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47 Meters Down: Uncaged 2019

I actually thought this was a little bit better than the first movie.

After they all go under the ocean with masks I basically no longer had any idea who was who and stopped caring about who was in danger or died :)

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Catacombs look great, the blind shark is a good idea and some great kills, my favorite was the tearing apart one. For a shark movie the effects aren't that bad (except in the last ten minutes). Shark overexposure leads to it losing some tension in the middle but it picked back up in the last third. Made me think of The Descent under water in some parts. Totally different from the first but equally enjoyable.

They weren't 47 meters down though and saying it's uncaged isn't very productive. I would name it: Sharktacombs. You're welcome.

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For me, it was entertaining to watch, even though the characters made really dumb decisions. Would have made a few changes in the plot, like who actually should get attacked by the shark. Seemed like all the wrong characters died.

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I believe that the first 5 minutes of any media is the most important. It's what is supposed to hook you, to grab your attention and make you wanna watch the rest of the movie. In the case of this movie, the intro is too long and the first 5 minutes is boring and not gripping at all.

If you've seen one shark movie, you've seen them all. This movie wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. I was interested but I knew what was gonna happen because they all go along the same format. I was gonna give this a 5, but the ending was actually pretty gripping. I was on the edge of my seat trying to see if they were gonna go against the grain or not and let the girls live. It was a great ending to a meh movie, so I decided on 6 instead.

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2.5 stars on concept alone. Underwater The Descent. Unfortunately that’s all it had.

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This movie was just sheer garbage. Actually annoyed that I found out there was a sequel to 47. This should be avoided, like a plague. Can’t believe I’m seeing scores of 7 and 9 :joy::hole:

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Mia (Sophie Nelisse) goes on an underwater adventure with her stepsister Sasha (Corinne Foxx) and her two friends. To avoid a going on a school trip with girls who are bullying Mia.
The first is a bit more realistic. This feels like a teeny bopper Nickelodeon movie until the sharks show up. Then it plays like a slasher film with people picked off one by one.
The ending is like it’s to make up for the sad ending of the first one. It’s like the happy ending that Mandy Moore imagined. With Mia’s bully of course being there and seeing how bad ass and tough Mia is.

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Predictable, only some underwater views are nice.

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MUCH better than the first movie. While no classic, it has a cast of characters you care about and some decent shark action.

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This is a monster movie...the sharks act very unsharklike, but that is to be expected in this type of film. It lacks the intensity of the first, but with the sharks being so monsterous, they never really seem...well, real. Still, the cast is game but it relentlessly attacks logic which ultimately keeps the movie from being satisfying. Entertaining, okay, but not satisfying.

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Incredibly disappointing, 47 Meters Down: Uncaged has none of the intensity or terror of the original. When four high school girls explore an underwater cavern they end up getting trapped inside with several sharks. The plot is extremely contrived and just gets more outlandish as it goes on. None of the actors are very good, and it’s hard to distinguish who’s who among all the scuba gear and screaming. And the shark attacks are just ridiculous (feeling more like a slasher villain that randomly pops out of nowhere). 47 Meters Down: Uncaged is a cheesy, low-budget horror film that doesn’t deliver any scares.

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OMG! I really hate teenagers. I do!

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I lost count of the amount of times I shook my head and rolled my eyes.... I'm dizzy, but it's not with excitement. This pile of nonsense wrongly hangs off the coattails of the original, and gives us nothing new. I agree with my fellow reviewers here about the final few minutes... what the hell. So, after I spent 90 minutes underwater and underwhelmed I give it 4/10... you can guess what the 4 points were for... and that's me being very shallow... pun intended.

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Why Not You can watch if you are afraid of shark's like myself.
It's pretty scary :)

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First movie was great, this one is rubbish! Don’t bother.

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It just another movie. not bad, but not good other. I feel like I spent 1h30 in the cinema just to spent some time other than at home.

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Bad CGI altough the scenario played underwater was good and impressive! The characters almost hateables, the girls were bad at acting but good at screaming and being terrified wich actually is a veru good thing in this kind of movies! I still don't know what was thinking the director slowing the speed of the film in some parts knowing the CGI of the shark was bad.Still has their moments, not the best movie, not the worst movie but watchable.

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That character Nicole, the moment she opened her mouth and spoke, i knew she was going to be the whole reason for this mess! It's not a boring movie, but predictable. As some other reviewer said, the last 5 minutes scene weren't really needed.

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Even worse than the first one, doubling the hysterical teenager screaming to a total of four characters you couldn't care less for. The director apparently wanted to recreate the vibe and look-and-feel of slasher movies which somewhat went wrong, because well how are you going to achieve this with sharks... The underwater city was a decent set, that they actually built during production.

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The suspense of the first is gone from this In Name Only sequel, only to be replaces by a slasher vibe. A bold yet very stupid move

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nothing great about this one - a basically harmless. Crawl was a much better chomp movie.

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Kinda dumb with characters I didn't really care for. Most of the scares were predictable.

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I was thoroughly impressed with this, especially considering it was a sequel without being a sequel. Impressed, that is, until the final five minutes. The movie should have ended when the girls surfaced in the ocean. Cut scene, roll credits. The rest was just plain insulting to the viewer. Still worth a watch though it's hard to rate. I'm going to mentally wipe the ending and go with my version.

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