Personal Lists featuring...

A Bay of Blood 1971


Nothing quite looks like some of these gritty masterpieces. Their influence is still felt throughout the years.


The decade of slow burners, atmosphere and maybe even a little bit of the occult.


A list of movie releases by Arrow Video. Work in progress. - Updated monthly


From underseen Laird Cregar vehicles to a Russian chiller based on a Nikolai Gogol story, from J-Horror to the Mexican gem "Alucarda," these are the best horror movies the genre has to offer.

By Christian Blauvelt, Kate Erbland, Eric Kohn, Anne Thompson, David Ehrlich, Jamie Righetti, Michael Nordine, Chris O'Falt, Tambay Obenson, Steve Greene

in IndieWire (


Updated through Season 3. Included movies discussed and movies where clips are shown.


Liste des films présents dans le livre et le site Movieland


Giallo contains slasher, crime fiction, psychological thriller, psychological horror, erotica/sexploitation, and, less frequently, supernatural horror elements.


"To assist local authorities in identifying obscene films, the Director of Public Prosecutions released a list of 72 films the office believed to violate the Obscene Publications Act 1959."


More info:



Created by Edgar Wright on October 2017. Source:


Prior to the establishment of UK state censorship implemented in the Video Recordings Act of 1984, censorship was in the realms of the courts and the Obscene Publications Act. This required the courts to apply the test of whether videos were likely to "deprave and corrupt" the viewer. The Director Of Public Prosecutions (DPP) maintained a list of those videos that were felt likely to be found obscene by the courts and hence worthwhile prosecuting.
Of course, the real drivers behind the moral panic were the UK press led by the ever obnoxious Daily Mail. Not to mention a few politicians who felt they could make a name for themselves.

Several versions of the video nasty list were published with videos added and removed over the period 1983-1985. 72 videos were listed at least for a while. Another couple of films can stake a claim via a shared name with listed films. 39 made it through to the end, and these became known as the DPP39s. These 39 titles became the most sought after collectibles.


Italian cinema has proved very popular with international audiences, and yet a surprising unfamiliarity remains regarding the rich traditions from which its most fascinating moments arose. Directory of World Cinema: Italy aims to offer a wide film and cultural study in which to situate some of Italian cinema’s key aspects, from political radicalism to opera, and from the arthouse to popular genres. Essays by leading academics about prominent genres, directors and themes provide insight into the cinema of Italy and are bolstered by reviews of significant titles. From silent spectacle to the giallo, the spaghetti western to the neorealist masterworks of Rossellini, this book offers a comprehensive historical sweep of Italian cinema that will appeal to film scholars and cinephiles alike

List import based on the book. Thematic chapters:

  • Silent Cinema
  • Neorealism
  • Melodrama
  • Comedy
  • Giallo
  • Gothic Horror
  • Peplum
  • Spaghetti Western
  • Political Cinema
  • Contemporary Cinema

More information on this is also aviable on!


Filme die nach Paragraph 131 beschlagnahmt sind


When we think of Slasher Flicks, we mainly think of masked killers, blood, clever kills, and promiscuous teens in various stages of undress; because that's what they are, for the most part. There are plenty of Slashers that offer more than just visceral thrills though, giving us things like atmosphere, tension, genuine terror, levity, and even solid stories that help fray our nerves in different and clever ways.

No matter what variety they come in though, the Slasher Flick is an important staple in the Horror Genre, and one that most Horror Fanatics tend to embrace with open arms.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Slasher Flick, any of the Classic movies in our Top Six will do you right. All 6 of them are true Classics for a reason; they changed the Horror Genre as a whole, each to different degrees, and they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to a Sub-Genre that is usually dismissed as being nothing more than a vehicle for cheap thrills.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Slasher Flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

