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12 Strong 2018

12 Strong is a war story that many may not be familiar with. The action scenes are intense and well-executed, with plenty of gunfire and explosions. The acting is great, with Chris Hemsworth delivering a dynamic and convincing performance as Captain Mitch Nelson. What really sets 12 Strong apart, however, is its unique story. While many war movies focus on well-known conflicts like WWII or Vietnam, 12 Strong shines a light on a lesser-known conflict that is just as important. The movie explores the complexities of the US-Afghan relationship, and the challenges of fighting a war in a foreign country. Overall, a must-watch for fans of war movies that sheds light on an important and often overlooked conflict.

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Tasteful duration, which allowed pretty intense and detailed firefight scenes. I felt this was a really great action movie, but it didn't quite feel like a 'war' movie. An excellent performance from Chris Hemsworth, especially for a role he's not typically in (military).

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In every aspect a decent war film with a story worth telling. Too bad the cast doesn’t get to shine enough, but the technical aspect, the score and the fact that it's based on a true story still make ‘12 Strong’ worth a watch or two.


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Based on an incredible true story, 12 Strong is a compelling and inspirational war film. In the aftermath of the 2001 September 11th terrorist attacks on America an elite US Special Forces team is sent to Afghanistan to take out a Taliban strong hold to clear the way for American forces to launch their military campaign. Starring Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, Michael Pena, and William Fichtner, the cast is quite impressive and delivers strong performances. Also, the film does a good job at showing the culture clash and how the US soldiers had to adapt to a different form of warfare. And director Nicolai Fuglsig brings a lot of tension and energy to the battle scenes. The score as well is especially well-done and heightens the action and drama. 12 Strong is a powerful film about one of the first major US victories in the Afghanistan War.

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The premise is clear, and I think it delivers here. That's really the issue here: It doesn't do much further than that. Everything is somewhat solid and not super bad, far from it, but it simply doesn't excel at anything much either. I think there have been some nice plot twists about intrigues and rival fights, however.

It's a fine movie to watch, but none that got me really too excited.

"Fun fact": The Afghan general was accused of war crimes against humanity later, and also did get into the parliament later.

Rating: 8/10

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A heroic tale. I thought this was very well written and performed. Riveting action, all the more gripping because of the reality of subject and characters. I give this film an 8 (great) out of 10

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This is just a boring movie. Twenty minutes before it was over I almost turned it off to go to bed. Great cast. Boring movie.

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Why in reality in the team were all white and in the film there is a black and a Latino?

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I liked this movie. Keeps your interest all the way through. Some great action scenes, worth you're time. Enjoy.

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I thought it was a pretty good movie. It's based off a true story and stays pretty loyal to the source content, Horse Soldiers. They actually did use horses to fight against tanks, rockets, and machine guns. They really did bury a piece of the towers there. I thought the cinematography was pretty good of the horses charges and depicted horse fighting with modern weapons pretty well. I also thought they did a good job moving from "is this guy gonna shoot me in the back?" to "I got your back" that is characteristic of real A-Team's working with unknown or even unsavory leaders. In the end, if you take it as a war film that's based off the true story of horse soldiers, and enjoy historical and realistic war movies, than you'll enjoy the movie. If you can't get past the politics maybe not.

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Shout by Deleted

The movie was good, don't get me wrong. However, for some reason, when you mix together very recognizable faces (Hemsworth, Shannon, Pena), it feels less like a true story "war" film, and more like a simple action film. Regardless, it was an enjoyable action film to watch, and captured the history.

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I feel war movies are overall hard to get right. Saving Private Ryan is one of the very few that do. 12 Strong is a decent entry and watch, it slots somewhere in the middle in terms of getting the story and action right.

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Solid action movie. The gun fights are impressive. A little long but doesn't drag.

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The usual american war heroes movies, nothing new.

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Technically very good, and the story is one worthy of being told. But narratively, this was very gung-ho, lots of gunfire and missile blasts, with very little dramatic heft to add weight to the action.

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Good performances in a fairly generic military flick. For such an outstanding real life achievement the movie plays it pretty safe and makes every battle scene feel identical. I still enjoyed it for the most part but it's missing that little extra to push it over the top (likely tied to the debuting director). Generous 6.5.

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There comes a time in life that you have seen most of the movie concepts. Not many stories still surprise you - which is what you often look for in movies. You want that "movie magic" to take you someplace else. I like a (good) American army action movie, but they are not often unique.

So it's a 60% for me. It was fair. I liked the story, suppossed to be based on a true story, I like the actors but the characters were superficial.

It's a decent watch though.

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This intense recreation. How good are the soldiers and how bad are the Taliban. The strategy was interesting. I guess it was easy for Elsa Pataky to play Chris Hemsworth's wife.

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Can someone please hire consultanta that can explain how contacts and battles actually look like. Too much Hollywood with gasoline bombs. Stop wasting RPGs on people!

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Shout by Mounir

"because their mission was classified....etc"
Dostum & Mitch Nelson remain close friends...
what happened to a classified mission and no fanfare and returing home safe. well oops they blow the cover there.

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nothing special, i really expected more. i dont have anything against Chris Hemsworth but imo they focused on him 90% of all time, while other characters remained in shadow of him.


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Kind of an average modern warfare movie based on an incredible true story. It's the story behind the movie that makes this better. The movie itself is just so-so. 6/10

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Like many action films, the first half is too long and the second half is too short. If I wanted to see a film about 'family' and 'politics', I'd watch Mulan. Black Hawk Down or 13 Hours are better of the same.

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I like the idea of this movie because it has a great story to base off of, and seemingly lots of potential, but I didn't like how it was carried out. Acting wasn't great, dialogue was over the top at times, and it came across to me a little hyper-patriotic, as opposed to realistic. I think if Kathryn Bigalow had made it, it would have been quite different, for the better.

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Just a meh storie.Many gaps,many problems and a heavy americanism spirit .
Too bad for Hemsworth .
If you want a really antimilitary or war movie this isn't

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It's an important story that should be told, and it's handled well enough with a strong cast, but it's a little too pedestrian of a war flick for me.

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why do I even bother at this point?

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Another example of giving a big studio movie with a great cast to an inexperienced director who ultimately does not know what to do with it. Nicolai Fuglsig is not the kind of director who can make a movie like this work. True stories like 12 Strong deserve to be told right. It is disconcerting that the studio thinks they can sneak one by us with Hemsworth, Shannon and Pena and some big explosions and that would be enough. Fuglsig directed exactly 1 movie before this and I‘d be surprised if more than 12 people saw that one. How he landed this gig is beyond me.

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