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A Good Day to Die Hard 2013


Shout by jmonty

fuck you Film4, i don't want to watch the same terrible Die Hard movie for the 6th time

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"The shit we do for our kids."

God awful. Nothing saves this. I am not against sequels but this has been played out and John McClane is not the same John we used to know. If they ever remake this series please take it back to being just a building heist.

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Just another generic action flic with over the top CGI action that uses the "Die Hard" label to draw people in.

Felt much longer then it actually is. The story is complete BS. All these father and son moments did nothing. It's really a forgettable movie.

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It would have been a good movie, if it hasn't anything to do with Die Hard.

Can't even see this movie as a Die Hard in anyway.

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Shout by Deleted

When this first came out I judged it by what came before and thought this was a clunker.
Re-watching now and judging it on it's own though; it's not that bad.
It has its 'Oh fuck off' bits; like cleaning radioactivity with a spray, Chernobyl producing weapons grade plutonium and travelling from Moscow to Chernobyl as akin to crossing the Hudson.
Give it another chance, you might enjoy it like I did.

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A formulaic and stereotypical action film, A Good Day to Die Hard brings the action but doesn't have much of a plot. When John McClane’s son is put on trial for murder in Russia, John comes to his aid; but little does he know that it’s all part of a CIA black op that he soon becomes caught up in. It’s a clichéd story that’s poorly told, and the characters aren’t that interesting or likable. However, the chases and fight scenes are a lot of fun and are well-choreographed. Over-the-top and predictable, A Good Day to Die Hard is an uninspired and trite film that’s get by on a few thrilling action sequences and Bruce Willis’ charisma.

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Now, this was just bad. Was it really this bad the first time I saw it?!?

A Good Day to Die Hard is not worthy of the Die Hard name.

First of all...The story sucks!!! Severe pacing issues and does shit all to make you care for any of the characters. The bad guy is so much worse than any of the other movies...including the weak one in the fourth installment. It's just...bad.

Pair that up with little to no chemistry between the leads...or any of the other characters for that matter, and you get this mess of a movie.

I'll admit that some of the action is cool, but then's doing what every other installment in this franchise has done. Trying to upstage its predecessors, and it's getting borderline farcical.

Stay away from this shit, and just watch one of the first three again...maybe even the fourth if you are brave.

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I believed it when I heard this was the worst of the (good) bunch, but I guess I just had to see for myself. It's pretty bad. The way it began felt off. They just dived right into crazy action scenes and then took far too long to tell the audience what the hell was going on. I'm not sure I was ever especially clear on what that was. It dragged, and I kept losing interest and having to try and refocus on what was happening. It had some chuckle worthy, fun dialogue here and there, but other than that; it sucked, hard.

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I can't believe this horrible movie made over 300 mil at the box office Wow

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Horrible, Bruce Willis completely listless, the dullest of sons, surrealistic and stupid plot... this is not the jungle, it's a mediocre action movie whose protagonist is Bruce Willis.

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Well I'd have to say the opening scene when John arrives in Moscow is amazing, question how many cars can U destroy in like 20min I'd say at least over 100 destroyed,but I'd have to say his kds are really spoilt brats the way they speak to their father(calling him by his first name,if I'd did that to my father I'd be smacked across the head for the disrespect) having no respect at all,the mother must of turned them against their father,that was bad writing on the writers on the show.....but the action scenes are top notch...

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Lacking the charm and humour of the first three movies, this final entry in the series is further encumbered by a charisma-free co-star in Jai Courtney, a melancholic and lethargic performance from Bruce Willis and yet another blue-green lens on the camera to make this film look like every other generic action movie since The Matrix. It's a reasonable action thriller, but as a Die Hard movie it's pretty bad.

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Shout by Deleted

First time I watched this I was disappointed, but thought I would give it another go tonight and I find myself really enjoying it.

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A lazy 5th film that make all the sequels look as good as the first movie. Instead of having an ingrate daughter who calls her dad John. You have the son Jack McClane (Jai Courtney) who also has daddy issues after his dad was a hero 4 times in the past.
They argue during shoot-outs while Jack also calls his dad by his first name. Will he learn to respect his dad like his sister did in the 4th film ? There's also pretty much all action and very little of a coherent story.

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A good day to have more story than brainless action. While Jack McClaine is just another ingrate who whines that John wasn't a good father. He saved his mom twice and all she does is bad mouth him and turn the kids against John.
But don't worry; the father and son duo can bond during many shoot-outs with the most forgettable villains of the franchise.

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What on earth have they done to John McClane?!

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Personally I didn't mind it. It was a typical Bruce Willis action movie but I enjoyed it, as I do all his movies. Good to see his two kids back in the same movie.

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The worst Die Hard. It's a good action movie, but a bad day to Die Hard.

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Good action movie

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In the next instalment.... John Mcclanes dog joins the S.A.S

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Shout by Deleted


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Most used word and sentence in the script: "Jesus"

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Certainly not the best Die Hard movie out there. For "just another action movie", it's a decent one though.

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Shout by Deleted

New type of propaganda movies? Make them as entertainment.

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some of john's lines where so terrible

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The cinematography in this was phenomenal and special effects were excellent too. Too bad they were just polishing a turd of a story.

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Shout by Deleted

Horrible movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Great until they leave Moscow....

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How to bury a franchise...

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Shout by Deleted

Brus stiil yong very nice movie

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This movie is the realness. Die Hard? More like, Die So Hard People Wanna Fine Me. What an incredible and action packed thrill ride this movie turned out to be.

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Shout by Deleted

Love to see Bruce action in gun.. Bang!! Bang!! Bang....!!

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Terrible, a disgrace to the Die Hard name. I turned it off halfway through. Save yourself the time, skip this mess and watch the original Die Hard again, it's one of the best action movies ever made.

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Shout by Deleted

not worth it. it's a pity for the original trilogy this one here ever happened... just my 2 cents.

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Shout by Deleted

The director must be a real tree hugger and car-hater - after first 15 minutes I wanted to rewind to the beginning and start counting the cars being destroyed - but then I thought I'd have to watch all those 15 minutes again, which was just too fucking much to bear - so I'm ballparking here and say this one has a record.
Also - seriously - Pripyat/Chernobyl? Really?

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Shout by Will

Yea the worst Die Hard by far.

Having nothing to do with previous movies, pretty much makes it suck that much more.

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty poor really

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it!!

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Shout by ketu

They simply "stole" the good name of "Die Hard" and produced a movie.

What a shame!

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Shout by Alex

It's really not a good sign when I fall semi asleep while watching an action movie. o_O
Sure, there was a whole lot of damage done, esp. in the car chase but beside that it was so ridiculously stupid, riddled with bad plot and story points and overall just a pretty bad movie.

Hands down the worst of the Die Hard franchise.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome! The one word to describe the movie action packed the way I like it. But if you don't you won't like this violent movie .

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Shout by Deleted

The only thing this movie has about Die Hard is the name and the "McClane". Die hard died ( in a good way ) inside a trilogy. The other 2 are just average/below average action movies that cached a ride on one of the best action movies better made ( US ) .

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worse die hard of the lot

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Seemed like it a forced Die Hard movie, it was just bad.

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Shout by Deleted

ruski destruction

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I found this movie very disappointing, it's just lots of explosions, no plot, no convincing villain and Bruce Willis just phones his performance in. All in all an average action movie, but a really weak entry in the "Die Hard" series.

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Shout by Deleted

Terrible, no stars!

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Terrible. Worst movie I have seen in a long time.

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Also known as..

Die Hard 5: The Movie That Hates and Destroys Vehicles

Seriously.. how many cars died in the making of this movie. There should be a stat for that.

Also, I very much enjoyed this movie. Good times all around. It was equal parts ridiculous and excitement. Just what I was expecting.

The ranking of Die Hards is now as follow: 1,3,5,4,2

I give 5 the upper hand on 4 because Justin Long got on my nerves in 4.

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Best valentine's day ever! Seriously though.. that is happening.

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