Shouts about...

1985 2018

A beautiful, heartbreaking film. I knew it would be good from seeing Cory Michael Smith cast as the lead, but I still wasn't expecting it to be as powerful as it was.

I think I made it halfway through the film before I started crying, and then couldn't stop until after I finished watching. A heart wrenching plot that keeps you guessing throughout the film, beautiful cinematography despite being entirely black and white, a full cast of compelling characters... this film has it all.

Have tissues on standby if you watch 1985.

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I expected this to be an emotional blub fest, but it wasn't - at least, not until a scene with Adrian's brother near the end. . A good film, and all the better for having some restraint. Another reminder of the difficulties associated with coming out and the AIDS disease that has affected so many.

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[Filmin] It is good to remember. This film talks about a reencounter that, in fact, is a long farewell. It talks about separation, loss, misunderstanding ... It talks about the truth that everyone knows but no one mentions. It is a story about sadness that causes deep sadness. The camera moves slowly, timidly, to give space to the characters and their pain. Perhaps the ending gives us some hope. Or maybe not.

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