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American Assassin 2017

Better than other reviewers made it out to be. Enough unique elements to not blur in with other action movies.

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I have a high tolerance for boring movies. Especially when the movie has a handsome lead. But this was too much even for me.

The first few minutes were shocking! More violent than I expected but set the tone for an action packed revenge movie. Then it slowly went downhill to the point I stopped watching. My husband, who does not fancy Dyan O’Brien but DOES love action movies lasted a bit longer than me.

DNF. Don’t even care to google the end. It was boring.

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I’m really surprised at some of the comments on this movie. Have actually had it in my collection for many years but never quite got around to it until today.
I agree there’s nothing groundbreaking but I certainly didn’t find it slow or boring.

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Great movie. Book series was even better. Sad the author died of cancer

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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-24T03:05:00Z— updated 2023-03-26T00:33:21Z

A high-octane action movie that delivers a satisfying blend of thrills and intelligent plotting. The action in the film is impressive and well-choreographed, with a number of intense fight scenes and thrilling shootouts. The film's fast pace and high energy keep you engaged throughout, making for an exciting movie experience. The plot is also a highlight of the film, with an intriguing storyline that keeps the audience guessing until the very end.

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Crazy brutal movie. If you loose someone. The emptyness gonna fuck your brain up. Revenge is not the way imma be real honest with yall for real for real. Action movie with out Bruce Willis shame on you Mr. Director.

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Dylan O'Brien managed to be both totally unconvincing and completely unlikable in his part. Quite a feat!

I'll never understand how anyone thought this scrawny ass who looks bummed over failing a boyband audition he even get a special haircut for could work as an action hero.

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Fine action movie, more then ten kills in first 10 minutes and a main character which is well trained. We need more of this in 2022+

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did not finish watching because it was late, but looks like OK movie ...

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If I'm inclined to be on my phone more than I am to paying attention, it's probably not the greatest action movie. However, I didn't hate it. I think it can be a good Sunday movie for when you want to watch something that doesn't demand too much of you as a viewer.

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The casting for this was bad enough, but add in the mouth-breathing dialogue, and it's astonishing that it took five so-called screenwriters to put this garbage on a waste of good paper. The premise alone made this venture pointless; Middle-Eastern terrorists show up at a beachside vacation spot, and begin indiscriminately shooting people? This may be the single dumbest premise I've ever seen in a major motion picture. This was made-for-broadcast-television bad. Actually, in fact, it was worse than that.

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It’s definitely not the worst movie I ever saw and it does have some good action scenes.

It’s something to watch when there’s nothing else to watch.

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Not everyone should be able to make movies

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.. I'm thinking about going back to my review of Savagas (2012) to give it one rating point more, because this movie here was worse than that.

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I kept falling asleep during this movie. Took me 4 hours to get through it. I felt like killing myself! The first 15 minutes was interesting and went downhill afterwards. Very cliche. You can predict the entire movie. Very disappointing. Glad it’s over.

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Didn’t care about the main character at was an alright film

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What's new in this movie.
Nothing just common story

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OMG what a terrible ending. Started so well and went downhill from there.

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Wonder if they thought, "Let's see how many clichés we can fit into out movie.". Found it very Meh!

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Just your average fast pace action packed film with a good cast that I enjoyed. I hope to see more from Dyan O'brien XD

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Shout by Deleted

'American Assassin' is extremely uneven, especially tackling it's "gritty" approach to politics. So lifeless in fact, even Michael Keaton knows there's better roles out there and saves his talents for something better.

However, it dose have some interesting action sequences and decent looking shots. So the technical side of things stops this from being flat out bad.

Dylan O'Brien, on the other side, is at least trying his best from what he's given. Slowly building himself to be a action star or a strong leading man, if he continues this path.

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NOT A SPY MOVIE, like other reviewers have said, it is full of cliche to the point where you know how scenes will develop. I would just add to this the whole "one man army" syndrome, which is really disturbing when you take it at face value, and instead of making you think about the concept of vengeance in a modern society, you go along for a not so much emotional rampage among unnoticeable civilians. This could have worked 10-20 years ago. In today world? not so much.

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Sure it's full of cliches. Yet I was glued to the screen throughout. Dylan O'Brian was surprisingly solid.

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Fantastic movie!! It makes your eyes glued to screen for the whole time. Superb real life action. A movie worth to watch. So take out your popcorn and go for it.

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quite an interesting movie to watch

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It's not big thing, but it has action and it's entertaining, to see once it's worth

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Shout by Deleted

I like so much!

Dylan O'brien is a amazing actor

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Much better than expected - worth taking the time to watch

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Great action movie! Highly recommend it.
Wonderful acting. Amazing stunts. They pushed the envelope when it came to typical gun play on a spy movie.

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It's a decently made action/spy/thriller with some cool sequences that have bite, but overall it's fairly generic. Nothing very stand-out. I can't see this actually launching a franchise...

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This movie was a total disappointment. I’ve read all of Vince Flynn’s books and this was a very poor attempt to compress all of the book into one movie. Mitch Rapp, the main character in the book took a back seat to Stan Hurley played by Michael Keaton... and I would bet that was by design during casting. I really hope that another Director and film company will pick up on the Mitch Rapp story and do it justice. If done correctly, it would be up there with Marvel and DC movies.

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Shout by Thomas

This movie was a total disappointment. I’ve read all of Vince Flynn’s books and this was a very poor attempt to compress all of the book into one movie. Mitch Rapp, the main character in the book took a back seat to Stan Hurley played by Michael Keaton... and I would bet that was by design during casting. I really hope that another Director and film company will pick up on the Mitch Rapp story and do it justice. If done correctly, it would be up there with Marvel and DC movies.

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Uh huh huh huh.. you said ass ass in...yeah!!! yeah!!! Asssssss assssss....shutup dillhole!!!

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Do yourselves a favor and skip this one. Truly awful. Very boring and slow paced with unlikable characters all around.

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i didn't get the movie i was looking for.shame. but i rated it 7 for Dylan path and how he is seeing it, so there's that. hopefully he'll step it up in the near future.

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The writing/pacing was straight garbage. It was rushed & over the top ridiculous . It was like they had a list of crappy cliche plot points they were trying to hit rather than make an enjoyable movie.

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Action packed, thrilling and immensely entertaining. I enjoyed watching Dylan O'brien in a setting that actually leant to him showing off his acting skills. Not to mention he left Teen Wolf and turned into a whole SNACK. My first experience with Michael Keaton was a family Christmas movie but he plays intimidating hard ass oh so well. There were so many action scenes that I had to rewind because they were too good and that opening scene....jaw.on.The.floor.

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Did anyone else think, fat cobra at anytime during the movie?

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Excruciating film. As is kept playing, I couldn’t wait for it to end. It was like waiting in a line for ten hours on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I am thankful it is over. I kept thinking about how the decision was made to make this film, and how people agreed, somehow, to actually make it happen. That disturbs me...

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I gotta admit I liked it for what it was. The title American Assassin is a terrible name for a movie and Sanaa Lathan continues to make everything she is in worse than it needs to be. But the movie features a strong Michael Keaton and decent acting by Dylan O’Brien who I admit have never heard of before and Taylor Kitsch aka Tim Riggins. No the story was not great but the action scenes - gunplay as well as hand to hand combat - were above average and the consequences of a nuclear explosion under water was something I have not seen before in any movie. I’d give this a 7 out of 10.

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It wasn't supposed to be a slow and boring movie; i think we all expect from this movie to have a good story (at least decent) and good action scenes. Well, this movie doesn't have any of those things.

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The film begins well, with a brutally efficient opening scene. Sadly, it then leads nowhere particularly original, and it lost my interest well before the halfway mark.

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It was an OK movie. At least there wasn't a Magical Cure-all VaginaTM.

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AKA The John Wick Identity Supremacy (and if you've seen either of those franchises, you've already seen this film)

Pros: It had lots of action and not a lot of romance.
Cons: The action was hackneyed and the fight scenes were so badly choreographed that the director had to hide them behind quick cuts and blur effects.

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How can an action movie be so boring. By filling it with almost every cliche in the book and making me not care for any of the characters. It had a few moments where it had my interest, like the opening beach scene, but that was almost all due to the shock value. I did not realize this was R.

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