These two last episodes, at last, delivered some great activity, with the kind of hinting we see in TWD. What's more, it is about time since I have felt like this season was a moderate demise walk to no place. Still a few things bug me about this show as they cut corners on ordinary TWD truths, and a portion of the characters are irritating, however, in any event, these last 2 scenes were engaging.

In the first place, seeing Chris pass on was engaging. The performing artist benefited an occupation with this character making him super irritating, however, I was happy to see him kick the bucket. Also, the genuine result was seeing Travis go medieval on the folks he cleared out with. Appeared to be the thing that at last introduced bunch into the New World,

I continue to hate Madison and wish to see her died asap.

I liked the Irony of Nick battling to save the people from being shot and slaughtered by the posse assault and afterward driving them into a trap at the fringe. Solid writing there on a show that has lacked it at times. They put very few zombie guts on them to make it reasonable that zombies disregard them, yet enough to have the agents think they are zombies.

Leaving Strand at the inn was pretty much as idiotic as killing off Daniel. Two of the best characters squandered this season. Also, Ophelia. Man, so Fucking Stupid.

Characters to murder off: Madison, Nick.
Characters to concentrate on Alicia, Strand, Travis, Ophelia

Nick, you're not Rick. I'm sorry you aren't

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