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22 Jump Street 2014

This movie was so damn hysterical. It was funny from start to finish but I've giving this the 10/10 for this reason: It has the single loudest and longest theater audience laugh I've ever experienced. It was glorious. I know this is two years old but I still want to avoid spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet...but for those who have, it's the reveal of who someone is. Anyway, when that happened, the roar of laughter was deafening. I mean you couldn't hear the movie for a solid 20 seconds. Man, that was great.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing movie... Be sure to check out the credits!

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21 Jump Street was...mediocre, to say the least. So I went into this movie with very low expectations - and ended up in one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I don't quite understand why people give this movie only decent ratings when their reviews are 100% positive, so I'll go straight out and give this a 10/10. I don't expect any depth from a comedy flick, I expect to laugh - and this movie packs more laughs than just about any other film.

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Don't remember when was the last time I saw a movie and laughed loud so much

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Funny, funny, funny. I definitely love their type of humor and this duo has a good chemistry. Don't forget to watch the credits, one of the best I've ever seen (and they make me hopeful there might be a new movie some day)

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I just came here to say one thing: BEST ROLL CREDITS EVER!

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Shout by Deleted

I just love this movie way too much, it was actually way funnier than I remembered it!
"My name is Jeff" is still funny after all those years! and the end credit scene is still legendary !

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Shout by Will

For sure, funny ass credits ever. Epic!!

God knows how long that took to do.. Awesome!!

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Best ever credits scene I've seen!

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22 Jump Street is basically just as fun as the first movie with lots of great laughs and more amazing chemistry between Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill. The spoof element is still there are there are constant shout outs to other failed comedy sequels. Ice Cube also gets a increased role and he's the funniest he's been in a long time, perhaps ever.

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A return to the well for Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum in every conceivable way, doggedly following the same formula that brought them success the first time around. Somehow, it's just as good. Maybe it's because there's nothing quite like this elsewhere on the scene, so we're just scratching that blatantly self-aware, cliché-seeking itch once every couple of years and it hasn't yet worn out its welcome. At least, not entirely - the constant winks and nods do begin to grate by the end of the third act - but a heavy dose of loud, fresh, full-body laughs do a fine job of smoothing it all over. Ice Cube, in an expanded role, is especially great, shamelessly stealing scenes like a serial kleptomaniac. Of course it's not to be taken remotely seriously, even in comparison to the original, which is a good thing because the plot is a totally vacant, paper-thin wash. Does mindless comedy still have a place in today's landscape? It does in my living room.

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Good exercise for your cheeks :)

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The funniest thing I've seen in a very long time. I don't care about the story, it was just the best compared from the first one.

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"We're like Batman and Robin, but we're both Batman" - #22JumpStreet

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Jenko - "My Name Is Jeff"

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And the great chemistry between Hill and Tatum continue. Add in a bigger role by Ice Cube, and you will be laughing. If you liked the first movie, you will love this one as well. Absolutely hilarious.

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A sequel that mocks sequels. A few parts were so bad I couldn't even laugh (i.e. the slam poetry) and a few others carried the jokes too far where they lose their humor (i.e. the fist fight with the chick), but for the most part so absurdly ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing. "Something cool!" I believe this is the first movie that I actually serious enjoyed the credits.

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Better than the first one , enjoyable funny and entertainning , the credits were hilarious too

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Man what an awesome movie, the credits really made me laugh so hard. Loved every moment of it.

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Shout by Deleted

its been a while since i laugh so hard in a movie and i wasn't expecting it after a boring/average 21 jump street. Also, the high ratings on "metascore led me to believe this would be a bad comedy with a publicity boost. i was wrong. very well made action comedy with awesome and memorable dialog and they even joke about the bad 1st movie =)

"Wait wait wait, I thought the department gave us Cate Blanchett...What? Cate Blanchett? You mean Carte Blanche?"

epic xD

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And the Oscar for the best credits ever goes to... 22 Jump Street!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Definitely the best credits I've ever seen!

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Shout by Deleted

I saw it last night,it was amazing, i think there's going to be a 23rd Jump street. Once you see the movie you'll think the same

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I'm not gonna lie. I laughed my ass off during 22 Jump Street (and so did the entire theater). While it might not have been as fresh as the first one, I enjoyed that the movie completely embraced the fact that it was a blatant money-making sequel and it made the movie all the better (essentially the complete opposite of how The Hangover/Crapover 2 handled it). It actually became quite a bit of the running joke and I nearly died during the credits. Hill and Tatum still have that amazing chemistry in this movie that we remember from the original and shared some pretty close and intense moments in their brolationship. This movie posed very real and deep questions that made me question my own bromosexuality and I loved every second of it. Definitely check this out if you enjoyed the first or love comedy.

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Quit a disappointment... One was so much better

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This one isn't quite as good as the first because it feels so similar but there are some funny meta jokes about that. I'm still waiting on all those sequels.

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Not as fresh as the first one but definitely hilarious.
[It] knows it's a sequel that's here just for the money and makes a running gag out of that for most of the movie, which turns out to be the most awesome part of it.
Those credits! oh my god!

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A good film, with funny and embarrassing moments. He places a lot of emphasis on sexual jokes, which is understandable given the context, but I didn't find it that funny. The story itself is a little weak, but the film makes jokes about it, which are well done.

The sequence scenes are really fantastic.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Completely hilarious.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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My name is Jeff hahahaha

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Shout by Deleted

Pas vu le 1 donc pas de comparaison mais cet opus assume sa connerie, va au bout de ses délires, est absurde et nous fait bien rire !

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A first time viewing off the To-Watch Pile! Pretty amusing so far...

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-12-28T20:44:05Z— updated 2023-01-14T11:29:00Z

Lord and Miller are a lot better than most filmmakers that work in the blockbuster landscape, but I can’t help but notice that some obvious stuff went wrong here.
The needle drops and sound choices in the film are incredibly dated now, and it’s not the kind of music that has aged particularly well.
It’s very 2012 mainstream: loud, tacky, corporate and soulless, and because of that I honestly find it below the level that I expect from these filmmakers.
I laughed enough (in particular whenever Ice Cube shows up, and the end credits are obviously gold), but it does feel dumbed down in places and it’s nowhere near as funny as 21 Jump Street.
The filmmaking also feels very low effort, the lighting and cinematography are both incredibly bland and uninspired. I don’t quite understand how anyone goes from something as visually stimulating as The Lego Movie to this in the same year, but lots of studio comedies are filmed with basic coverage, so maybe that’s why they didn’t put in as much effort?
All in all, it’s passable but easily Lord and Miller’s most forgettable film.


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Not as good/fun as the first one, but I loved the meta humour.

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Ir ruined everything good the first movie did. I had low expectations from the first movie and was proven wrong. Unfortunately, I had high expectations from this one and was proven wrong once again...

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Shout by Deleted

A sequel to a movie that was mediocre at best, but made some money and thus a sequel was contractually obligated for the main stars.

The entire movie is based around the 'inside joke' that it's a sequel and the constantly make little quips about it, little jokes that are just not needed... It gets boring after the first couple of times and you just sit there thinking 'oh another inside joke to the audience about how this is a sequel'... The problem with that is this... if they'd put all that aside and actually concentrated on the script itself... There is potential for a semi decent action comedy... Instead it's a continuous stream of lame joke after lame joke... a good 50% of the attempts at humour in this movie are entirely about how it's a sequel... you have plot jokes, budget jokes... ad nauseum.

It takes what could have been an ok movie and turns it into a shitfest... I never laughed out loud once in the entire film... I chuckled a couple of times at jokes that were unrelated to the fact it was a sequel.

The best thing about this movie were the end credits... seriously... it's at that point that they actually do something amusing with a parody of what they could do in further sequels.... thus you have snippets of 23 Jump Street through to 40 something Jump Street... Medical School through Dance School... that there was the funniest part of the whole movie and whilst it didn't make me laugh out loud... It's exactly how you make a nod and a wink to the audience about how it's a sequel. If only they had included just the one joke at the beginning about the Church across the street and the sign about building apartments next door at 23 Jump St... then left every other joke out until the end credits.

5/10 and that's generous.

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The first one was fun, this one was dumb.

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Shout by Deleted

I i

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I managed to watch 15 minutes.

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It has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Despite a few good jokes-puns, breaking the fourth wall repeatedly and keeping the bromance alive, it lacks most of the fun the first movie had. Awful long, terribly long. You can cut out 45 to 50 minutes of the movie and you get the jokes, plot and action. Can't express how much I truly hate this movie.

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Could not manage to get further than the first half hour or so. Just embarrassing.

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Despite not having seen the first one, 22 Jump Street was surprisingly good. Good enough to decide to watch the first movie afterwards which was also pretty funny, despite not usually being my kind of movie.

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I liked more than the first one, the best part was Jenko running through the station screaming «Schmidt had sex with the boss's daughter»

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Shout by Deleted

Imaginense que los creadores de esto son un equipo de futbol y cada 5 segundos se hacen un autogol solo para joder. Asi es 22 Jump Street. Es una parodia de su predecesora y de ella misma, y si tiene suecuelas lo seguira siendo.

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