Review by saundrew

Stranger Things 2016

I kept hearing people talk about how great this show is. Going in I wasn't sure if it was going to be the Orange is the New Black type where people all seem to love it even though, honestly it is just sorta good. Well thank God, this show is fantastic.

Right out of the gate, this series shows how to make a modern movie/TV show that nails an 80s vibe. This isn't an over the top 80s style for a joke or anything. Sometimes I feel like we do that with stuff too often. "Look at this cassette tape, how weird!" No, here it just makes you feel like you're in that time and it is normal. It makes me feel like I'm watching a great film from right before I was born.

But that is just one element. All the characters in this have great season arcs. Sure you do that with the primary cast, but then there are sideline people like Steven. I thought we'd go down a stereotype plot for him, yet his personal change made me really happy. Romance movie stuff isn't repeated.

8 episodes is a great idea. Basically, it lets you make a nice long story that doesn't ever tread water. Sometimes you have a 13 episode story. Other times 20. Other times 4. Whatever length does the job of spreading a nice, thick story over the viewers brains is what is right. We're in a time now where this is possible thanks to Netflix/Amazon/HBO.

Oh, I almost forgot, there is a pretty awesome sci-fi horror plot here too. I feel like you always getting something each episode to progress along, but still have something to wait for. At the end of the season I liked what I had learned and certainly understood the way things worked. No, you don't get every last detail, but I think it is good to leave a bit open for your own thoughts and ideas.

And who knows what we'll get next season.

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