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Anna Karenina 2012

the only actress who came make Anna Karenina have even a semblance of likability is Keira Knightley.

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Shout by Erick
BlockedParent2021-06-30T10:31:43Z— updated 2021-08-29T23:24:56Z

An enjoyable ride through late 19th century aristocratic society in Russia.

Once you allow yourself to enjoy the way in which sets change and forgive the British accents, you can fully immerse yourself in this film. Everyone gets their rightful end in a way that life rarely ever replicates.

Levin: “An impure love is not love, to me. To admire another man’s wife is a pleasant thing, but sensual desire indulged for its own sake is greed, a kind of gluttony, and a misuse of something sacred which is given to us so that we may choose the one person with whom to fulfill our humanness. Otherwise we might as well be cattle.”

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To be fair, I skimmed through most of it; but, also, to be fair, I have read the book.

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I am not convinced by the plot (Tolstoy not my favorite author I presume). The slightly surreal set design does not save the assessment either. Kira has tried, but it's not enough. I do not recommend.

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“All the world’s a stage...” and director Joe Wright takes that quite literally in his adaptation of the Tolstoy classic Anna Karenina. In an imaginative use of set design the entire film takes place in and around a theatre (minus a few conceits here and there). The tale follows a member of Russian high-society who has an illicit affair with military officer, and is forced to choose between her husband and her lover. Keira Knightley, Jude Law, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson lead the cast; however it’s Knightley’s performance that carries the emotion and passion of the film. Yet the performances end up being hindered by the directing style, as does the narrative. A visual feat to behold, Anna Karenina is a stunning film, but it suffers from the creativity.

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La considero una película digna de ver y puntuar bien por varias razones: Joe Wright es uno de los directores que más sigo debido a sus interesantes propuestas de cine. De él me encantó "Atonment", "Hanna" y Orgullo y Prejuicio" también con Keira como actriz principal. Este binomio (de nuevo) en una propuesta de época y llevando a la escena un clásico de la literatura universal, nadie debería dejar de verlo. Y claro entre el talento tenemos a excelentes actores como Jude Law y Aaron Johnson. Los últimos 12 minutos de la película fueron mis preferidos. La recomiendo.

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"...there is a great visceral quality to her Anna, particularly in scenes that call for uninhibited emoting. However, this palpability of affectation is contained in a film of extraordinary fragility -- the decision to set the action on a stage that, throughout the film, morphs and sometimes disappears altogether, only to reappear in the most surprising of scenes, makes the relationship between the characters that much more theatrical and nuanced."

Read my full review here:

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I so, so love Keira. She is amazing.
Jude was lovely.

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Put simply, I liked this movie. They actually went for a unique, artistic take on a classic novel. Granted that I haven't read the original novel, so I can't attest as to how true this movie is to it, but it tells an interesting story and has some brilliant production design. There are a couple of questionable directing choices, but altogether it's a good film that probably would have been nominated for Best Picture if there wasn't another adaptation of a classic novel on the list.

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Shout by Deleted


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Keira Knightley is no Anna Karenina. And her hair has gone Helena-Bonham-Carter-ish.

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Sadly a week movie, not very worthy of the book

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