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Alita: Battle Angel 2019

Loved the CGI in this, the entire movie looked really amazing. Story-wise, however, it just felt like a setup for a sequel that will most likely never arrive.

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I thought this was a great movie and just when it was coming to an end i was ready to see much more. I think the CGI here was done well here.

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Will there be a sequel? A really good movie.

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This was a really well made movie with some fantastic visuals and a nice pace. Having never read any of the comics (or even realising there were any) this is not a film that requires you to. I'm sure there's some great references that I missed, but that only enhances the film. My only complaint is that the ending feels flat and doesn't draw any definite conclusions - probably to drive sales for a sequel.

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i watch it ☝(good one) i am pretty sure we will have second part will come out 2020

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The film is action packed and the CG is great but the film do not really talk about the background of the future world, which is a little bit disappointed for me. My guess, based on a few city scene, should be like Elysium + Ready Player One. And we didn't really know about the villain in the film, if there is one.
Does the ending hint another film is coming?

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Beautiful, all the way round. Had afew nicks, but the majority was satisfying. I wish Alita and Ready Player One took eachothers qualities. The character building was slow but steady. Even if it got repetative, something new was blooming. The casting and acting was great. The sound effects were phenomenal. I just wish it had a better soundtrack, one that fit the visuals. I think a lot of expensive heavy visual movies lack heavy stories, and although this got dark in afew parts, it just wasn't enough for me to skip past. Once I reached the end though, I was charged up and ready for number 2.

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The story was pretty bad and too rushed, but the action scenes were amazing! The visual effects are weird sometimes and felt a little bit off. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to make a well made live action because the source material is really valid.

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Having no knowledge of the anime or manga this is based on, I did enjoy the story this movie told. Getting past the eyes took a while, but eventually it kind of just looked natural.

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this is my favorite james cameron movie i keep coming back to watch it, eagerly waiting for a sequel:blue_heart::purple_heart:

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A shame we never got to see the 16:9 for the 3D blu-ray. I saw it originally at the IMAX Laser and remember thinking "Avatar is going to be epic". This was fantastic at home. The closeups of Alita's face with the hyper stereo were jaw dropping.

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I wish I was Alita so bad

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Looks and feels more like a Blender demo (like Tears of Steel), than a feature film.:zipper_mouth:

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Shout by Deleted

yesss crisscross those machines baddie!

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Super frickin Awesomness.
This phenomenal movie
has the absolute best facial and body capture
Animation I have ever seen
And I've seen the best that modern day technology has to offer,
But in this movie
It's on a Different Level
The story is so endearing
and wholesome and
Alita is instantly likable who I fell in love with instantly.
This movie is so easy to enjoy and be entertained
by, and I love every single second of it.
Those fight scenes are
Phenomenal and breathtaking.
This amazing movie
Has everything and puts you through the full rage of emotions and it certainly doesn't disappoint.
I had ChillBumps all
The way through.

Alita is definitely
My new favourite
Strong Female lead
And I am so happy
That a sequel to this
Outstanding movie is
Planned for

"A Face of an
Angel and a
Body Built for

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I liked this movie. I couldn’t find any movie to watch and I tried this out and it did not disappoint. The fighting scenes and the story worked great together to keep the audiences engaged and a very emotional ending

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What’s interesting about this movie, is that’s its possibly the greatest video game movie ever…and it’s not one. The plot, the character designs, the world building, the conflict, it’s all a video game plot. It could be replaced with Ratchet & Clank characters and be the next game. It’s not the most perfect thing in the world, but it’s a good time that most people will enjoy!

Rating: 5/5 - 9.5/10 - Highly Recommend

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A pleasant action film, good to spend a couple of hours. A bit thin however, it does not explore the background enough.

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I was enjoying the movie immensely, but the ending sucks the fattest greasiest butt.
What the hell is her plan supposed to be now? Become the champion and get to the top as a brain in a box?
Let's for now ignore simply flying up there - they use jet engines as toys and she has some plasma thing built-in, they could have easily figured out a way up, use a balloon ffs. By lore the way to get there has been up the pipe since 300 years ago and she's already proven to be able to just jump over the barbed cockring, so what the hell is she doing?? Waiting for the second episode, that's what. Ruins the whole thing.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Much better than I thought it would be. Once you get past the weird decision to keep her eyes anime style you soon settle into a decent cyberpunk action film. Clearly a build up to an intended sequel... Or a well crafted open ending which is nice too.

Jennifer Connelly looking absolutely stunning, and the rest of the cast were okay too :yum:

Also Grewishka gave me all the Adam Smasher vibes.

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4K UHD Blu-ray is very good, not perfect. I’ve seen this movie on IMAX so my expectations was huge. Unfortunately my experience from theatre wasn’t overcome. Dolby Atmos is good, juicy, lot of details. My neighbors doesn’t like me. It’s worth to watch on big screen.

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Level "Interesting" • 7 :heart: • Entertaining and Good.

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Builds a nice hype and punches you in the face with an ending without an ending.

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Great visuals, only adequate story.

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Shout by AJ

The visual FX and the action scenes are outstanding. And the movie itself is pretty entertaining. Really cool.

I would have rated this way higher, buuuuut... the last 5 minutes are kinda underwhelming. Specially, but not limited to, the ending. I hate open endings. They tell you a cool story, spend 2 hours on it, and when they are getting to the end, they just realize "wow, we just run out of time! Oh well, nevermind. You imagine the ending instead, it's fine...". No it's not!!! We didn't get to see the city, or any explanation for who or what Nova is, or what connects him to anybody else. Plus, there is sooooo much backstory and lore that we just get glimpses of.

Hopefully there will be a second part? A prequel? A videogame? This can just be it... can it? Like, can you imagine if Harry Potter books just ended "– You're a wizard, Harry. – Nice! – And he lived happily doing magic. The end"?

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A complete waste of brilliant visuals and world building. (Most of which I expect comes from the manga/anime) on an excruciatingly poor screenplay. Despite a talented cast no actor could breathe life into the script, with the exception of Salazar as Alita. When you can’t get a performance out of Christopher Waltz something has gone horribly wrong.

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I personally thought the movie was really boring. Fell asleep two times the first time around then decided to start again from scratch the next day and sit through it. Yeah, still boring for me, However, i did like the atmosphere of the movie, futuristic vibes and all. That's my stuff. Story was forgettable at best though.

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Alita: Battle Angel is much better second time around.

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waiting for the movie 2

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I remember watching the anime way back in college and liking it but feeling like it was only part of the story (which is actually the case). I figured that for the big screen adaptation they'd fix this and make sure it felt like a full story. I was wrong. Despite the great visuals, solid action scenes, and (mostly) talented the end of the film I walked away feeling like this was an extended pilot for a new big budget TV show. The unfulfilled feeling overwhelmed the positives built up over the course of the film.

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A visual masterpiece. The acting holds up. Everything else is such a disappointment, especially the writing.

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Loved the anime, loved the live action and the effects were great! I’d love a number 2

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Phew. I mean. I don't know why I thought this might be good. It wasn't. I guess I was hoping for visually stunning but I don't think it even had that. But you know, it wasn't Ready Player One so it has that going for it. This was some seriously corny shit that is begging for a Riff Trax.

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I want to watch this movie how can I do that?

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What do cyborgs dream about? Not always about electronic sheep… ;>

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Visually very well done, highly detailed. But everything else is just rubbish. The story, plot and the acting..... I dont even know where to start. Visually 9/10, everything else brings it to a 5/10 max.

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After reading some reviews i conclude that you either love it or hate it. I guess I'm in the middle on this one. It's an entertaining movie, mostly because of the visuals, but story wise it's a bit weak. The CGI's are well done, the action scenes are better than expected, the characters could have been better. I guess there will be more movies about Alita and I will probably watch them all, but would i watch this one again? Probably not, a one time view is enough.

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Now that I have seen Alita: Battle Angel, and especially the ending, I am one of the many fans hoping for a sequel.

What a movie! Alita: Battle Angel was for me from the very first minute what Avatar was for me at that time: a surprise. A matter of the heart. Just like Avatar, the movie is not perfect. But it has a certain magic. And when it starts to work, there's no escaping it. The film has a heart and soul. It thrills with great visuals, cool action and a heartbreaking love story.

Basically, I liked everything about the movie and put it directly on my list of favorite movies.

My favourite scene: Alita and Hugo kissing. I had to wait a long time for this during the film.

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Shout by Deleted

gave it a 1 as they kill a dog in movie, i enjoyed it until that point.

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James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez team up for the sci-fi action film Alita: Battle Angel. Based on a Japanese graphic novel and adapted by James Cameron, the story follows a cyborg who’s rescued from a junk yard with no memory of who she was, but after she becomes a bounty hunter she starts getting pieces of her memory back; meanwhile Nova, the mysterious leader of the sky city Zalem takes an interest in this new cyborg after she demonstrates some long forgotten fighting techniques. Rosa Salazar gives an impressive motion-capture performance as Alita, but there’s an “uncanny valleyness” about the character design. And the script is kind of a mess, as it’s all over the place setting up multiple story threats (several of which are never resolved). Still, the action scenes are incredibly exciting and dynamic. Also, the set and character designs are really creative, featuring a variety of interesting future tech and several different types cyborgs. Alita: Battle Angel is a visually stunning and entertaining film that reaches a little further than it can grasp.

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Acting became a bit awkward a few times and the story is meh but I love the visuals.

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I am not big into anime, a lot of it looks and seems pointless. I made a exception for this film for a friend and it definitely has sparked my interest. The graphics... really good. The storyline... even better. I'm actually looking forward to the next installment to see what happens.

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The second part of the film is torn between confusion and easy recourse

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A cyborg teenager of more than 300 years and with big eyes who is a great warrior and player of something very similar to Rollerball.

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I realy Loved the Alita battle angel movie realy Amazing work. Alita realy felt Real to me her face her eyes so amazing and beautiful also cute to. Rosa Salazar realy give life to Alita by her voice and Acting or motion capturing she is an amazing actor. The Laughing, Smiling, Crying and tears of Alita i realy felt them deep in my Hart . And Christoph Waltz
(Dr. Dyson Ido) done a grate job. Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron done a realy Amazing job directing and producing this movie i realy Expect A super Amazing movie like these fom both of Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron. I AM REALY LOOKING FORWARD FOR ALITA BATTLE ANGEL 2 MOVE REALY WISHING FOR IT

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This movie gave me a mix of 'Ready Player One' (the shots of the city), 'Blade Runner' (the humanoid droids), 'Captain Marvel' (female badass protagonist who executes a lot of twisty jump attacks), 'John Wick' (you kill my dog, now I must kill you!), and 'Tron' (the motorball sport scenes). All in all a fast paced ride, great animation/CGI effects, and good fight scenes. Hella violent, not for kids!

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A laughable and rushed "love story." Lame dialogue. Uninspired and uninspiring actors other than the sincere lead and her character's father figure. A quest that doesn't even get realized because they're apparently hoping to milk this mess for some sequels. (Good luck with that.) A blend of derivative plot points without an ounce of originality. But also lots of CGI eye candy, especially for those who like overlong scenes of futuristic roller derby. Or to put it another way, pretty much any other Cameron project not named Terminator. In short, not a keeper. Not by a long shot.

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I did not know there was an anime/manga for it but I should've noticed why they have the big eyes for the main character to memic the manga. The story is okay however the action scene is entertaining and well done. The quality of the graphics looks great. Overall I liked the movie and I think it is worth watching.

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Wow! Absolutely loved this movie. The performance of lead actress Rosa Salazar is brilliant. You completely forget that in the movie you only see a CGI character. Also awesome soundtrack and great story in a complex world.

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Don't worry..the amazing cgi will hide the mediocre performances from the ensemble cast... Kids loved it ppphhhffrrrrttt

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I'd say that animation/anime will be a better choice for a screen version.

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Visually great but I was a little underwhelmed. I haven't read the Manga, so didn't know what to expect anyway, but story-wise, I felt it needed a little more depth. Still, it is enjoyable enough and a sequel would be not be unwelcome.

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Not bad, although the first half felt slow for me. The building of the characters in the second half of the movie was well done and the finale was strong. I can definitely see a sequel coming.

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Had low expectations for this movie but it was very intriguing! Loved the FX, even though I couldn’t quite get used to Alita’s face.

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The essence of james cameron is noticeable, the problem is that he tries to mix all the arguments in two hours, it is for that reason that it becomes tedious, slow and absurd. what rescsto is that it differs from anime.

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This is such a wonderful and great movie. Please continue and bring more like this to screen!

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Shout by Xiofire
BlockedParent2019-07-14T21:48:32Z— updated 2019-09-23T17:49:16Z

The process in which the world is built and characters are introduced is clunky at best, but after the introductory fumble, Alita unfolds into a densely packed visual marvel of effects and cyber fantasy that almost begs to be seen on a large screen. It lacks a bit of the extra story elements I’d normally like to see, which leaves the entire package feeling rather hollow for my liking, but if you’re a stickler for CGI and visuals (even at the expense of a more fleshed out narrative), Alita will not disappoint.
Here’s to hoping we get the sequel that fully capitalises on this promising franchise.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

7.5 out of 10

Best CG human movements and expressions I've ever seen.

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It was okay. I wasn’t blown away like some people. There wasn’t enough to the story. It felt like a long pilot episode.

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This has nothing of the roughness of the manga nor anime.

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Realy enjoyrd the movie, a rare in its kind these days, don't pay attention to crap criticism on rotten tomato and metacritics

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Excellent movie
Great effects and an interesting story line. Can't wait for the sequel to continue this very entertaining and enjoyable movie. Well worth a watch.

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This film was so Extraordinary loved all the amazing CGI Battles and it was so emotional too seeing Alita making friends, learning about true emotional love, family and loosing people too. also learning about her past where she came from too. If you have a spare 2 hours 2 minutes I highly recommend you watching it as you will not be disappointed.

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The action is incredible, not so much a great story. Likeable lead which gets you going through the movie.

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So, I haven't read the manga or seen the original anime, so I can't compare as far as accuracy goes. As far as just a movie, it was pretty good. The main thing it had going for it was the action. There was plenty of action and it was good. The romance wasn't wholly believable and the ending wasn't as good as I was hoping for, but they seemed to be setting it up for a sequel rather than going for a satisfying ending. I was surprised that for a Japanese anime, none of the cast was asian. They do explain that people from all over the world migrated there so its at least explainable, but most of the main cast is still white. And I don't say this to be political or nitpicky, but it does lack some of the accuracy and authenticity of other manga adaptations that I have seen.

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Amazing visuals. Strong female lead (not shocked to see Jim Cameron wrote it). Interesting and intricate world action takes place in. Violent. Colorful. Action set pieces are exciting and yet you can actually see it unfold. I had a good time at the cinema house with this. I think you ought to run out and see this on as big a screen as you can. 9/10

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I love the story and how it grabs you in and keeps you tied tell it ends. The character development is a nice smooth progression not to fast and not to slow.

The CGI is top Grade I have not seen anything like it before. And the performance of Rosa, outstanding. This movie is a most addicting/awesome movie I have seen so far.

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regular movie, very good in battles

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Amazing movie and music a most keep when release.

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nice blend of world building and action ; the worst of the movie is the end where we can see a full stop on the whole story arc so that Hollywood cash churn more money on the sequels :(

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Cameron and Rodriguez chose the right property to adapt. My friends and I were in total awe seeing Alita in Showcase XPlus (3D + Dolby Atmos). That Speed Racer-like Motorball sequence, cyberpunk, romance, fluid animation/choreography, and Junkie XL score made me want new Armitage III and Guyver movies so much! #elbowblades

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Much of the movie falls short, and this would be another run-of-the-mill, dystopian-type movie such as Maze Runner, Divergent and so on, but the difference maker is Alita's mesmerizing character and her interaction in her world. In particular, the action, which feels unforced or obligated (like Marvel feels like much of the time), and is instead creative and thrilling.

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The special effects are very cool. There's a lot that's great to see in these two hours. But the writing is just terrible. The dialogue is like something a high schooler would write. The plot uses complexity in place of narrative development. And though it's from a Japanese manga, there are no Japanese main characters. (whitewashing)

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I was starting to come around to this whole thing until the end. That’s how you want to end it?

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Amazing CGI, but the story was cliche, kinda typical, teenage love-story. Ending was also very anti-climatic, but I guess that means a second one will be coming.

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A spectacular movie! 9/10 for me.

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This movie really suffers from the "too much" gene.

I love cyberpunk and I'm really, really happy that it's getting the level of recognition that it has. I love movies with female leads and good character growth. I can even stand movies that have unnecessary and terribly executed romantic plotlines.

This movie did have all those things. (especially the terribly executed romantic plotline)

It also had something that I just couldn't put my finger on beyond to say that I laughed a LOT during this movie at very inappropriate times.

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Shout by Andreas1138
BlockedParent2019-02-22T10:32:07Z— updated 2019-02-23T12:18:55Z

I read the manga about 10 years ago and I admired the difficult decitions Alita made during her journeys. I avoided to read the comics again before watching the movie, I almost forgot the story and maybe this helped me appreciate even more the movie. It's a fast ride, maybe too fast sometimes, but I think the creators found a nice balance between presenting the wolrd of Alita, developing characters and progressing the story. I don't know if it's too much for someone that haven't read the comics, but I think it's a great start, hoping to see some sequels.
I hope to see an extended version in home video that helps the characters and the story breath a little more: I could give the movie a 10.

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Had some fun scenes and the cyberpunk universe is neat. Overall pretty "meh" though given the groan inducing dialog and the more emotional parts of the plot line falling completely flat. Visually though: hell yeah.

Crazy some of the big names they got. Christoph Waltz was great as was Mahershala Ali. Jennifer Connelly, though in the trailers was a surprise to me (didn't realize that was her). Also a surprise was REDACTED.

Be warned, I've read a few reviews from people really annoyed at not knowing this, but this is only part 1 of X. Related, this chapter ends on a fairly unsatisfactory note. You're left feeling like the real movie, the plot that's somewhat obvious from fairly early on, is just getting started...

I had fun. I'd watch the next in the series, though probably not in the theater.

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Seriously? It just missed all the points and I was able to predict every move they made. A failed attempt... Try again, but harder.

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Shout by Deleted

so has anyone who saw the movie also seen the anime or at least the Manga and can actually compare?

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Shout by Deleted

so it's as usual? the anime is better?

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Disclaimer: I usually enjoy movies with robots fighting. I even liked Pacific Rim: Uprising.
That said, I like this movie a lot - even though the main plot is predictable, it throws in some turns that are not wholly expected.

Mainly though, what sold me on it is the visuals. This movie just looks fantastic, with great special effects and some really engaging action sequences (mainly rollerball style competitions and cyborg vs cyborg fighting).

I saw it on a huge screen with Dolby Atmos sound, which no doubt made me enjoy it a little extra, not sure how well it holds up later on but I will probably get it on Blu-ray - just like I did with Pacific Rim: Uprising, by the way....

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It's more of Cameron than of Rodriguez, I liked it, the part of the fights a lot, the love part less, visually very well

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