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An American Pickle 2020

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Started off interesting but halfway through when it reached the climax it became ridiculous. And it didn't improve. Oh well.

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people way too rude about this film it was fun such a nice message about being Jewish

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One day, Barbara Streisand, one day...

It was ok.

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As a fan of Seth Rogan as long as I can remember, he’s had an interesting movie premise or two. An American Pickle might be the MOST interesting. Admittedly, it’s almost too out there. The first time I watched this, the premise didn’t over or under deliver, but I walked away kind of disappointed. With this second watch, hoped I would appreciate it more considering I know what it’s all about. Unfortunately, it still didn’t really do it for me. There’s some good spots, but overall it’s a pretty forgettable dramedy (which is interesting that it’s forgettable with a concept like this).

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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So I was expecting something humorous and in part it was, but I guess my idea is family is more supportive. Then I realized it was from a short story, which I think if I knew that going in, it would have been better. So yes from a short story and then I would probably give it a 7.

Maybe I'm not keen on the politics ish either, not direct but you'll get it is you watch it. Points well taken and almost a requirement with Seth Rogan, so should've expected that also.

Not one of his best but worth a watch on a rainy afternoon.

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It’s better than you would expect.

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One of the most stupid American film i watched. Stupid story. Nonsense American humor. And the name of polish town main hero was born is Słupsk!

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Yes i liked very much ... It's is a little ripoff from the movie The Terminal but i liked .. also it is a little bit Jewish propaganda .. but ok .. it is mix BORAT and The Terminal

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Again the trailer is misleading, all the lol parts are on it. Do not expect a funny Seth movie, this is a more feelgood movie and with hints of a drama with interesting story rather than laughs. I nice way to pass your xmas day for 90 minutes.

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I watched this movie with a mate with the idea in mind that we could make fun of it. Judging by the description, the concept is dumb as shit, but that's to be expected of Seth Rogen. However, I was actually pleasantly surprised how invested I got with it and its characters. This would be a one time watch and worth the time, don't think I'd rewatch it though.

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This pickle out of brine (fish out of water) comedy is light on laughs and light on most other things as well. The film seems rushed at times, and inconsistent with its characterisation. Not awful but it needed a lot more work.

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Predictable at times, a handful of eye rolling moments - but still a nice story.

Would like to see how they filmed it with the body doubles and green screens.

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I really enjoyed that, a good one from Seth Rogen and loved the plot, it was something different and the script had a good sense of humour.

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I really enjoyed this... enough laughs to keep you entertained. Seth Rogan dialed back his usual self in this and made it work. 8.5/10

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This movie feels cheaper than a Netflix movie, and that says a lot. The core joke is "immigrant life is comically hard haha" aka- recycled Borat jokes. An American Pickle marketed itself as being about an immigrant family but it just veers into a bunch of dumb humor about current politics. It’s not funny enough to be a comedy, and it doesn’t have enough of a story to be anything else.

The fake "eastern Europe accent" is u-n-b-e-a-r-a-b-l-e! And what the actual fuck is "eastern Europe accent"? Russian? Hungarian? I know Americans are extremely dumb and so, so, so terrible with languages but come on. Fake "[anything not-English] English" always sounds like mockery. Stop it.

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While the movie starts off with a rather ridiculous premise this premise actually resulted in some really funny scenes by the two leads. The problem that this movie had is that as it got past the easy story lines created by the premise and required the story to be moved forward it started to lose steam. The film actually did touch on questions such as religious belief and the value of family but never really seemed to know what it was doing. By the end it just seemed to limp over the finish line with the ending we all knew was coming.

follow me at or faceook IHateBadMovies

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I really liked this movie. Ir was an interesting story with old school running into the present and oh how times have changed. From what is acceptable to say, to what is right and wrong. A great watch.

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This was just so very mediocre, it's like a short Youtube sketch but stretched out to be whole movie. I'd expect this of a new "up and coming" indie film maker, maybe, but not Seth.

Guess it was a little pet-project of his about family and religion. They didn't even need to go all out on the whole time travel, and could have just made it about finding a long lost cousin from some looked-over country.

Cute but blah.

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Mediocre stuff.

Probably the worst Seth Rogen movie I have seen.

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A really good movie.
I didn't think it would be so good, maybe it would have been even better if it had been a series.
But that beginning with Hershal is very fast, some explanations would have worked at that beginning.
The story, after the beginning, is really ok and interesting.
This movie is really a good movie for 2020.

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This is not a comedy. Don't waste your time. Not funny. Just an ok movie.

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The movie sets off with a really distinguished and intriguing look at the 1920s which I very much liked, but then transcends into a somewhat-basic new age comedy with the cliche "fish out of water" storyline. It does manage to get in a few laughs and sets a nice heart-warming message about family.

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The first act has an A24 type of indie film that I was really digging. But then it got too traditional studio comedy. I still enjoyed it, though.

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This was...interesting. It is more of a heartwarming movie than being a straight-up comedy. Seth Rogen left his usual raunchiness to try something different. Maybe one of his best performances ever. The story was quite original (which is a great thing in the current film-making era). Although at times the script did become nonsensical and over the top, this was an alright way to kill 90 minutes.

Added to List: 2020 Releases Ranked

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