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American Sniper 2014

People who find this movie patriotic obviously cant read the title...its called AMERICAN from Europe and cant see why americans are so against this movie. Its a tribute to the man and all those who didn't make it out of various wars. I find this an amazing movie. Not the best picture I've seen from the Oscar movies but its so much more than that

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I absolutely loved this movie. I am not American but my grandpa was in the US Air Force so I have always had tremendous respect for the military. I try to avoid political statements but it’s hard to do so and make an honest comment about this movie.

I don’t think this glorified war, or justifies war. I think it tells a great, and mostly true given what I’ve read, story about Kyle and the people in his life.

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This movie is about a war hero. That's it. Not about whatever issues some people have with the US, not about war crimes, not about religion, not about global warming or super bowl. Stupid comments...

And as such it was amazing. Especially Bradley Cooper.

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American Sniper is an exceptional war film that provides a captivating portrayal of the real-life hero, Chris Kyle. Bradley Cooper delivers an incredible performance as Kyle, perfectly capturing the character's inner conflicts and emotional struggles. The movie is one of the greatest war films of all time, depicting the horrors of war and the toll it takes on soldiers and their families. The action scenes are intense, drawing you into the heart of battle and danger of combat. But what sets American Sniper apart is its powerful depiction of the human cost of war. The film shows the impact of Kyle's tours on his mental health, his relationships, and his sense of self. It's a great portrayal of the sacrifices that soldiers make in service of their country, and the toll it takes on their lives. Overall, American Sniper is a must-see movie, and the film is a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of America's service members.

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Great movie and an interesting fellow

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Filme fantástico! Intenso do começo ao fim.

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Before seeing this movie I was warned of the "Propaganda" and general PRO-USA setting of the movie, but to be honest I felt that, although "The Butcher" was a bit extreme, the general feel of the civilians and "AQI" was more of a "this is our home" than a "Kill Ze Infidel!". Overall a very touching movie and a very good performance by Bradley Cooper! :)

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stop lies about Iraq wars like what you did about Vietnam war!
you see in this movie innocent American soldiers surviving. so what the hell are you doing in Iraq? go to your homes innocent soldiers!!
USA attacked Iraq. USA killed Iraqian people. USA killed so many childs, women and innocent citizens!! USA soldiers rapped Iraqian girls. what does this movie tell you about? Iraqian people are bad guys because they kill American soldiers who assaulted their country??!!
don't change the history. show to the world who attacked and who killed innocent citizens.
America was not better than Hitler in Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam war.
USA attacked and Iraq defended like every country which has been attacked! USA is the murder not Iraqian childs!!!

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From a non-american viewer, this movie is great in many aspects like acting and action scenes, but lacks the other side of the coin, I believe that every one has a reason for what they do even if the reason is stupidy, but for a good story (and more so a REAL STORY) should have showed at least a little about the terrorists faith, witch in my opnion every american movie and TV show can't do it right.

The last scene when Kyle shots the other guy at 2K yards away only made me believe that he didn't actually kill anyone acording to the movie since he only sees a silhouette.
But I enjoyed the movie cast choice, the actors were great and each time he, Bradley Cooper, shoots some one I actually felt sad because of Bradley's acting.

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The deadliest sniper in the world is an Iranian!!!
Chris Kyle made 160 successful shots
Abdulrasul Zarin is an Iranian sniper who had 700 successful shots!!
Chris Kyle's rifle was the most modern sniper in the world although Abdulrasul Zarin was shooting with a simple gun!
and Chris Kyle killed people during the USA attack to Iraq but Abdulrasul Zarin only killed Iraqian soldiers during Iraq attack to Iran. in the other hand Chris Kyle is a murderer but Abdulrasul Zarin is a defender.
160 to 700 is a long way for Chris Kyle to be the deadliest sniper in the world.

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Shout by Mahyar

why all bad guys in movies are terrible shooters??!!
Mustafa couldnt shoot Chris from 100 meters although he is the best sniper in Iraq. in the other hand, Chris killed Mustafa from 2 kilometers right in the eye!!! Mustafa's gun has placed between chris's eyes but his bullet goes well wide!!
in other scenes, 5 Americans fight with hundreds of Iraqian soldiers. Iraqi soldiers run like wild cows and can't even shoot 1 American. but American soldiers make every bullet in Iraqies soldiers hearts!!

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Shout by Deleted

Great tone and acting! Despite some lapses, I love this movie. Chris Kyle's story was amazingly told. Damn to all haters who are so blindsided by the "patriotism". You don't really know the truth about war until you have seen it yourself, do you? American Sniper showed the brave acts of one soldier among many and those who have sacrificed themselves for the country.

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Absolutely good and emotional movie !

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Shout by Deleted

Watching American Sniper good movie

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The film was very well suited to the movies on his original story. With a final of sad but not every story has a happy ending.

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A rather abrupt ending. Great movie overall.

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"American Sniper" is a biographical war film directed by Clint Eastwood. It stars Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle, a Navy SEAL sniper with the most confirmed kills in U.S. military history. It's a powerful and intense portrayal of his life and service.

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Shout by Jaybee289
BlockedParent2022-11-16T12:12:47Z— updated 2022-11-21T09:48:47Z

A great film with an insightful telling of Chris' story and a powerful portrayal of life outside of the war for veterans.

This was an engaging film throughout and was brilliantly told by all involved.

8/10 - Great film, one that I'll happily watch again

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American Sniper is a gripping and compelling war film about the life of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. Based on his autobiography, the story follows Kyle as he joins up with the Navy and serves four tours in Iraq, becoming the deadliest sniper in American history. Additionally, the film tackles some controversial issues, including the effects that war has on a person and how it changes their mentality. Bradley Cooper gives an incredible performance as Kyle that’s subtle and nuanced. And director Clint Eastwood does a great job at creating a gritty tone that’s suspenseful and intense. An extraordinary film, American Sniper delivers a thought-provoking look at the struggles that soldiers face on and off the battlefield.

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Watching this brings home the effect defending our homes has on not just those at the sharp end but also their families. War and conflict; I wish they were not so much part of todays lifescape. One day we might learn to live together.

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Discarding the biased view it has of the war, it's a good movie, entertaining and you can see the director's hand

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Overall, an intriguing and meaningful look at the effects of war on veterans. However, structuring the plot around a sniper "rivalry" between Kyle and his Syrian counterpart makes the film feel less genuine somehow. I also would have liked to see more time spent with Kyle after his discharge, which wrapped up a bit abruptly.

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No doubt that Clint Eastwood is a great filmmaker and that even now, with his 84 years old continues to create movies with perfect manufacturing; however, the Hollywood film industry for some years is being invaded by filmmakers who not only do things right but make them different, for example suffices to mention the Oscar nominations to Alejandro González Iñárritu, Richard Linklater and Wes Anderson. The film shows, without a doubt, the patriot pride not only the director but many Americans who stand firm and proud despite the criticisms issued against the form of government in terms of foreign policy both within and outside the country . I think many Americans identify with Chris Kyle (well played by Bradley Cooper but in my opinion didn't deserve an Oscar nomination nor win three awards, including the National Board or Review). It's a pretty well done film (except for the baby robot all criticize) but that is diluted in not contribute anything more than a good manufactory, we will not even penetrate the psyche of the protagonist, which would result to another director not only necessary but indispensable.

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I say it's good to watch when you are ready to invest in the story....overall it's good

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""Snipers have the curse that they see the work their round does." The telescopic lens atop a sniper's riffle lends a dreadful intimacy the the act of killing" - Nicholas Schmidle for The New Yorker

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American Sniper

The embellished story of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is a good movie, exploring the morality of taking a life in the context of war and the conflict of serving your country and family.
The Mustafa 'character' was borderline comic.


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Intense, emotional, controversial and yet engaging.

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Rent it: worth renting. I see why it was Oscar nominated but didn't win. It was good just not Oscar winning good.

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A nice movie, though not very realistic and contains a lot of clichés. I would give it higher rating, but once a 100 terrorists suddenly appear out of nowhere and get shot by 5 marines you have lost my attention.

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It's a good film, not precisely my style.

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Muito bom. Adoro filmes de fatos reais. Isso mostra como a vida de qualquer pessoa pode render uma boa história

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I'm disappointed because I consider Clint Eastwood a great director, but for me this movie is not more than a 6.5 (I give it 6 because I have no option to mark .5). I suppose that it is in the Oscars because it is very patriotic... nothing more than that.

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"I'm willing to meet my creator and answer for every shot that I took..."

I always avoided this movie because I didn't want to watch something that glorified war, but after seeing this I can see that they do show the side of war that never gets enough attention: PTSD. Knowing quite a few veterans and seeing what they go through after going through this, this film portrays that part pretty accurately.

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Eastwood is a excelent film maker. you can but this movie is just not. i think it's to slow, poor action, it's not well done. it's just A movie... Not A Clint E. movie.

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I don't know, I was expecting more about the psychologists problems of the character but that part was very simple for me, and more from the so called "greatest sniper" or "legend" in action, but that was very short too. For me this was not worthy an Oscar's nomination. Cooper makes a good work but not great.

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There's been an arsenal of controversy stirred around this film, but if we care about how it stacks up as a war film, it reaffirms his talent for the genre that he displayed with Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima, while taking a position as a character study around Kyle himself. Cooper displays an impressive subtlety in playing a character who masks his emotions well, without losing the emotion entirely, and subtle cues of soundtrack and directing place you firmly in Kyle's mind. It's the small scenes that anchor you the most: Kyle pleading one-sidedly to a child holding an RPG-7 was flooring. But the movie excels in more than just the acting, as it is Eastwood's adept camera work that seals the deal throughout. There are a couple of blemishes in special effects, poorly-executed CGI in a couple of flyover scenes and a fairly obvious rubber baby being the standout examples, but they are a scarce distraction in a movie that is otherwise executed beautifully throughout.

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To me its been a waste of time. I personally thought Mr. Eastwood would handle the war topic a bit differently. However he told a true story about some GI who has been a hero because of killing some people somewhere in the world. Let his family behind, alright that part has been pretty authentic and well played. But what I really miss is some basic questions... Why is there war? why does this terrorist kill that GI, ... And its not like there would not be any answer for that. If you wanna tell a real story, alright, but a story is like a coin and has always two sides!

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What a squandered opportunity to shed light on a vitally important and chronically ignored problem. That the hero of this movie suffered from a variety of post-war PTSD symptoms and was murdered by a veteran also suffering from mental health issues gets sidelined to one or two scenes with no real commentary. The other two hours are devoted to masturbatory fantasies about Marine snipers killing brown people. Go away, Clint Eastwood.

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Just an horrible movie. I read the book, everything has been messed up. As usual Eastwood does want only one thing: making people cry.

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Super Hero American Military (!) Goes to Iraq and brings democracy to Iraq :D Typical shitty American movie.

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It's a movie about an awful coward criminal. Glad the real person isn't walking on this earth anymore.

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Posthumous hj for a war criminal. War is bad and so is this movie.

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Shout by Deleted

The best movie i ever see in my life i love DRAMA <3

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Just drivel, I don't think there's a single redeeming quality to this film.

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Buenísima película de Clint Eastwood que como siempre no defrauda. La historia de Chris Kyle es apasionante con un triste final para un hombre bueno, que hizo mucho bien en Irak salvando vidas y matando terroristas islámicos. Mucha pena que un chiflado acabara con él y dejara huerfanos y una viuda que le adoraban y querían

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Always like watching war movies & this one didn`t disappoint. Well acted by Bradley Cooper & was an engaging story. Had to believe Clint Eastwood can still direct so well, considering his advancing years.

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The story of the deadliest American sniper during the Iraki War. The movie very patriotically shows the American sniper defending his fellow soldiers, while the Iraki are shown as brutal butchers. Surely there is place for Iraki patriotism as well? Surely some iraki soldiers were motivated by the same honorable patriotism that motivated the Americans? Alas, the Iraki's are merely one-dimensional, while the American is the hero.

But the service in the army came at a price. The movie very realistically shows the American sniper having trouble readjusting to life back home. And there are very subtle hints that the same was happening to the antagonist Iraki sniper. The life of a soldier is certainly brutal. No mentally adjusted person can kill other people (even in war) and not damage their soul.

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