Review by SeanMSU

Stranger Things 2016

Right about now, your friends and family are probably bothering you about how you NEED to watch this show and how amazing they find it. Trust them, just this once. That's also what happened to me, I came into it pretty skeptically because I am pretty picky with what I like but I was pleasantly surprised with this one. Stranger Things is excellent, it's essentially Twin Peaks Lite and I don't mean that in a bad way. Just that it covers extremely similar material but Stranger Things is more accessible and less dense. You can down it really quick and pick up another where you sort of have to take sips with Twin Peaks. It's pace is really fast, major events happen in every episode and they are really well structured in terms of discovering something more that leads to the next event right away. The music is extremely simple with the sort of droning tones but there's no problem with that since it is honestly one of the more effective ways to accent what they show you. The visuals are incredible and it is surprisingly consistent throughout with high quality scene after high quality scene. The acting was respectable, the kids are kids so you can't expect any more than what they gave, they did what they were supposed to do. The adults were pretty solid, but ironically the best acting came from the teenage kids who ended up being the most interesting part of the story by the end.

If nobody has told you the basic gist of the story, it revolves around the mysterious disappearance of a child and his family/friend's journey to find out what happened as well as the appearance of a strange orphan and a monster that are somehow connected. Don't let anyone tell you any more than that. It adds to your involvement in the show if you discover the truth along with the characters.

Now there are some drawbacks to it having such a fast pace. The plot is very focused but it's also very narrow, there are auxiliary characters that pop in once in a while but they aren't really built up at all and they just seem like they're there to make the main characters do something or talk about something. The world doesn't feel as alive as some other shows, but that is also partly due to it just being one season so far so they will improve on this as the show continues, I'm sure. The central motivations for the "bad guys" also seems pretty thin at the moment since we didn't really see much of them.

Still, Stranger Things is probably the second best show of this year, right behind The Man in the High Castle. If you like supernatural mystery stories it is worth the watch for sure.

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