Just me liked it? Great movie 9/10

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Hilarious if you view it in that light, reminded me of Evil Dead.

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IMO it was pretty good.

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Why have I never watched Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter before? This is the best documentary about the 16th president ever made. I mean, not to downplay his accomplishments later in life, but his adventures as a young vampire hunter simply do not get enough attention. ;-)

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Nice actions, but kind of silly story!

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I must say I thought Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was really entertaining for the most part. I thought the film did really well in mixing real history with fiction. I actually went into the movie with low expectations and expected mindless action and it turned out to be a fun film to watch which possibly helped to enjoy the film even more. The action scenes were excellent and the cast and acting wasn't half bad.

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It was an enjoyable action flick - nothing more, nothing less. Some rough spots, some faulty CGI, some parts that were quite clearly more about spectacular special effects than any kind of plot or art, but overall enjoyable.

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is an action/thriller film with some entertaining moments but nothing more. The film was a very anticipated film by many and turned out to be a big disapoinment. The mix of historical facts with unrealistic events and the bad casting of the supporting cast let many people to question this film. Personally I wasn't expecting nothing big from this film which actually allowed me not to see it as total garbage. The film is not great, and is not very good either but it has its moments. Even though the SFX/CGI was overused in the big action scenes (Maybe because it was 3D?) and the storyline is as predictable as day and night. "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" is a watchable movie but nothing to take seriously.

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Shout by Robert

If you liked the blood splashing movie 300 you're okay with this one, but the CGI is not always that great and the plot is quite predictable.

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"Lincoln! We'll be late for the theater!"

This premise is very interesting and I like the actors involved, and even though it is a bit silly but entertaining, I just thought that the cinematography looked so grody. Not going to lie though, it made me want to read the book.

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My expectations were pretty low going in. Turned out to be much better than anticipated. It’s not anything “great” perse, but if you take it for what it’s meant to be, it’s easier to sit back and enjoy it for even what it’s not. 6/10

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An ok movie that I would not consider a comedy but well worth a watch

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The book was way better than the movie...

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not has bad has i though ... 6/10.

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The Movie is bad, compared to the Book. But kinda funny and a few nice CGIEffects, but expect to munch from it

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Turn off your brain. See if you can enjoy the spectacle and the absurd premise.

The characters are bland, the story is by the numbers and silly things happen just to serve the plot (eg Lincoln gets superpowers in literally 30 seconds just because his teacher asks him to get angry at a tree).

I want to look at the silliness and blandness as a joke forming part of the parody of Abraham Lincoln, but the joke doesn't land and instead it all just seems like laziness.

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The movie is horrible, but I try to think that is, somehow, intended...

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Shout by Patricia

The only thing I genuinly liked about this, was the (unfortunately very predictable) relationship between Henry and Abraham, as well as.. was that a young Obama in the end? ;)

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Reassuringly atrocious.

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It started better than it ended, but still better than I expected it will be.

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This is loaded with terrific visuals and exciting effects but totally falls down due to its serious tone, which clashes with the silliness of the premise. The acting is fine for what it is and I was surprised by the amount of blood and guts. The acrobatic vampire killin' and axe twirlin' was fun but the reinvention of Civil War era history caused a strange disconnect for me.

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I made the mistake of picking it as the film du jour only to have my peers fall asleep in my living room.

The only impressive aspect about the film is its cast which, based on the premise, I expected to comprise entirely of B-list talent.

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What a crap movie... Lets take a dead president and turn him into a vampire hunter... Just to see hwat people will say

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Shout by afly

Only made it half way, it was pretty bad :(

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Abe Lincoln vampire hunter. Could have been a great idea for a B-Movie. Unfortunately the movie is not trashy, fun or interesting. Is just a lot of special effects around a bad plot.
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. And I have seen a lot of bad movies.

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Why Tim Burton, why?

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Shout by Felix

Okay, I didn't like this movie.
CGI was bad. Don't care what others say. Distorted vampire faces (which means faulty rendered or whatever) and first blow with the axe, which splinters the tree... Seriously, how bad did that look?
Furthermore... Why the fu*k did they mess with the story around Sturges?
What happened to Egar Allan Poe? What about Seward? So many characters just pushed out of the movie, for the sake of simplicity.

I enjoyed the book. It was a good read, because it was written in diary entries, had that certain time specific language and use of words. The movie is ridiculous. Don't know whose fault it is, but it is a failure.

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Way better than expected. 8 out of 10.

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It's better than it needs to be.

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Politicians and thier dark secrets... ;>

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I actually thought this movie was spot on.
It kept me entertained and I think it was actually very original.

Not very often you seen a movie about a presidential vampire hunter.
That and Abe Lincoln is freaking awesome! (Especially after the ERB's on youtube)

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I had too see this movie, simple because of the title.
I expected the worst. But it was actually a okay movie.

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The book is better

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@WitWolfy: Now we have to wait for the sequel: Benjamin Franklin: Werewolf Assassin.

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