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Ali Wong: Baby Cobra 2016

I have not laughed this hard... I think ever, of a stand up comedy. I was honestly laughing out loud and making weird noises at her punch lines. Thank goodness no one else was home.
Even though she's older than me, she is pretty relatable being an asian woman like myself. I really enjoy her drama and ways of exaggerating (and I'd like to say, as a feminist, even though she makes fun of feminism, she does it tastefully and very light so I don't find her jokes offensive. I loved it.)

To anyone who wants to see this, do not watch it with your parents. But watch it with your friends, it will be a laugh! :)

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Nothing is off limits with this woman, she is hilarious and I am genuinely surprised I have never heard of her before. She just says it as she sees it and you can't stop laughing, I saw it on Netflix and was laughing out loud in an empty room. No subject is off the table and she just calls it like she sees it and doesn't give a crap who she offends.

Finding out she is a writer on Fresh Off The Boat made me like her even more because that show is hilarious.

Don't watch it with kids around, And be ready to laugh your ass off!


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I really like how she talks about things some women doesn't talk about even with death treat.. She's a funny motherfucker!

ATTENTION: don't watch it with the kids or your parents! You might die of embarrassment! Lol

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Refreshing. Half of it was this white people humor but I could relate to the man trapping and housewife dream and she was so frickin' hilariously adorable the entirety of it. The image of her portraying men's anal fear and her on all fours simulating TTC routine will always stay with me.

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Well I grew up half Asian , with full expectations, and she's a bit rough on the stereotypes which if you have no Asian family there's no explaining. it's not that other races don't get it. if you grew up female with a family who pressed you to perform AND marry well, anything less than perfection unacceptable, then you're going to laugh at most of it until you're in tears.

We don't get what we want. Ali Fong doesn't just remind us of that. Sometimes we get what we need and Ali reminds us that's what really matters.

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I have tried to give this a chance, as I've noticed it's rather high-rated among other stand-up specials out there.

While at the beginning it seemed like she was funny, it got embarrassing less than halfway through the show, and in the end it's not something I can say I enjoyed.

Avoid it if you like good stand-up comedy, go straight into it if you are usually enjoying the mediocre kind.

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