Shouts about...

Aliens 1986

My fav movie. "It's game over man, it's game over"

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Take Alien. A perfect movie. Then ruin it with a bunch of action bullshit. You get Aliens.

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Absolutely brilliant movie. Best of the Alien series.

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I wasn't even halfway through Aliens when I knew it was going to be one of my favorite movies ever... and Ripley is such a badass #girlspower

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Aliens’:

  1. Many people hate on this sequel because it turned classic horror into an action film. I understand, but I don’t see how that’s necessarily a bad thing. They took an incredible film, an original story, and expanded on it perfectly. The scale here is extraordinary and it feels like it was absolutely meant to go in this direction.

  2. Perfect pacing. Just perfect. One helluva climax. And just when you think it’s over...

  3. So many amazing visual moments. So many iconic scenes. FX that still hold up today. Eye candy galore.

Bonus Thought: Sigourney IS the Sci-Fi Queen.

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This IS the greatest movie ever...period... from the all star cast to the incredible real prop effects and cool the real emotions from being a parent and experiencing loss and all of this on a budget that other directors couldn't touch... What about bridge of spies? What about the english patient? Lol who is even rewatching any of those Best ever movies?? Gtfo here ghandi... and to top all of that off.. Ellen Ripley is a total badass in a time when action flicks were all men. She single handedly showed that women can not only kick ass on screen but be believable also.. so show some respect to this perfect 10 because if you hated on it I question your love of movies let alone sci fi in the first place

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They come at night mostly... mostly

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A better sequel to 'Alien' than I was expecting.

'Aliens' - love the creativity, guys! - is a minute jot off the original but it remains a thoroughly enjoyable film - despite a slightly longer run time, which pleasantly doesn't hamper events. Sigourney Weaver is terrific again; I can see why these films launched her career.

I will say parts of this 1986 flick are a tad repetitive from the original and a few bits are predictable, e.g. the arcs of Lance Henriksen's Bishop and Paul Reiser's Carter, but when judged overall it's another entertaining release from this franchise.

I look forward to seeing if they made it a hat-trick with 'Alien³'.

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This is one of the best sequels out there in film franchises. It is rare that you get a sequel to a film considered one of the best in their genre which is considered exactly on the same level. I mean, Godfather I & II seems like a similar situation. Somehow I'm at the same place with this one as I am with those though, I prefer the first just slightly more. Like .001 difference.

I think my favorite thing about this sequel is Bishop. They do such a good job using your experience from the first film to influence how you interact with the new robot character. Also, adding in a lot of action compared to last time is a great choice. Often times the plan is always to just replicate what worked well previously, but instead they know they can't slowly reveal what the alien looks like anymore. Instead just ramp it up a few more notches baby!

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Not as claustrophobic as "Alien" and the rescue of "Newt" is especially unbelievable. But the first 2/3 of the film are great anyway!

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>"My mommy always said there were no monsters. No real ones. But there are."
"Yes, there are, aren't there?"
"Why do they tell little kids that?"

James Cameron Movie Checklist:
Badass female character :white_check_mark:
Sweaty muscular dudes :white_check_mark:
Overly macho dialogue :white_check_mark:
Big guns :white_check_mark:
Mecha suits :white_check_mark:
Fire :white_check_mark:
Water :white_check_mark:
Explosions :white_check_mark:
Unexpected sentimentality :white_check_mark:

What can I say? This Cameron guy is pretty good at his job.

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One of my fav movies of all time. Such a kick ass movie, wow. They mostly come at night. Mostly. Brilliant. Can watch this flick anytime.

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Better and more enjoyable for me than the first one. Wasn’t expecting this at all, but this is an awesome action movie. Some great additions with Newt and Hudson. It just feels so different from the first one, that a big plus for me personally.

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Bishop is my main man! :metal:

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“We’re on an express elevator to Hell! Goin down!!”

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Aliens is a non-stop thrill ride. Its loaded with action, scares, sci-fi, and great effects. A sequel that surpasses the original is rare, but "Aliens" may just be superior to "Alien".

Sigourney Weaver (Ripley) and Michael Biehn (Hicks) are not your typical action movie heroes. Their characters manage to relay a depth seldom seen in action movies, even though they spend almost all of their time literally shooting their way out of the aliens' lair. The creatures themselves are fantastic creations, especially the "queen" alien.

Ripley's battle against the queen in this film's finale is as breathtaking as any in the history of cinema.

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Story: 7...good concept to have an evil corporation knowingly send a terraform community to a deadly planet, but any story development was abandoned for guns and bombs. And Hicks just sleeps the final 30 minutes?
Script: many tropes from the timin'-of-rhymin' to typical military macho baloney
Performances: 6...cliche after cliche. Ridley is not at a the same. Bishop underused.
Misc. 7
Influence: 7..."game over man!" has lasted a good while
Overall: 7

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“This time it’s war.” In this sequel to Alien, James Cameron delivers a thrilling and epic sci-fi adventure. When communication is lost with a new colony on LV-426 the military seeks the help of Ellen Ripley in combating a possible alien threat. The cast is fantastic, and includes Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, and Bill Paxton (“Game over man!”). Everything in this film is outstanding; the costumes, the special effects, the set designs, the score, the script...all working together in sync. Aliens is a brilliant, action-packed film that surpasses its predecessor.

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watching aliens series for the first time in 2019. didn't liked the first part much, but this one was great.

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Shout by Claudinei
BlockedParent2018-10-10T02:28:56Z— updated 2018-10-31T04:41:15Z

'Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just our asses kicked' - one of my fav lines.

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Pretty crazy that Cameron managed to make two sequels that surpassed the first film. This one, and of course Terminator 2. Ripley is as bad ass as they come.

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Gets better every time I see it.

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A fun watch, but it really does not compare to the first film.

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Game over man

RIP Bill Paxton

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A decent watch? Its one of the best action movies in the last 25 years. Talk about an understatement!

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I couldnt never expect i could say something like this.But here we are

This movie is even better from the first one absolutely fucking fantastic!

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I went all in after the last 20 minutes.

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Shout by RichNice
BlockedParent2017-03-27T23:40:53Z— updated 2017-04-12T14:53:58Z

I still remember the scene when Hicks checked the ceiling for movement; it creeped the hell out of me as a kid. Probably the definition of a perfect action movie.

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I prefer Aliens rather than Alien. The Alien franchise don't scare me at all, so the 2nd movie at least has some good action. First one is slow as a it too, but the second one is my favorite. The final fight between Riply and the Alien Mother Queen is one of my favs in movie history. Its a classic!

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In Special Edition there is even more good in very good movie. It wonderfully maintains this constant tension of horror and danger.

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The character development, the world building, the action, the horror, the comedy, the visuals, the stunts, the acting, the script, the plot, the ideas, the parallels, the pace, the score, the sound design, the costume design, the practical effects, the casting, the absolute thrill and genius behind this masterpiece is mindblowing. I find it hard to compare to number one because this is totally different. The mystery remains and, by the end, only grows. Sigourney absolutely smashes it as Ripley. The trauma, motherhood, and protectorship went hard, and I loved it.

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Another classic. Great effects again and Bill Paxton has some awesome lines and delivery.

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Shout by jmonty

holy fuck will that kid ever stop screaming?

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I'm going to be the odd one out here. I actually prefer Aliens over Alien. Where Alien is a scifi horror movie, a little slower paced, very focused on the eerie horrifying factor, Aliens is full on action-horror. Some think the action is over-the-top, and I'd say that's a fair assessment.

But I also really like that. I like seeing them fight back against the aliens. I'm a huge fan of action-horror and really enjoy how fast-paced this movie is. The plot of Alien is vastly superior, but there's something really satisfying about Aliens that makes it one of my favorites in the Alien franchise.

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Seeing as I believe Alien is an overrated film I thought I'd like this one much more as that's a common theme but honestly it's about the same. I guess these films just aren't for me - they're both decent, I would even say good, but there's nothing special to them.
The final showdown in this is cool as fuck though.

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The evidence of a good movie is when you have already seen it 900 times, but on the 901st time, you feel just as excited and super-charged as you did every other time you've seen it.

I can watch Ripley run over that alien with the APC all day, every day.

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An 80's action-fest with kick-ass weapons and a power loader battle is the only way to follow up Alien, and James Cameron was the best director to do it. The cast is like an orchestra that perfectly hits every note. The sound, music, costuming - everything was stellar, but the real heroes of this film are the effects team. The xenos look incredible.

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Good movie, but cannot beat the original Alien.

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So let me give my 2 cents on a movie franchise that is older than me.

After watching the 1st one I was hooked. But never imagined that it would start exactly how the 1st ended (well not exactly but you'll see) and it made me want to watch more.

The way they develop the story and the way we get to know more about this alien species is amazing.
Side note: Ripley is one of my favorite main characters ever

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Shout by Deleted

Petition for Ellen Ripley to adopt me (+1 signature).

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The second installment in the Alien saga is quite different than the first outing as it moves away from the horror genre and feels more like an action/thriller movie. But nevertheless there are some frightening scenes and the mood is perfect for an Alien movie. Overall it's a spectacular film and it's as amazing as ever when watching it in 2019.

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The best by far of the series, James Cameron switches genre, going from the body-horror/haunted house in space "Alien" to an action-packed monster movie with much more room for character development. Some of the effects have aged badly, but the film is packed with memorable performances most notably from Sigourney Weaver returning as Ripley.

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Shout by Mike

Not so good as the first one, but still a great movie. I like Newt the most.

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Shout by Deleted

This is my favourite movie of all time. Pure perfection.

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The action sequel.
Visually fantastic. The story is a fun ride ride filled with memorable scenes and quotable dialogue. The tense action and build up from the horror suspense is perfect blend. Some really cheesy but brilliant comic characters. It's two and a half hours but doesn't drag, which just shows it works. It gets more extreme as it goes along.
Grab a beer and enjoy the pefect half-brainer action movie.

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Seeing figure of corporal Hicks who is doing friend I wanted to see it, the sound is not as good Paco cinema, the image is not as big as Paco cinema, but the film as a film so cool Paco cinema.

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great sequel. start pretty slow, something good have to wait.

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pretty darn good for a sequel

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Shout by Deleted

Not as good as the first, but entertaining.

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JAMES CAMERON's ultimate take on the ALIEN trope, with textbook template SciFi action. Amazing in almost every respect.

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Almost the same plot as the first movie, except they switched the psychological horror element of the main character for lots of action and explosions. An entertaining movie, but very predictable, not nearly as scary as the first one and not much character development. But it was what I expected from an action/horror movie. The only thing that really annoyed me however, was the fact that the Alien monster was supposed to be almost indestructible and in this movie they drop by the dozen. But if you can live with that and want to see a war movie in space, this is a decent watch.

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