them like this much so enjoy the ones there are!!!

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Even after so many rewatches (this will be my fifth time, I believe), Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure continues to provide laughs and fun, goofy, and memorable moments that stick with you.

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Very silly movie, as it’s supposed to be. It’s just not good cinema. However, we agree with one commentary out there saying that this is the most expressive on-screen Keanu Reeves we have ever seen.

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I expected a poorly dated 80s comedy and I ended up cracking up all throughout.

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If you have a hard time understanding History. The movie may dumb it down for you. I was going to say the movie is great fun but won’t make you smarter. Then, I thought about it. Maybe the movie will make you smarter.

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This movie has not aged well. Almost can't believe they're talking about making a third in the series.

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Finally saw this for the first time. Good movie! What a great idea for a movie. Kids are gonna fail history do they go back in time to get the real peeps from history for their big report to pass the class. Genius. Growing up this was a few years before my time so when I would see this at the video store for some reason the VHS box cover would intimidate me like it's too scary or grown up. It's about learning history! Ha.

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of my favorites. It just makes me laugh and I like Alex and Keanu have a great acting relationship and it shows in the movie

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Since at Wayne's World I & II Totally Ninja has been changed to Party on!
My suggestion it to change this one to Totally Excellent!

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