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Angel Has Fallen 2019

A decent forgettable action movie that will fill your need to see things explode but not much more.

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Sloppily filmed with leaps of imagination that don't make it over the gaps in the story, Angel Has Fallen and can't get up.

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A high octane action movie with plenty of explosions, gunshots and the classic "has fallen" vibe. Gerald Butler reprises his role once again as the elite Secret Service agent, and he makes it work all the same! The story is relatively predictable, but that doesn't distract from the fact this is a fantastic movie. Loved it and recommend it - a must see!

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This wasn't the best movie of the franchise IMHO. I couldn't buy into the premise that Mike Banning would become THE suspect in the eyes of the FBI in the face of an attempted assassination of the POTUS. The man spent the last two movies protecting a former POTUS during two major crisis situations. The action sequences are good. However, it's clear this instalment didn't receive the same budget as the previous two. It's still an enjoyable movie and worth watching if you like the Has Fallen franchise.

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Your typical, low-brow "last action hero" - movie with not only an exceedingly predictable, but also just plain bad plot. Even if you were into such movies, the action-scenes themselves are disappointing without any impressive stunts or anything. Also, most of the effects are so bad that they evoke the feeling of watching a movie from the 90's.

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Weakest one of the trilogy but they sure know how to do action scenes

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Disappoints when compared with the previous. They all needed an early retirement

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I found this to be the best one of the trilogy. But I can't help to wonder how good it could have been with a better actor than Butler.

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jeez that's a sloppy 3rd outing for the franchise. The action was mediocre at best and Morgan Freeman phoned his performance in.

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I enjoyed this 3rd installment. Lots of action and intrigue.
Well worth a watch. Easy to watch/passed 2 hours quickly. Better than London has Fallen., :thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1:

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Maybe you can explain why I found your DNA in the van or your favorite book, your prefered shampoo brand, your toothbrush, a written confession from you, and your family photo right there on the launcher controls.

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Idiotic and predictable plot, crappy camerawork and even worse editing, awful actors and to top it off they included that tasteless real world leader scene.

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"Hey, y'all remember that secret service office who damn near killed himself twice to save the President? Well, looks like he's a traitor who just tried to kill the new president."

I get that there's not a lot of logic in these movies, but the fact that not a single character hunting Banning down stopped to think about how absurd it was that he'd now try to assassinate a president.

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This movie is so terribly bad and predictable with such brainless cliches, that it's actually enjoyable.
In a way better than london has fallen, because that one was trying to be too serious.
This is just a load of cr*p and they know it. So - yes, turn off your brain and just watch the explosions and mindless zombies running around getting killed and killing others without any apparent reason or inner motivation.

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Great action flick. Lots of guns, lots of explosions and some creative combat scenes. Plot holes a plenty but who care when this much stuff gets blown up in a short period of time. This was like a Bourne movie but without all the cerebral junk that tries to justify an impossible story.

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Shout by Deleted

Has okay action for an action flick.
The thrills are none existent thanks to some very lazy casting and the villains being known about ½-way through.
Note is great as Mike's "prepper' absentee father.
I predict that Manning will actually be the bad guy in the next one.

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And in the next part, Banning himself will be the president? ;) Nolte as a preppers act great. But the plot is a mix of the Fugitive and Rambo. Oh and +1 for scene with Freeman and Putin. :D

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I rated "Olympus Has Fallen" 3/10, "London Has Fallen" 4/10 and this one got 5/10. So there's some real kind of progress.
Next one should be decent and then we might finally get a first good movie, without giant logic flaws!

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Plot wise a much deeper story than it's predecessors, which I think hurt the film. Plot isn't what this trilogy was based on.

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I don't normally watch these type of movies but this was really good it had me from start to beginning I didn't even notice the 2 hours they flew bye.

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If I would resume this movie in one word I would say without a doubt, PREDICTABLE!

the first two installments are action packed but this one is more of everything! more guns, more bad guys, more bullets, more explosions.

story wise I was left disappointed with the lack of it. someone who has already saved the life of the president for two times should have some benefit of the doubt when being charged with the assassination attempt on the president. someone with direct and easy access to the president wouldn't need such an elaborate plan to kill all of the secret service and leave clear DNA evidence at the scene.

so, entertaining action flick but really short on content.

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The third entry in the series, Angel Has Fallen is a rather formulaic action film. When Secret Service agent Mike Banning is framed for an attack on the president he’s forced to go off the grid and attempts to discover who’s behind the attack. Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman return to reprise their roles, and are joined by Piper Perabo, Danny Huston, and Nick Nolte. The plot is pretty by-the-numbers, going through all the standard tropes and clichés of a manhunt and conspiracy. Still, the action scenes are incredibly intense and exciting. Angel Has Fallen isn’t as good as the previous films, but it’s entertaining and delivers plenty of thrills.

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If you like explosions, macho posturing, and mindless acts of violence, then you will love this film. On the other hand, if you enjoy a good story, thrilling action, and directorial flair, then you might want to move on to something else. This a poor effort, and hopefully the last of the series.

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For someone who has proven his loyalty to the country/president twice before, you would think the FBI would give him the benefit of doubt. :joy:

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Shout by Deleted

I like this trilogy, but this one was more good the the last one, the first movie was best

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Classical action!
In comparison to the former episode, this one is more personal reconciliation, which is of course to get rid of the flat character’s figure of Mack Banning.

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If you're looking for a mindless action movie then this will do. Tuck your logic in a box for 2 hours and enjoy. Otherwise it might be time to go to that dentist appointment you've been putting off.

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After the terrible 'Olympus', and the even worse 'London', I expected more of the same terribleness in this 3rd installment. But somehow it was not that bad. It still has many of the same flaws the earlier ones had, but they are overall less severe, and it even looked like they tried to add some story to it (although not that well executed, but at least they tried?)

Still far from a good movie, but this one I could at least enjoy. My surprise says more about how bad the first 2 in the fallen installment are.

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I liked it. I'm not sure what people want out of an action movie other than surprising plot elements, interesting characters to root for, exploding hospitals, high tech used in new ways, and twists piled upon turns. As with the other "Has Fallen" films, this one kept me engaged the whole time. Besides, it's great to see Gerard Butler out there kicking people's butts. And while not as good as the excellent first installment, the ending of this one was actually touching and paid tribute to the characters, especially the bad guy. If you're looking for an action movie, you could do a lot worse.

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Not terrible but not great either. Plot is predictable.
Enjoyable action movie to pass the time.

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It's a very average movie and they had a great opportunity in front of their face and they didn't use it.

They have a corrupt acting president, now the best ending (exciting and for various reasons!) would have been for him not wanting to leave. Instead of an average shootout at a random building, the acting president would be in the White House with his private army and the need is to attack the WH and forcefully remove him. That would have been cinematic and better than what we have.

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I dont see the fuss about this one, it's not good, not that great.

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Shout by Deleted

It was a decent movie. I don’t understand all the negative reviews.

Watch it once with popcorn and then forget about it.

A guilty pleasure.

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A great third installment of the franchise, Gerald Butler is an amazing actor,was as good as the other two movies..
Only thing was didn't like seeing will smith wife as she is such a bad actress..but apart from that a great movie....was great to see Nick Nolte anther amazing actor...

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Good action movie, very predictable, alot of fun.

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It’s like Taken 3 where the filmmakers ran out of ideas. So they put the hero in a fugitive plot where he is framed and on the run.
Though, due to some decent action. Angel Has Fallen is at least better than Taken 3. Which doesn’t say much.
A plus is Nick Nolte as Gerald Butler’s father. Who loves blowing shit up. The ending is like they thought they were giving us an iconic ending like, Heat.

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Have to say I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this. The last one was a disaster.

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i really liked this movie, didn't think they would make a third and if it would work but it did and i'm glad it did!

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Listen, it's simple. You've seen this movie before. Well, you've seen the story on the big screen before.

So instead of sitting there going: 'Ugh, this has been done before. Can't they think of an original story?', just enjoy the movie for what it is. A gun slinging/exploding/fighting mess of a movie.

Grab some popcorn and beer. Invite the guys over and have some fun. I'm sure everyone will enjoy what Nolte does do the bad guys, but if you're expecting some kind of cinematic masterpiece with deep state theories that will blow your mind and will have you replacing the tape you placed on your laptop webcam, with a fresh batch of tape... well, find yourself another movie.

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I feel like it would have been really fantastic movie if the main character was another actor.

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If you like either of the previous two movies in the series you'll like this. It's not groundbreaking, it's nothing special either. It's a fun switch off your brain for a couple hrs movie. Lots of good action with some humour thrown in. Worth a watch. I still prefer Olympus has fallen out of the three.

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A big dumb ridiculous lumbering action film is just what this mostly stale summer needed. I had fun with it, but than again I love the franchise. Don't judge me.

Sidenote: My hearing might be going as whenever certain characters said President Trumbull it kept hearing it as Trump

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This time they try to get Agent Mike Banning out of the way to see if they can kill the president this time. Give what promises, action and shots. Papa Banning has a lot of danger. He changes the actress who plays his wife. I liked it better than 2

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